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"The unvaccinated, I really want to p1ss them off", says Emmanuel Macron


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Yes - he's at it again, following his flag faux pas,  his ongoing campaign to not get re-elected in March is on track.


Whatever your personal opinion of the unvaccinated is, his remark during a live interview brings the office of president into disrepute  again IMHO.

Some of the 700 + comments are interesting and not a little amusing!

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2 hours ago, ssomon said:

I'm quite peed off with the unvaccinated myself, and I couldn't care less if they get peed off, or who wants to make them peed off.

I'm peed off that you are not peed off that Macron wants to pee the unvaccinated off.

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3 hours ago, Gluestick said:

Hopefully, the odious little creep will pee off himself, soon and take his grisly granny with him!


I have never understood why Mrs Macron should be insulted as she is. I find her an attractive woman. No doubt she is intelligent and as far as I'm aware hasn't done anything offensive. No doubt, first thing in the morning she may not look as attractive as she does in public but then again who does? Macron may be all that is said about him but why his wife?

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1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

He is not the first President of France to use the word so why the fuss now.

I don't know of any other President who used that word but I do remember Sarkozy causing a storm by using 'racaille' The British press just, as with 'emmerder', plumped for the worst translation possible of course! Each word has several interpretations and Presidents should be aware that whatever they say it will be shown in the worst possible light by their enemies!

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On 05/01/2022 at 18:59, Gluestick said:

Try suggesting that to his parents...


A strange thing to say! Do you know Macron's parents found his marriage to be offensive? She is an attractive woman and many will simply be jealous, an unenviable trait in people.

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Anyway....back on topic.

This subject has appeared on a few Brit/French forums....Eurotrash !

What is interesting that anyone apart from being native French really can't understand what all the fuss is about.

Even people who are fluent in French and have French nationality they still don't get the meaning.

Believe me, what this idiot said was deaply offensive. 

It was rude and not something that should be said by the president of France.

It really can't be translated into English. I think that is the problem.


What example is this idiot Macron setting to French kids with his behaviour ?

What a shocking horrible little man.




Edited by alittlebitfrench
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It's not just the "emmerder". A President ought not to fan the flames of a cleavage in society. He (or an Elysée spokesperson) later clarified that he was responding to...

"J’avais en face à moi deux soignantes qui me disaient ‘nous, on pense qu’il ne faut plus soigner les gens quand ils ne sont pas vaccinés quand ils arrivent aux urgences"

There have been opinion pieces (& some opinion polls) suggesting that 30% of the population (UK, France, and others) would like to rid their hospitals of the unvaccinated by denying them entry and/or kicking them out (or worse). Macron, in Le Parisien, said ...

 "Ça, c’est l’immense faute morale des antivax : ils viennent saper ce qu’est la solidité d’une nation. Quand ma liberté vient menacer celle des autres, je deviens un irresponsable. Un irresponsable n’est plus un citoyen". My emphasis. He sounds more like Priti Patel there.
Fanning the flames is a very bad idea for society. 30% of a population is a critically dangerous mass and one should read the works of (at least) Gustave Le Bon, Hannah Arendt, Stanley Milgram, and today, Prof. Mattias Desmet of Ghent University to see where this sort of thing leads.

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20 hours ago, ko12x2 said:

It's not just the "emmerder". A President ought not to fan the flames of a cleavage in society. He (or an Elysée spokesperson) later clarified that he was responding to...

"J’avais en face à moi deux soignantes qui me disaient ‘nous, on pense qu’il ne faut plus soigner les gens quand ils ne sont pas vaccinés quand ils arrivent aux urgences"

There have been opinion pieces (& some opinion polls) suggesting that 30% of the population (UK, France, and others) would like to rid their hospitals of the unvaccinated by denying them entry and/or kicking them out (or worse). Macron, in Le Parisien, said ...

 "Ça, c’est l’immense faute morale des antivax : ils viennent saper ce qu’est la solidité d’une nation. Quand ma liberté vient menacer celle des autres, je deviens un irresponsable. Un irresponsable n’est plus un citoyen". My emphasis. He sounds more like Priti Patel there.
Fanning the flames is a very bad idea for society. 30% of a population is a critically dangerous mass and one should read the works of (at least) Gustave Le Bon, Hannah Arendt, Stanley Milgram, and today, Prof. Mattias Desmet of Ghent University to see where this sort of thing leads.

Macron likes picking on people. It is his thing.

He does it with the French poulation and the populations of other countries. 

It has NOTHING to do with being vacinated or not.

He does it because he can. 

He is a bully. A small one at that. 

It is that simple. 



Edited by alittlebitfrench
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