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Is another tempete on its way on Monday?

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Hi Benjamin.....Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and offer re house check ....Although not far from you I am working on the assumption that as one of the villagers grandmother brought up 9 kids in my house its been battered before and will take it again ! Look forward to your report tomorrow ...keep safe
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Horrid gusts have just started in the last hour.  Leaves scuttling across the ground.  Yuk.  We've battened down as much as we can and got the candles out ready.  Here we go again....

(The thing that I missed the most during and after the last storm was a cup of coffee.)


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[quote user="Gemini_man"]Nothing much moving.


Here in southern Morbihan (56) the strong winds started around 6pm; we are receiving very shakey Sky with that horrible electronic screeching noise when the picture starts to break up during a particularly strong gust. Our roller shutters are bending under the pressure of the wind though them being down has stopped the patio doors flexing, which is what was happening before shutter-down time as darkness fell.

We escaped the awful weather of last week, so now it is our turn; fingers crossed that we have battened everything down well enough to last the rest of the night


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Very noisy here but not really roaring. The clouds are rushing past the moon and its 12°, quite pleasant really. It looks like La Rochelle and inland from there are having the worst this time so far, good luck up there.

Time for bed I think, hope everyone is OK.

Bonne nuit.

Bah, just to prove me wrong, while I was writing that the wind has picked up and I just heard tiles crash off the barn roof. Damn! [:@]


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It's just reached us on the other side of the country, well, Luxembourg to be precise.  Last night was really heavy snow, this morning really heavy rain and a lot of wind.  I blame all those electric fans that have been placed on hill tops [;-)]

Forcast for later in the week is very cold artic conditions - I'm fed up with winter now.  Gimme some sun

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I found it absolutely horrendous, perched on a hill near Ruffec (16). [:(] This morning my tarpaulins have been ripped to shreds and a thick concrete rain cap on a chimney stack has been thrown down off its mortar bed and onto the terracotta roof tiles, causing a lot of damage. I couldn't sleep last night for the noise. It sounded like the shutters were about to get ripped off the windows. Let's hope that's the end of the bloody storms for this winter.

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The storm was not a pleasant experience.  We are 5 miles from the coast and so the winds from the Atlantic don't have time to calm down.  I hate the noise, especially the sound of debris clattering around.  I tried to sleep but it was difficult, although all the beds are now moved away from chimney areas.

In the morning, we found that we had suffered several bits of minor damage (roof tiles, gable end detached etc).  The schools were open, despite no electricity, and there is more of a feeling that storms must not disrupt our lives.

However, this time, we were only without electricity and phones for about 14 hours, despite being more in the direct line of the storm.


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Glad to hear your electricity is back on, Cathy. Not so bad as last time. Ours was off for an hour during the night.

I think WoolyB will have had a rough time - I saw some film of the Vendée coast and it looked wild. That's where the Vendée Globe boat race finishes, at the Sables de Oloron. An english girl, Samantha Davies is coming in probably third.  Hope she makes it.

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[quote user="Cathy"]

The storm was not a pleasant experience.  We are 5 miles from the coast and so the winds from the Atlantic don't have time to calm down.  I hate the noise, especially the sound of debris clattering around.  I tried to sleep but it was difficult, although all the beds are now moved away from chimney areas.

In the morning, we found that we had suffered several bits of minor damage (roof tiles, gable end detached etc).  The schools were open, despite no electricity, and there is more of a feeling that storms must not disrupt our lives.

However, this time, we were only without electricity and phones for about 14 hours, despite being more in the direct line of the storm.



Cathy, I'd no idea it has been that bad where you are.

Please take care and do let me know if there's anything you'd like me to do.

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The Vendée Globe village was destroyed.

We got the electricity back late this afternoon and the 'phone this evening.  Cathy I thought of you this morning when you said what you missed was a coffee.  Just managed to have a tepid Nescafé this morning with what was left of the hot water from the tap.   [:)]

Our local supermarket, tabac, etc. were closed today as they couldn't get their electric blinds up!  You'd think they would have at least one they could wind up manually in an emergency.  No bread today either.  Amazing how lost we are without electricity.


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