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Any Regulations Regarding Sale Of Mobile Home - Been Charged over 30% !!

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Would anyone know of any rules or regulations regarding the sale of our mobile home which is sited on a site in Vendee close to a large lake.

When we purchased our holiday home we were told that any sell on would incure a commision of 10% regardless if site sold our mobile or we sold ourselves. Our situation is that the park owner has moved to USA to start another business and have put a manager in charge of the site. When we wanted to sell our mobile we were told that we were not allowed to sell ourselves and had to sell via a uk company who are working in conjunction with the site. When they valued the mobile the said we would get 20K Euro, it is a 2005 IRM Emeraude with a decking, shed etc which we brought from new from the site for 52K ! when I complained I was told that I would get £20K sterling but would only get the money when the mobile is sold. This company then advertised our mobile at £30K reduced from £32K (never for sale at £32K!.

To cut a long story short we finished up with £14,911 which includes approx £600 refund of pitch fees paid. The recieipt we recieved does not state how much they sold it for etc but they did suggest that they had an offer for £20K.

Can they do this?

They should not be allowed to do it and the UK based leading Mobile Home sales company are being unfair and unreasonable. The lack of paperwork would suggest that taxes etc are also possibley being avoided?


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[quote user="marc62"] Can they do this?

They already have [:(]

They should not be allowed to do it and the UK based leading Mobile Home sales company are being unfair and unreasonable.

Most people realise just how little returns to the owners pocket when selling a sited mobile home, the situation has been lke that from the late 60's and is all but universal now the fact that you call them the leading mobile home sales company bears this out, doesnt seem to stop them selling new ones though perhaps euphoria overcomes caution, FWIW as a percentage you have come away with more than many people I know did when selling. The lack of paperwork would suggest that taxes etc are also possibley being avoided? Regards Marc[/quote]

Is that a question or a statement?

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Hi Woolybanana

It will be interesting to see how your friend gets on with them!

You obviously know the site from your comments, we know the Maire fell out with the owners as have people from the village. They are now in USA but as far as we know the site has not changed hands, it is just being used as a way of getting as much cash out of the mobile home owners as possible. An example of this is grass cut charges. In twelve months the charge for grass cutting has gone up from 9 Euros to 15 Euros - a massive 66%. On top of that you have no control over when the grass is being cut as "The ground staff have been instructed to mow an emplacement if they feel that it needs mowing". They sent out this instruction in January after everyone had paid the ground rent and returned the contracts!

As a resident of the village in question, are you able to advise the cost of holiday tax and when it is to be paid. People on site have to pay site 0.50 cents per person per night between 1st April - 30th September.


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Funnily enough I bumped into another dissatisfied customer of the camp site this morning whilst gathering gossip at the mary, also a question of resale methods and values.

However, the tourist tax does work out at €0.5 per person per day of occupation.

Not seen the tax inspector yet as he is a bit of a Gollum who inhabits dark places. But I'll get him, when he comes up for worms!

And there are some interesting fiddles there too, such as the guy who changes his number plates depending on the country he is in. Double registration is a new one on me.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

And there are some interesting fiddles there too, such as the guy who changes his number plates depending on the country he is in. Double registration is a new one on me.[/quote]

I had been thinking about this recently, purely an intellectual exercise whilst working to avoid getting wound up by crap French radio adverts, I had considered a kind of legit Noel Edmonds scam, I dont even think it would be illegal although you would have to be quite desperate to tax, insure, MOT/CT a vehicle twice over just to avoid speed cameras and parking infractions in both countries. There is also the problem of surrendering the V5 but you could ring the vehicle, re-register it in France and then use the original UK identity.

Too much trouble and cost for me but I would really like to make up some 007 revolving number plates à la DB5 GT [:D]


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  • 9 months later...
Has your tax inspector surfaced yet? if he has he hasn`t done anything about whats going on at the site in question since the fiddling continues unabated,with people who live there all year not registering either themselves or their vehicles! One of these are the couple who work for the caravan selling goons and who stay on site all year without registering, and get their commission paid in sterling into their UK account so they can avoid paying French tax.He also carries out work for van owners on a cash basis.These two should be reported to the authorities but who do you report them to?It appears the site owners are fully aware of what is going on but choose to turn a blind eye because of the amount of cash they are making out of the rip off thats going on.
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Hi face42

Are the owners back from USA or is it still being run by the manager (ex employee of company who sells the mobiles?

Presume the couple being talked about are the owners of a park home & camper van?

Is life on site still as bad as I see there are many mobiles up for sale
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