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The Weather......again!

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Being new to the Dordogne, perhaps you can tell me if this rain is normal?

When will it stop?   It's so depressing, I had hoped that by now we would be experiencing some warmer weather but it doesn't appear to be happening.

If anyone has a long range forecast that is looking better, please give me some encouragement.................or is this it?   I think its even worse here than in the South of UK, cos everytime I speak to family/friends they say its not bad, but its always wet here.[:(]

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[quote user="mogs"]

Being new to the Dordogne, perhaps you can tell me if this rain is normal?

When will it stop?   It's so depressing, I had hoped that by now we would be experiencing some warmer weather but it doesn't appear to be happening. [/quote]

I'm over the road from you (and up a bit, probably).

You'd be even more depressed if you'd been here since last Spring. Spring was OK, but it stayed until Autumn.[:D]

These big grey skies are such dull things. I agree they're depressing, but they'll soon go (unless we have a repeat of last year), and within weeks we'll all be moaning about the heat, the flies, the Mozzies, the Merguez spluttering everywhere, and the Brit tourists with their loud anglo-voices and vices.[:)]


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If it's any comfort Mogs my OH is somewhere near you (I'm still in the UK). He went early to do some gardening. He says he's coming back to the UK if things don't improve soon.

The forecasst is good for the end of the week though.

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The long range weather forecast is for a repeat of last year, with a warm but wetter than average summer. Something to do with El Nina in the pacific, which is a large area of cold water that tends to follow an El Nino, being a body of hot water! 


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[quote user="mogs"]

Being new to the Dordogne, perhaps you can tell me if this rain is normal?

When will it stop?   It's so depressing, I had hoped that by now we would be experiencing some warmer weather but it doesn't appear to be happening.

If anyone has a long range forecast that is looking better, please give me some encouragement.................or is this it?   I think its even worse here than in the South of UK, cos everytime I speak to family/friends they say its not bad, but its always wet here.[:(]



If i recall, is there not a lot of trees and green rolling fields in the Dordogne And i think the top near Dept.16 is called thePerigord vert.

But i hope it stops raining for you.

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I was told yesterday that the weather is going to be nice from yesterday ( the day we left for Blighty) until Sunday when its going to be 25 degrees in 24. But the weatherwill be generally grotty for the time of year because of the moon - it will not change until the ? think they said 4th May. I've come home to dry out. Nothing to do with the hospitality of our neighbours..PB
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[quote user="mogs"]

Being new to the Dordogne, perhaps you can tell me if this rain is normal?


I don't live in the Dordogne but I can assure you that the rain that falls there is normal - wet. Sometimes here in the Lot it is warm and wet but rest assured the rain is always wet. 

Yesterday it didn't rain, today it didn't rain but Meteo assures me that normal rain will return on Monday.

The only good news for us is that - whatever the weather , we don't live in England.



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Well, I do live in the Dordogne and the rain...and the thunder...and the lightening....and all with sunshine in between....arrived today!

And the only good news for us is that - whatever the weather , we don't live in ...... Scotland!!!



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Might as well throw in my tuppence worth.  Here in the Charente, rain, rain, rain.  Thunderstorm late this afternoon.  Rain forecast for all of next week.

So, to finish off the trilogy sequence of good news.....for us, we don't live in..........Wales (at least not any more)!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Might as well throw in my tuppence worth.  Here in the Charente, rain, rain, rain.  Thunderstorm late this afternoon.  Rain forecast for all of next week.

So, to finish off the trilogy sequence of good news.....for us, we don't live in..........Wales (at least not any more)!


Ahhh well, I live on the Welsh border and we have had some very nice weather of late, bit of rain in the night and the night before but the days have been lovely.

Last time I was in Dordogne it rained every day for the week I was there 9-16 march!!!!

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Here in Cornwall it's been glorious since the middle of last week.  Not burning hot temperatures but bright, sunny and just beautiful all round.  Every time I've watched the weather forecast it has said that "tomorrow things will deteriorate" but, so far, they have been wrong and every day is as lovely as the day before.  We're off to 24 at the weekend and I think I read someone's post who said that the weather there was due to improve from 4th May?  [:D]
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