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Flex account, we have been ripping the ar5e out of it.


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[quote user="tinabee"]What's SEPA?  How do you get it?[/quote]

You just ask your Bank to transfer using a SEPA payment.*


My bank offered it to me when I rang up to make a transfer, I didn't have to ask. Previously I had been paying £20 or £25, cannot remember which now. AFAIAA all Banks should offer this method of transfer at greatly reduced cost.


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[quote user="oldgit72"]

My last cash transfer was for 30k and cost me £15 in telegraphic transfer charges. I also got within a few centimes of the market spot rate. I use Moneycorp, wouldn't dream of dealing with a UK bank given the rates/commission they steal from you.[/quote]

Mine was for nearly the same sum and cost me £9; and I too was but a small number of centimes away from the commercial rate. I think it all depends on your Bank.


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[quote user="AnOther"]

Someone is listening, message from 'er indoors;

Chap from NW just rang re your "feedback".  He will call again on Thursday

Watch this space [blink]


Yes, but perhaps they only listen to the people with pots of money like you and not to people with limited funds comme moi?[;-)]

Will be very interested to hear of your experience, Erns.

If they really do listen, then we can all write in to protest!

PS, I will tell them that I had a savings bond (now matured) taken out on the advice of my finanacial guru, Mr Erns Another![:D]

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Don't know about pots sweets and remember, I'm not the one looking for a second property for investment purposes either, however you may rest assured that if they do offer me preferrential treatment I shall steadfastly refuse it unless they promise to treat all my fellow forum members similarly [:D][:D][:D]


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I too got a phone call from Nationwide.

I was out and they wouldn't talk to Mr. Bubbles.

They said they'd write to me instead.

Which they did - nothing interesting at all - just reiterating all the stuff we already knew like how lucky we will be to have free travel insurance and so on.

What a waste of money if they've been phoning people all round Europe!

They could have spent that on NOT imposing new charges on us.
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Oh, Bubbles, I won't be bothering to email or write then.

Will just concentrate on emptying both our accounts using both our debit cards.

If needs be, will take the max out everyday when the rate is respectable until there is diddly all left!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Will just concentrate on emptying both our accounts using both our debit cards.

If needs be, will take the max out everyday when the rate is respectable until there is diddly all left![/quote]

Snap !

I did have a brainwave that, being as I pass through Aberdeen regularly, I could buy a wodge of Euros there over the counter to hand carry back to France however when I phoned them to ask about it they told me that they don't sell or deal currency [:(]

They are definitely working hard to lose my custom !

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Please do. What suits me could well be to bean you one with a baseball bat and make off with your savings. [:D]

Seriously, I didn't think anyone was Alzheimerish enough to walk about with wads of cash these days. I'm surprised you favour a bank account over stuffing it all in the mattress.

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Whilst the days of cheap cash withdrawals from Nationwide are numbered with the Flex account cards, it is worth noting that Nationwide's credit cards will continue to offer free use abroad within the VISA European region and a 1% charge worldwide. The exchange rates on these cards are the same as used on Flex account cards and will one of the best UK cards available for purchases outside the UK.


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[quote user="misplacedperson"]Please do. What suits me could well be to bean you one with a baseball bat and make off with your savings. [:D]

Seriously, I didn't think anyone was Alzheimerish enough to walk about with wads of cash these days. I'm surprised you favour a bank account over stuffing it all in the mattress.


and I have finally more or less got to grips with the art of indulging in social interaction without being called ‘abrasive’.

 Hmmm - no, you haven't [:)]

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Rh, who is that you are quoting, please?

I go for a walk with my dog and I come back on here and all sorts of things are said. Now, I can't follow the conversation.

Nevermind, I think I'll just go and tune in to the Archers.  At least there the story lines do not change so abuptly![:D]

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[quote user="misplacedperson"]I'm surprised you favour a bank account over stuffing it all in the mattress.[/quote]Where did I say that I did [;-)]

I don't think the idea is as barmy as you make out and quite frankly at the moment under the mattress is about as viable as putting it anywhere else but there can be valid reasons for wanting large amounts of cash. Say for instance that I was heading off to Germany/Belgium/Holland you name it, to buy a car. What would you take for that other than hard cash ?

I can just imagine the fun and games involved in drawing say 10k Euros in cash from CA account, they'd likely keep me talking until the Gendarmes arrived [:'(]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]
and I have finally more or less got to grips with the art of indulging in social interaction without being called ‘abrasive’.

 Hmmm - no, you haven't [:)]
[/quote]Best get back on topic in case it 'all goes downhill from here' [:)]
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I paid the deposit for my first house with money from under the bed, and it had been saved as coins as well.

Anyone who has run a business that has any cash receipts or more probably customers that want to pay in cash will soon get used to having money under the bed.

Three quarters of the purchase price of my current house was raised by spring cleaning under the bed, the remainder came from two cash jobs which happily came at the right time.

In 2007 when all my savings that were in an Icelandic bank dissapeared I vowed that if and when I got them back I would keep them henceforth somewhere like under the bed, for security reasons I didnt but with the meagre current interest rates and the necessity to keep moving it from one virtual account to another how long before the next bank goes belly up?

Sadly there has been nothing under any of my beds for a good few years now but I live in hope [:D]

Its a shame that the pound is not valued in Euroland like the dollar is (was) in many other countries, it would be the stuff of dreams if France and the rest of Europe were desperate to get rid of their Euros like Venezuala was with their Bolivars, I can jsut see the French customs guy saying "do you have any sterling? I have Euros and will give you a realy good rate"

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I made a furious complaint on Saturday and have been contacted by their customer service department. 

  • i think it is important for as many people as possible to register a complaint about the change. 

  • i think there must have been a strong reaction to the change which they propose to introduce in November and that it may cause them to rethink. 

  • in the midst of my high dudgeon about the change I did suggest that if they had to make a change perhaps they might consider introducing it for new customers rather than alienating existing customers.
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Well, Mona, we have nothing to lose by making our objection known.

It cannot be beyond their ingenuity to weed out those people who just use their accounts for holidays.

Meanwhile, there are others like me who have had our accounts for decades, have savings with them and have our pensions paid into them.

Would be interesting to know whether the society WOULD feel the withdrawal of our savings?

When they are lending people personal loans at over 7% and paying us savers zilch, surely they must be making something out of us?


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Quite sweets.  i made similar points to them. 

i really do think that they should be seriously concerned about customers voting with their 'feet' and moving other accounts they have with N'wide to other institutions.  i really don't think they've thought it through sufficiently nor the amount of anger they've generated.

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We got back from a few days away in Derbyshire last night, thought I'd catch up on what you've all been up to - and what bad news I've just been reading!

We've used our Flexaccount like many of you to take out cash from an ATM and pop it into our CA account for local bills, taxes etc. I don't have pension etc paid into Nationwide, but pay in large amounts regularly, which sit there for quite a while, earning little interest. I've had the account for ages. I'll be firing off my complaint shortly.

Amongst the mail waiting for us was the latest Flexaccount bill; no mention of charges to come; just the usual small print about not charging commission. 

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It would be good to find out which members of the board were not in favour of this decision (can't believe it was unanimous ) so we can vote them in and the others out at the next AGM. So I may keep a £10 in each account to be annoying and then vote for a board change.  Loss of power should bring the bounders to heel.
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