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New use for car hazard lights

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I've had to do a lot more driving in the last month or so - and I've become aware of a new trend (well new to me anyway).

Round here, driving a 60 km round trip there have been several road works.   Controlled by lights with plenty of warning.   I have noticed when approaching such roadworks, the driver of the car ahead of me will put on the car's rear hazard warning lights.   I was bit intrigued the first time I saw this;  today, stopping at 3 roadworks - similarly, the car in front of me put on their hazard lights as they came to a stop.

Thinking about it - I can see it is indeed an extra warning to following traffic that there is a reason to slow down, or to stop.

But it's a new one on me; never really noticed this before - anyone else noticed it.   And it's catching - be warned;  I found myself at the last set of lights before turning off into tiny rural road - I found I was also putting on my hazard warning lights because I could see in my rear view mirror a rather large lorry approaching me from the rear.

There's always something new isn't there !!


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Slightly irrational I suppose but I find it irritating when people use their hazard warning lights in a way I think is unnecessary. Why put on hazard warning lights at a road works set of traffic lights but not at a normal set of traffic lights? It's daft! I suppose if people were to start jumping out of their cars and doing a jig every time they stopped there would be people copying and doing the same thing!!!

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Happens round my way as well. Normal lights are higher and tend to have good line of site. I tend to judge the situation by how easy it is to see the obstruction from afar and the general speed of the road. I also keep my foot on the brake at normal lights until the car behind has stopped. Haven't been rear ended but did once have a car once overtake the line of traffic thinking we all were parked.

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I've just glanced at the code de la route. Vehicles are required to show hazards when their speed is 'strongly reduced'. When part of a queue only the last vehicle is required to show hazards. There is also an overarching ruling that hazards should be used to alert of an obstruction whether the vehicle itself or something else. Failure to do so can invoke a fine. So I suspect most people are leaning to the side of caution. If you end up rear ended you want to make sure there's no way you can partly be blamed.

Code de la route Articles R416-18/19

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  • 1 year later...

It seems like using hazard lights in this way has become a sort of unofficial signal among drivers to indicate a slowdown or stop ahead, especially in unexpected situations like roadworks. It's an interesting way to enhance safety on the road by giving extra heads-up to drivers following behind. 

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It is also recommended usage in the Code de la Route.  As I just passed my written test, the question about when to use your hazard lights (as noted above) is one of the possible questions.


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Been doing this for years in the UK.  Before we had hazard lights, one used to pump the brake pedal to indicate to the approaching car behind that they needed to pay attention.

And here in the UK we give a quick flick of hazard lights these days to thank another motorist for some considerate manoeuvre.

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I was surprised 23 years ago that hazard warning lights were used by all vehicles when approaching an unexpected or unusual event requiring a stop or just a considerable reduction in speed. When in France I copy the procedure.

I asked several French friends and they all said “it is the law”. I think I found it in the French Highway Code. 

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27 minutes ago, Loiseau said:

here in the UK we give a quick flick of hazard lights these days to thank another motorist for some considerate manoeuvre.

Really - since when? I always thought it meant ' you are an idiot - get off the road!!'

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6 hours ago, DaveLister said:

Really - since when? I always thought it meant ' you are an idiot - get off the road!!'

Ha ha! Maybe it does!

But no, in the context, it is definitely a thank you.  I think in the cas contraire it would be a decisive blast on the horn, or worse...

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In October 1968 I visited the NSU factory in Germany to collect my new car, which I had bought from their agent in Teheran for a very good price, and which was the first car I ever had with hazard lights.

We drove back to England via Switzerland and France without incident, but half way up the M5, near Dunstable, there was a serious accident and I suddenly realised all the lanes in front of me were at a standstill.

I managed to stop in time, and immediately turned on my hazard lights.

Seconds later a Triumph Herald ran into the back of my car at close to full speed, knocking us violently forward to hit the car in front of me.

My wife and I suffered quite bad whiplash, our two youngsters on the back seat were lying down asleep, so were OK, but  the herald driver got out and immediately collapsed in a heap.

I never got to talk to him, the insurance eventually sorted things out, but I am convinced he had never seen hazard lights before, and thought he had to drive between my two flashing rear lights.


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22 minutes ago, Lehaut said:

Many, many French driver are yet to discover turn indicators are fitted as standard to their car😒

Ain't that the truth !  I have no idea HOW they passed the French practical driving test.



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9 hours ago, Lori said:

Ain't that the truth !  I have no idea HOW they passed the French practical driving test.



Who says they did?

Maybe an uncle with connections sorted out their driving licence for them


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5 minutes ago, ssomon said:

Maybe an uncle with connections sorted out their driving licence for them

I don't think that would be easy.  At least not these days.  They check all kinds of ID and ask for all sorts of proof.

I guess where there is a will there is a way.

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3 minutes ago, Lori said:

I don't think that would be easy.  At least not these days.  They check all kinds of ID and ask for all sorts of proof.

I guess where there is a will there is a way.


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