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Where are the cheerleaders for Liz Truss now?


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13 hours ago, menthe said:

Sorry, I don't do social media so cannot check.  However, I have also read it in an interview she gave at the time of the leadership contest.  The champagne episode was also recounted by her; it was when she heard that she had won.

If you are an instagram fan, why not check up and enlighten us?

" Sorry I don't do social media" Ah OK, so what is this forum then? Personally, I  never said I'm an Instagram fan, in fact I don't use it at all, so I'm sorry I can't enlighten you, but why would I?  I was just asking for facts instead of maybe's or might be. 

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14 hours ago, DraytonBoy said:

I see you didn't answer the first question.

The healthcare system in the UK is in meltdown with massive staff shortages, record waiting lists and chronic under funding, if you really think it is better than here then you need your bumps felt.

I don't know how many of those people have lived/visited the UK.

All I know is that more French live in the UK than British live in France. So that is an interesting fact in itself. 

Comparing countries is a dumb debate I agree with Minty. Apart from that London is safer than Paris, Marseille and Lyon. 😉

What pees me off is that French forums are always discussing difficult issues in the UK but not the same issues in France.

It is like British peeps living in France don't care what is happening in France. Most arrive in France without a mortgage, live in iydlic areas and don't have to go through the same pressures as everyone else. So they are completely oblivious to France and French social issues.  

I have been working with a very young French Electrcian for the last month in rural France.

It has been an education. 



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1 hour ago, NickP said:

" Sorry I don't do social media" Ah OK, so what is this forum then? Personally, I  never said I'm an Instagram fan, in fact I don't use it at all, so I'm sorry I can't enlighten you, but why would I?  I was just asking for facts instead of maybe's or might be. 

As I have explained, she said all this herself.  So, if what she herself said, are not "facts", I take it then that they are lies?  Though even I wouldn't go so far as accusing any politician of deliberately lying...ha! ha!

By the way, you are probably right in calling the Forum social media.  Certainly it didn't feel like that back in 2006 when I joined but the new format with its LIKE button particularly might be put in the same category as what I understand "social media" to mean.

I am not a great user.  Have my computer for reading news and similar stuff and emails and buying things that I can't get where I live.  Famously, to the dispair of friends and family I do not ap or chat or skype or zoom and do not have a smartphone to do all these wondrous things.

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On 16/10/2022 at 08:57, Lehaut said:

According to the pundits who bet;

According to political betting sites, Truss is 6/1 to lose her job this year. That price has actually stabilised from the 7/2 odds provided during the height of the government-triggered financial crisis in September. Still, it’s a long way from the 20/1 price gifted Truss at the start of her reign.

Meanwhile, the chances of her being ousted in 2023 continue to rise. Bookies have shifted that price from 7/4 (36.4%), to 5/4 (44.4%), to a new mark of 4/5 (55.6%). 

Truss is now more likely to be booted out of No 10 in 2023 than she is to keep her job.


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The 1st thing that I’d want to say on this is that Liz Truss as PM seems to me to be someone who looks like, sounds like and acts like .......... someone completely out of their depth.

As to whether she’ll be able to continue for long, the bookies aren’t often wrong as Lehaut pointed out.  What they realise is that there isn’t an effective mechanism for removing her.

Yes of course, one exists but it would take a lot of Tory MP’s to put their hand up, or most of the Cabinet resigning as happened with Johnson.  They’re all in to self preservation just now and the whole lot are praying for a period of quiet and stability.

Hunt has taken on the mantle of PM.  Although I’d like nothing better than Conservative political annihilation (and I say that as a traditional Tory voter), the UK desperately needs that period of quiet and stability.

I say this because even though we’re French residents, what has been happening in the UK murders the value of sterling from where our income derives and hurts our UK family’s cost of borrowing.

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This just about says it all.

Liz Truss is a Norfolk MP which is my home county, it has always been 'blue' and currently all but one MP is a Conservative. Yesterday the local paper did a calculation based on the latest opinion polls which showed that if an election took place tomorrow only one Conservative MP would keep their seat, I'll give you one guess who that would be.😊

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Oh FFS. She could have stuck it out for another fortnight. When I found out you didn't need to be a UK resident, or even a UK national to be a member of the Conservative Party I stumped up the 25 quid for a laugh. If she'd held on for another two weeks I would have been eligible to vote.

Oh well, chances are there will be another one before the next election.

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Macron says ' the UK needs political stability'.


Ummm...hello Mr Macron !

How much political stability is there in France ? 


Talking of stability, are not France and Germany at war again ?


Same shît...different coloured flag. As we used to say in the logistics industry. 

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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DL, forgive me, I do not understand.  Who is tofu....I quite like it in a stir-fry, nicely spiced.  As for lettuce, I eat lettuce practically everyday summer and winter.

Please explain or I shall be wondering every time I eat tofu or lettuce!

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In her last speech in the HOC before she resigned Suella Braverman blamed road protests on 'the Tofu eating wokerati'.

For reasons I'm not sure about the Daily Star decided to test whether or not the Truss premiership would last longer than an iceberg lettuce. They had a live feed of the vegetable on their website which gained fame around the world. The lettuce won and, although a little brown around the edges, has vowed to stand against Truss in the next GE.

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Despite all of my / our deprecatory comments, you have to feel just a bit (not much though) sympathy for Truss tonight.

Binned after barely 6 weeks as PM leaves your career in tatters.  It goes with the territory though.

Where / who  now though?  Johnson again?   Please save us from that (remote) possibility.

Therein lies the problem .......... no obvious candidate.  Yes, many will say Sunak, but for me always a 1st Lieutenant,  not the main man / woman.

Wallace ???

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Back in the 1970's - there was a similar period of instability.

"However, after a coal miners' strike Heath decided to hold an election to renew his mandate to govern in February 1974 but lost narrowly to Wilson. There was again talk of a military coup, with rumours of Lord Mountbatten as head of an interim administration after Wilson had been deposed. In 1974 the army occupied Heathrow Airport on the grounds of training for possible IRA terrorist action at the airport. Although the military stated that this was a planned military exercise, Downing Street was not informed in advance, and Wilson himself interpreted it as a show of strength, or warning, being made by the army."



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I'm not or ever have been a Liz Truss fan but,  I'm appalled by the vitriolic attacks by the British Media, I think they have forced her into very unwise decisions, and the support from some of the members of her own party who obviously believed the propaganda didn't help. I wonder who next they will continue to heap their hate on in a bid to increase their ever decreasing circulation figures. 

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15 hours ago, DaveLister said:

In her last speech in the HOC before she resigned Suella Braverman blamed road protests on 'the Tofu eating wokerati'.

For reasons I'm not sure about the Daily Star decided to test whether or not the Truss premiership would last longer than an iceberg lettuce. They had a live feed of the vegetable on their website which gained fame around the world. The lettuce won and, although a little brown around the edges, has vowed to stand against Truss in the next GE.

Ah, thank you for an excellent explanation, DL.  I suppose iceberg is a good choice as it's arguably the most tasteless of lettuces?

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5 hours ago, NickP said:

I'm not or ever have been a Liz Truss fan but,  I'm appalled by the vitriolic attacks by the British Media, I think they have forced her into very unwise decisions, and the support from some of the members of her own party who obviously believed the propaganda didn't help. I wonder who next they will continue to heap their hate on in a bid to increase their ever decreasing circulation figures. 

I liked her straightforward talking but do not think she had any idea of how to go about managing such a broad prospectus as was needed once you reach the heights she did.  Managing the company, as it were,  is entirely different from managing a department in it. But I do agree with you NickP - this, and we can all think of other examples, has been trial by media (broadcast and social).  Contemptible, and totally inappropriate, tollally unedifying to watch, to listen to or to understand the reality of what is happening.  MPs who fear to loose their jobs when the "other side" gets in, when let's face it, none of them on either side could manage a P** up in a brewery (my astericks, I know this forum). Never mind the country.  God please help the UK, 'cos I am not sure who else will do so.   Sodom and Gomorrah comes to mind and we know what happened to them!

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Whilst I agree that to some extent the media can 'make or break' a politician's career it is the individual themselves who takes the conscious decision to climb the greasy pole of politics and they do so in the full knowledge that should they screw up the media will be merciless.


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