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A Life!

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I have lived a life, not without its ups and downs but wonder just what we have now arrived at. In my upbringing  there were men and there were  women; i. e. she had vaginas and men had, well dangly bits! Now there are women who want to be men, and of course men who want to be women. In between there is anything that you want to be!! In addition we now have children who want to be identified as cats or dogs and there  seems to be support for these weirdos! , I gather my pension and think that if, or when, the world ends, I don't give a fu--ck!. I will live my life without these weirdos!

Edited by Ken
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Oh dear, yet another more than strange rant from ‘we-all- know-who’.

This is the bloke who needs help, rather than the folk he’s going on about.  He can’t see it though.  Watch the next umpteen posts - denial, you’re all mad, I’m right, insults directed at me, etc, etc.

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7 hours ago, Gardian said:

Oh dear, yet another more than strange rant from ‘we-all- know-who’.

This is the bloke who needs help, rather than the folk he’s going on about.  He can’t see it though.  Watch the next umpteen posts - denial, you’re all mad, I’m right, insults directed at me, etc, etc.


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11 hours ago, DraytonBoy said:

It's called gender dysphoria Ken which is a medically recognised condition.

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life

I think perhaps Guardian has it! 


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When the OP said he has 'lived a life' he really means he has lived his life as we all view 'life' differently. I can't begin to understand how people with gender dysphoria feel but they need help and support rather than be labelled as 'weirdos' and shunned/castigated by society.

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1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:

When the OP said he has 'lived a life' he really means he has lived his life as we all view 'life' differently. I can't begin to understand how people with gender dysphoria feel but they need help and support rather than be labelled as 'weirdos' and shunned/castigated by society.


1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:

When the OP said he has 'lived a life' he really means he has lived his life as we all view 'life' differently. I can't begin to understand how people with gender dysphoria feel but they need help and support rather than be labelled as 'weirdos' and shunned/castigated by society.

Thank you for letting me know what I mean!!! I can't understand why a man would want a vagina and and a woman a penis.  You have sympathy for them, that would appear to be obvious. Such behaviour isn't normal and never has been. You find it acceptable and join in the chorus of "It's an illness"  Me, I'm much more down to earth; they are weirdos; unfortunately they are not being shunned or castigated by society, it would seem the reverse in fact! People like you support them!

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16 hours ago, Ken said:

I have lived a life, not without its ups and downs but wonder just what we have now arrived at. In my upbringing  there were men and there were  women; i. e. she had vaginas and men had, well dangly bits! Now there are women who want to be men, and of course men who want to be women. In between there is anything that you want to be!! In addition we now have children who want to be identified as cats or dogs and there  seems to be support for these weirdos! , I gather my pension and think that if, or when, the world ends, I don't give a fu--ck!. I will live my life without these weirdos!


Edited by betise
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6 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

If everyone thought like you they would be.

We should all be more tolerant and understanding, if we were then it would be a much better world.

Indeed, the world would be wouldn't it? I live in the real world though and men having vaginas and women having penises transplanted on to them I fail to see how this aberration in human behaviour can make it a 'better world'! You agree with it, I don't have an argument with your views. You though, show a definite lake of tolerance for mine!!!

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1 hour ago, Ken said:

Indeed, the world would be wouldn't it? I live in the real world though and men having vaginas and women having penises transplanted on to them I fail to see how this aberration in human behaviour can make it a 'better world'! You agree with it, I don't have an argument with your views. You though, show a definite lake of tolerance for mine!!!

You conveniently left off part of my reply which gave some context.

I don't have an issue with your views but IMO they do show a lack of tolerance to others.

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5 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

You conveniently left off part of my reply which gave some context.

I don't have an issue with your views but IMO they do show a lack of tolerance to others.


5 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

You conveniently left off part of my reply which gave some context.

I don't have an issue with your views but IMO they do show a lack of tolerance to others.

Now that's much better. I can appreciate an opinion, we all have them and rightly so. It's the ' fact' accusations that provoke argument and you were a little 'free' with making them!

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Will a woman who has a penîs still to the cleaning and the washing up ?🤔

I really to care if somone wants to become a male or a female or a gerbil.

My French SIL has had two husbands and a wife…and all relationships ended in tears. She has two kids as well.

She can’t work out if she is a male or female……and the kids can’t work out if she is male or a female. Maybe she just has no gender.

Who cares ? 

Feel sorry for the kids mind you.

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Hey Ken…..I would love to plonk you into real France…you know real France where everyone lives..not the loverly make believe lavender field with a stoney house with blue shutters France…but real France.


HLM…in a town, city, village of your choosing.

You would be screaming back to Camden in an instant. 

You would.


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12 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Hey Ken…..I would love to plonk you into real France…you know real France where everyone lives..not the loverly make believe lavender field with a stoney house with blue shutters France…but real France.


HLM…in a town, city, village of your choosing.

You would be screaming back to Camden in an instant. 

You would.


And you miss the point entirely my friend. You appear to have been immersed in a cess pit for too long you don't appreciate that there is another world out there!! The real France? Sure there are ghettos, drug areas and cess pits dotted around the country mostly in cities or large towns, as there are in all countries. I originate from a place of gang crime and drug dealing, I grew up with it. I could have chosen, as you seem to have done , to remain in that environment. I choose not to. You have that choice too!

I have no doubt there are dealers around here, wherever you find the dimwits looking for a fix you will find the people to supply it. Bayonne is only 20K from me and I'm sure there are problems there. In my village, I'm told, there are people using drugs but the point is I'm not affected, I have never seen any evidence of drug use or even crime. I don't take drugs or get involved with gangs and none of what I have suggested about this region and possible drug use is apparent, so life is good. It's now the season of the fétes and the 'jeune' have already been around for some dosh to help with the running of the féte and not a hypodermic in sight!!!   You should try moving!!!

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11 hours ago, Ken said:

And you miss the point entirely my friend.  You have that choice too!


A few points darling.

1) I have lived all over France. 3 times in Paris…..including the 16th. You can’t beat Paris.

2) I now live in a very middle class sort after expensive area. For quality of life, heath facilities you cant beat it. Does it float my boat….not really. But it is very safe.

3) I could sell tomorrow and move anywhere in France. Including the UK. My French kids would move to Camden tomorrow. Buy a Dordogne gīte no problem.

4) But as with the majority of people in France you live where you work.

Not like yourself and most UK immigrants that can just pick and choose where to live.


I often ask myself where I would live in France given the choice. And in fact you can’t get much better than where we live now. 



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11 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

A few points darling.

1) I have lived all over France. 3 times in Paris…..including the 16th. You can’t beat Paris.

2) I now live in a very middle class sort after expensive area. For quality of life, heath facilities you cant beat it. Does it float my boat….not really. But it is very safe.

3) I could sell tomorrow and move anywhere in France. Including the UK. My French kids would move to Camden tomorrow. Buy a Dordogne gīte no problem.

4) But as with the majority of people in France you live where you work.

Not like yourself and most UK immigrants that can just pick and choose where to live.


I often ask myself where I would live in France given the choice. And in fact you can’t get much better than where we live now. 



In which case I stand corrected. You got out of the cesspit and now live in a nice part of France. You see it is there isn't it, it's not all bad?

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12 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Not like yourself and most UK immigrants that can just pick and choose where to live.

Why would any sane person who has the choice of where to live in a new country move to an inner city area (for example) where the quality of life isn't the best?

You have always assumed that most of us have simply moved from one 'idyll' to another so know nothing of crime and deprivation but that's simply not the case as the UK has some of the most deprived areas in Europe. 

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29 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

Why would any sane person who has the choice of where to live in a new country move to an inner city area (for example) where the quality of life isn't the best?

You have always assumed that most of us have simply moved from one 'idyll' to another so know nothing of crime and deprivation but that's simply not the case as the UK has some of the most deprived areas in Europe. 

They wouldn’t, It is just that some of us don’t have the choice. And that goes for most people in France.  But you have to admit that most Brits move to the same type of areas in France and a lot don’t last very long.

That said, home becomes home and as long your happy that is what counts. I’m happy. 

Random works best.

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