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I ll have my son with me next week ( he's 16), I wonder what outings I could organize .

I ve already planned a day in la Rochelle with a meal on the arbour , but I wonder what else we could do; especially if the weather is as bad as it is this week...........

Any ideas ??? ( even up to 100 km away).  Castles to visit, car boot sales, etc....

No futuroscope, we've been there too often in the past two years.. 

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]Would he like the Acquarium at La Rochelle. If it's fine weather then how about the Ile de Ré and a bike ride over there.

You beat me to it, Cendrillon.  The Aquarium is absolutely fabulous - I took my son there when he was sixteen and he loved it. Enjoy your time with your son Frenchie... precious moments.

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Le Chateau des Enigmes in Pons might be a bit far south but is a good is a day out . There is a game of 23 puzzles that take you (as a sailor) across the park to the chateau with kinds of clues to solve as you go. When you end up at the chateau you type in all your answers into a computer that lets you know how well you have done. Take a picnic lunch with you but leave it in the car from where you can get it at lunchtime, rather than carry it about all morning.
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Are you near Niort, Frenchie?

The new Musee Bernard d'Agesci, just off Place de la Breteche, is wonderful.

OK, your son might not be into medieval ivories or Niort silver, but it is SUCH an eclectic collection that you would both be sure to find something of interest. I thought the natural-history section was exquisitely presented, and towards the end of the visit there are recreations of old schoolrooms, with books, and scratchy pens etc.

Here's the link http://www.agglo-niort.fr/-Musee-d-Agesci-

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Thanks for these suggestions Renaud and Loiseau !!

I ve heard about the chateau des énigmes before , but I thought it was for younger kids. Anyway, that sounds great to me, and I add it to my list.

We've been to the musée d'Agesci just after it opened, but we will go again, that's a good suggestion, because I've heard quite a few things have changed.

I live 13 k from Niort.

Merci à vous deux !  

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...few more  here ....    Dave



Those sound good, Dave, but a lot of them don't seem to open till April.  The OP was asking about next week...

Frenchie, I wonder if there is any orienteering routes locally, or the GPS equivalent - which I know is available year-round in resorts on the NW Vendee coast (though too far from you!).



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Do you know about geocaching, Frenchie? A lot of the young adults in our family and their friends enjoy taking part in this. It can be very high tech, wearing a wrist GPS to indicate direction, but can be enjoyed with no special equipment. It's based on a finding exercise (game!); things have been hidden all over the world and people try to find them. Most are very small, and there are clues; when you find one you are supposed to be discreet about it, and can add the names of those who found it etc, and maybe take one of the tiny items inside and replace it with something else equally small.

When one of our sons and his partner came to visit us in France they brought a list of caches nearby, and we all enjoyed finding some in or near our town. One was very easy, we nearly gave up on another but found it eventually, and a third ended up being found on their next visit - we all decided we needed lunch!

See if this link to places in your area works:  http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?lat=46.5926541&lng=-0.3962844000000132&dist=25

It's only one page in the area, and you have to join to see more.

Info is on geocaching.com. It's free to join, when you can then get a list of caches anywhere in the world. I was very surprised to see how many are in our area. Maybe next week will be a bit chilly or damp for this, but you could look into it for another holiday.

Enjoy your week!  [:)]

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GG thanks for the geocaching site!  I've joined and hope to fool around with my kids when they come in the summer looking for a few local sites.  Thanks so much!  And Frenchie, I'm sure whatever you decide to do with your son you will have a good time - fingers crossed for the weather, though.
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