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Income tax help please


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Isn't it on 2047, Wools?

Glad you've brought this up because I have now arrived at the page for declaring foreign held bank accounts.  Point is, it took me hours filling all the boxes in last year and I was rather hoping that that form would be prefilled.

But, apparently not, I am presented with a blank form all over again.

So now, what?

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Thank you, Menthe, I have got there now. But like you I had to refill the bank details. Bl**dy nuisance.

I always fill the thing in on a Sunday as it is like the grave round here as most people observe the no noise rules so I cant do much; I need to cut the grass and have a blast with the Karcher so will let both loose tomorrow, right at the end of lunchtime when quite a few are napping still!

That is just the tax filling frustration coming out!

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Well it's not exactly like the grave here but I still tend to treat Sunday as, well, Sunday!  You know, nice lunch, maybe even an apéro, though not so much these days.  Then read, potter about the garden, maybe take a walk.

Not today though, rainy and damp and "pas chaud" as my neighbours have noted.  So thought I'd finish off the declaration.

I thought I saw a quick glimpse of the info from last year.  I have now sent them a message to say, could I re-use the info and where would I find it?

Also, got to the mes biens immobiliers and they have got the number of my house wrong!  It's correct on the first, pre-filled page of the declaration so I am not sure why they have allocated me another house to live in.

Decided to give it up as a bad job for the day, so did some exercises for my hypertension and some sudoku and watched the concert on Arte

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Hi Wools

No joy from les impots

Here is their reply to the question of writing out (once again!) all the bank accounts....SWEAR


Vous devez remplir l'imprimé chaque année, il est lié à la déclaration des revenus annuelle.

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Is it possible, when it is all finished, to print a copy of your declaration?

Just been through filling in all the bank account details (horribly boing thing to do) and then I eventually found out how to exit that page.

Would be helpful to have all those blasted details in all their relevant boxes for next year, won't it?

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Hi Menthe,

If you log in to the impôts site and click on documents on the top menu line, you should see a list of all the info that you have so diligently put into the system. Then tap or click, "afficher les documents liés" you should see " déclaration en ligne 2023 par un résident d'un compte bancaire etc............................. click "visualiser PDF". Once you see the PDF come up simply save it somewhere you won't forget it on your PC/MAC or indeed print it. Even using Adobe acrobat you should be able to copy/paste the details next year into the Impôts site. Of course this supposes that they haven't changed the damned forms (which is an annoying habit of theirs) or you forgot where you put the PDF's 😉

Hope it helps,

Cheers !

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Oh you naïve young thing, Minteroony, do you really expect ease and convenience from a government office.

Just today I went to the post office for stamps; the place was being redecorated so they had kindly provided an alternative venue round the back. So far so good; but for the “convenience” of customers they were only opening in the mornings instead while the work was being done. Idiots.

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We tried to contact the CPAM about a missing "feuille de soins".  Unusually the electronic one from the specialist disappeared into the ether.  We physically put the paper duplicate the in the office post box but so far no money. After eventually finding the email section on our espace client, we wrote our question then went through the questionnaire and pressed send. Only to be told the service was momentarily unavailable.  Of course it does not save any of the info you put in so you have to start all over again.  Same result!  

We also bought a Nantes Museum pass, great price to go into all the museums for a year.  Downloaded the museum pass digital version onto our phones.  The first museum we went to had never seen it before and had no method of verifying the QR code.  Went to see the hyper-realistic display yesterday. The museum waved the scanner over the phone then just waved us through.  Told us the scanning machine has never worked!!



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Wow, Martin Kingfisher, I am in awe!😄  I have noted down, complete with bullet points, your answer and, as soon as I have finished and checked everything, I will follow the steps.  Mille mercis😚

Lehaut, I am totally UNSURPRISED by your post.  I tried to pay our "rubbish" bill on line yesterday.  Went to the 2 or 3 sites suggested on the bill.  Went to the PayFip site. 

First line, what is the "l'identifiant structure publique" so tried every series of numbers I could see on the bill and none was accepted.  So emailed the Rubbish People (rubbish in every sense of the word", marking my mail haute priorité but, of course, no response as yet.  Well, if they want me to pay the bill on time, marked 9 May but only received yesterday, they'd better send me the reply.  Tried to ring of course but after many minutes of the phone repeating what their website is called and what the email address is, I refused to waste any more time hanging on and went out for a walk instead.

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Oh dear, after all of the above, I forgot to ask about the declaration for the gardener paid by chèque emploie.  I have noted the amount I paid him for last year but I couldn't find where to put his details.

There is a form for paper declarations and I seem to remember that last year I had to give his name, social security number and his address.  But I cannot find the annexe, or whatever it is, where you can provide this info.

Or maybe, are they just going to take my word for it, that I have paid this small fortune to this unsatisfactory gardener?  Will be no need for me to use this chap again.  This year I have found an agency which deals direct with USSAF and I shall only be paying my share of all the factures, the rest being claimed directly from les impots...hooray!

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