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Severe weather warning

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We've had some lovely sunshine, Clair, and I even managed to put out and dry a load of washing.

But there is a very definite cold nip in the air as I write and I have put on both our poêles à petrole.  Don't know what I would have done without those as all the bâches have blown off our wood and most of our materials for burning are anything but pret à bruler.

Thank goodness, we've only had very minor damage and the dog seems to have recovered her composure sufficiently to have a couple of runs around the woods behind our house.

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No, thank you, Wooly.  Nothing like a nice deep moat if you've got to have one.

Actually the chateau looked très romantique all lighted up with candles in the middle of the night when the dog was shaking with terror, having jumped into our bed and hidden her head under the pillows. Actually I was most concerned that, with all the power off, the champagne in the fridge would be too warm to have come breakfast time.

BTW, old Dracula, he doesn't come this far south into France does he?  LOL

I am hoping that someone from Languedoc Rousillon would post as I am thinking of our mutual friend 5-element or 5-elephant as you insist on your own nickname for 5-e! 

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

I am hoping that someone from Languedoc Rousillon would post as I am thinking of our mutual friend 5-element or 5-elephant as you insist on your own nickname for 5-e! 



M'lady, you called?

There are still violent gusts outside, windows and shutters rattling, cat cowering, very twitchy, minor mishaps which were due to happen anyway - due to carelessness, like a badly fixed felt cover for the garden shed which just tore and blew away, the door to our outside water meter flung open and off its hinges, little tree broken. So far, so good. I was rather hoping that the horrid pine tree from Madame's garden next door, would be uprooted as I hate the pine needles it drops all over our garden.

I hear reports of some large plane trees uprooted on the road outside the town. A lot of rattling and banging and whistling, but it doesn't look like it is going to get any worse here. I think it may be worse closer to the sea, as there was a report of 183kph gale in Perpignan, 158kph in Narbonne with the train station loosing part of its roof.

That is the situation in my part of Hérault.


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Ah, 5-penquin, it's indeed good to hear you as I seemed to think that your area was going to get it really badly.

Just goes to show you can't believe all these meteoric (whatever) reports!

Have a peaceful night, dear penguin.  And, don't forget, all you need to do is p, p, p, pick up a penguin.  All will be well afterwards, really![:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

No, thank you, Wooly.  Nothing like a nice deep moat if you've got to have one.

Actually the chateau looked très romantique all lighted up with candles in the middle of the night when the dog was shaking with terror, having jumped into our bed and hidden her head under the pillows. Actually I was most concerned that, with all the power off, the champagne in the fridge would be too warm to have come breakfast time.


Dont you just hate the rich folk in their Chateaux, shielded  from the reality of ordinary peasant folk cowering in their leaking garretts worried about the temperature of the champagne and whether the flunkies will battle through the elements to turn down the covers and stoke up the fires..........

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Hi there

Was wondering after all that awful weather you have been suffering down there if any one could tell me what it has been like around Duras, 47.

Is it  true if you have a claim with the insurance company it has to be reported within 5 days, or does this vary cccording to the insurer you are with, cos I am unable to contact our neighbours for them to check the place out, would appreciate any relevant info, thank you so much, MERCI

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Radio France Info reminding everyone this morning regarding 5 day period. The validity of claim subject to Garantie Tempête or Catastophe Naturelle. Sarko visiting area to-day with MAM so everyone holding thumbs for CN. Do you have cover for tempest or just storm damage?  Cover for tempest is contractual and not obligatory; hence the interest that a catastrophe naturelle is declared.

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36 hours without power, 37 hours without water and telephones.

But what fun, lots of community pulling together, done the rounds of the vulnerable, helped a few people with downed trees.

Usually have central heating but we also have an unused insert since the first winter we were here - until last night!

Have loads of rainwater saved for the garden so used that, boiled for washing and washing up, bottled to drink.

Fridges and freezers ok.

Phew, wouldn't like to do it all again but at least our emergency kit of wood, torches, batteries and candles all worked out.

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[quote user="partout"]Hi there

Was wondering after all that awful weather you have been suffering down there if any one could tell me what it has been like around Duras, 47.

Is it  true if you have a claim with the insurance company it has to be reported within 5 days, or does this vary cccording to the insurer you are with, cos I am unable to contact our neighbours for them to check the place out, would appreciate any relevant info, thank you so much, MERCI


We live in Moustier, about 8km from Duras. The weather was pretty appalling yesterday with high winds gusting. We lost a shed and several trees are down. Allemans was flooded. The gypsy campsite was evacuated. Haven't been to Duras so can't say what it's like there but it very much depends upon the exact location of your property as to how much if any damage has been done. We have neighbours who have had very little damage.

PM me if you want me to check it out.
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Thanks to Tony F, I now know we appear to have got away very lightly, which is a huge relief. I know for those in the thick of it, it must have been awful, but I can honestly say, not knowing if you even have a house for over 24 hours is pretty awful as well. I may well sleep tonight! Thank you Tony

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We got our power on late last night after being without it for two days! Here in the Lot et Garonne the storm was frightening - I ventured outside at 3am as water was coming down into our kitchen and I needed to get into the loft (external stairs) and get some tarpaulins down. I actually expected to see half the roof missing, given the amount of water coming in, but the roof was intact. We have Spanish-type tiles and the rain was almost horizontal and battering the roof with such intensity that it was forcing its way up inside the tile and then coming down to the roof beams and pouring down into our kitchen. While I was up there I heard a terrific crash = one of our trees had come down. As I came back inside the house I was nearly clobbered by one of our compost bins which been flying around the yard

All in all rather a hair-raising night although no lasting damage, thank goodness. The rivers have flooded neighbouring fields and roads are closed. I see some roof damage to neighbours and trees down, but it could have been much, much worse.

Two days without 'leccy really makes you appreciate the log fire and, luckily, we also have a gas cooker so there was no real hardship.
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[quote user="passetout"]Hi pachapapa,
thanks for the info on insurance we are covered for Catastophe Naturelle and Evenments climatique, who or what is MAM?
Merci Liz

Previously famous for organising "round africa" non stopping cruises on elderly aircraft carriers; currently Lady Minister of the Interior. Any "multi-risque habitation " insurance will cover Tempest.

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Power and water back to us this afternoon (from 10am Saturday) 47/24 border.   It really makes you appreciate having these things once more.   Seen a lot of devastation around with trees uprooted, roofs/tiles off, floods.     Worrying thing though, we changed to Leclerc pay-as-you-go mobile beginning of January and could not gain a signal no how, we had to revert to our English phone which searched out Orange France (who we were glad to dump beginning of January!),  that was the only way we could contact family/friends to tell them we were ok.     Can anyone explain why Leclerc mobile would not show a signal?

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