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Pre-read paperbacks in N Lot

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[quote user="Iceni"]

At long last have begun to sort out the many boxes that we brought from England. Any thoughts on where/how to get rid of what seems a lot of books pls ?




I would be interested in getting some of them off your hands and I'm very local to you... Let me know...

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Thank you both for yr replies.

Ron - I had seen this but Phoenix is over 2 hrs away.

Clair - will take you on this and pmu in due course.

But I have since been instructed that I am not permitted to dispose of ANY books until I have sourced and erected bookshelves. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Clair, if you ever happen to eyeball the volume (ha) of books 'er indoors has you'll be impressed.

She's into non fiction and particularly biography's and auto-biography's which of course generally means substantial hardbacks, no sissy pulp fiction paperebacks for her, oh no !

Our first load from UK in an 8cu/m trailer was perhaps 25% books and felt like one of the heaviest loads of all that we lugged [:'(]

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  • 2 months later...
Lottie - can you please let me know who would like books in Villefranche.  I've a lot to get rid of but have to confess that they are mostly things I'd never read myself (Danielle Steele and like)  so hesitate to offer them to others, but someone may be interested - perhaps French folk who are looking for something simple in English.   A lot have been given to me for the chambre d'hotes, I hate to throw books away so would like to find them a good home.
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I've paused for 5 from building bookshelves at the very moment.

Ultimately OH's collection will stretch to about 20m worth and that doesn't include a separate book cabinet in the study with perhaps another 5m of stamp albums, technical reference books and dictionaries etc. [:-))]

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  • 2 weeks later...
I  have always been an avid reader on any subject, but since living in France, I have really missed my regular weekly visits to the mobile library that visited our village in Devon.


There is a very smart and up-to-date library in Ruffec, but alas, no English language section. Occasionally, I managed to purchase a few dog-eared paper backs from brocante sales, but the choice is always limited and not always the books I really wanted. In desperation I resorted to purchasing books from Amazon UK, but although their prices are competetive, the extra cost of postage, made this an expensive process.

One happy day, whilst surfing the net, on the this Forum I saw a mention of an English library for expats in a the village of Loringé near Sauzé-Vaussais in the Deux Sevre. It was only about 30k from where we lived, so my wife and I went for an exploratory visit.

The village of Loringé is very pretty and easy to find and we discovered the library in the canteen of the school house. It is organised and run by two dedicated English ladies on Saturday afternoons 2 - 5pm and a French lady on Wednesday afternoons from 3 - 5pm.

They have an amazing collection of over 9000 books; hardback and paperback; all up-to-date and in excellent condition. They are all tidily sorted on shelves under the authors name and have a fiction and non-fiction content. There are also many French language books for anyone wishing to hone up on their language skills. After becoming a member; paying; your 2€ per annum fee, (Infants free!) you can take out 14 books at one time and keep them for an indefinite period.

The  atmosphere is warm and very welcoming; new members always accepted and the ladies will take any of your unwanted books, which will be added to their impressive collection.

For any queries,  please contact me!

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

We don't reckon books in numbers anymore but in linear metres of bookshelves [:-))]


I've stopped counting - but if I do it is in rooms not shelves.  Ashamed to say (as a librarian) that none are catalogued and I can't find some without a hunt - they are organised by size of shelf rather than subject in some cases!!!!  Both of us are hoarders especially of papers and books.  Lost cause, really!!!  BUT, I am looking forward to  having the time to read them all when I finally do retire and have nothing else to do (that last bit tongue in cheek, of course, before anyone else says, I don't know how I had time to work!!!!!!)

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[quote user="Iceni"]

At long last have begun to sort out the many boxes that we brought from England. Any thoughts on where/how to get rid of what seems a lot of books pls ?




I sold a good few boxes of mine using a number of forums that allow free classified ads. Most of them were pretty new and only read once and sold for a small amount plus postage. I worked out the most effective weight for the best value postage and calculated the number of books I could send. If you can find the time to catalogue your collection it's an option.

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[quote user="Rob Roy"]What stamps do you collect ErnieY? My husband is/was a keen GB collector and I think there were more boxes of stamps and albums that came over when we moved 7 years ago than there were anything else! (Although the books were not far behind!)[/quote]

It's 'er indoors who is the collector and I must admit (to my shame [:$]) that I really don't know her specialities although I think GB is one of them. I'll ask her and also ask if she wants to get in touch to exchange notes, if you like that is.

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  • 4 months later...

Another way to recycle your pre-read books is at www.Bookmooch.com 

It is a great website that works on a points basis - no money changes hands. You just send on your books to people who want them for the cost of postage. And then you can use your points to get books from other people.  [:)]

I was getting desperate for books to read but needed to clear space to get them. This solved both problems.

There is a special tarif for sending books abroad which makes this so attractive.

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