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End of Orange Alert

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School transport in the Gard is cancelled, and I assume probably also in other areas. So many of the youngsters who traipse backwards and forwards with their suitcases each Monday and Friday will be stuck again. Unless, of course, principals took account of weather forecasts and closed down yesterday.
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Well I got what I wanted, rain. Problem is there is quite a bit of it. Mrs 'Q's plants for which I am responcible while she is in the UK have gone to dried out to bobing around in their pots, might have to do something about that [:(] . The river Aude at our end (about 22M wide here) is up a good 1.5M and very brown but seeing as for months now it has been a gentle trickle it is nothing to worry about.

Seems the centre of the depression is over Palma at the moment and hardly moving at all. I contacted the capitainerie at Gruissan where I keep my boat to see if it was in danger and whilst the sea levels rose to just under 5M at the harbour mouth wall they are down to under 2M now. Fortunately I am up the far end so no damage or problems. It would be nice if they had a live video feed.

I find EDF Tempo is a reasonable gauge for historic temperatures. Temperature triggers 'white' and 'Red' days. Looking at between 18th and 31st November last year we already had 10 white and three red days. Looking at historic data (Here) the day temp was 7 and the night -4 last year. When you compare that to this year it was 19 deg during the day and 14 last night yesterday (Here). Infact when you compare November 2013 to November 2014 the weather has been pretty good so far where I live.

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The Aude runs through my garden and I know it well (it's been doing it for the whole of the 12 years I have lived here [;-)] ). It will normally go up and down quite a bit as they release water from the three dams upstream of us. When it first started to rain it didn't change much as the reservoirs were pretty much empty which accounts for the delayed action. Your find it up again this morning as people go back to work and the demand for electricity rises. I wouldn't worry too much I have seen it much higher since I have been here. The last time it seriously flooded was in 1963 (or thereabouts) and it's far short of the mark.

Your lucky in at least you have sirens in Quillan to alert you to flooding, people upstream like Axat and beyond don't.

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