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Try doing what normal people do if they have a computer and Internet access which you clearly have and Google what you want. I will help you just type in "long term parking at Toulouse airport".

You will see there are some good deals with up to 60% off this time of year.

Oh and Hotels round Toulouse don't offer the same type of parking service you get in the UK.
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The advice is available i.e. Google, a search engine, to search, to seek etc. etc. A lot of people just can't be arsed to do the work and expect others to do it for them. If it were something difficult and answers were not so readily available then fair enough but to ask something that has hundreds of replies when Googled (or Binged come to that) shows it is a very simple answer to get if you can be bothered to search.

The reason most if not all hotels near the Toulouse airport do not offer long term parking for those staying one night is because it is a very popular place that has a huge turnover on one and two night stays mostly to do with the massive hospital site (and I mean massive) with the only PET scanner that side of France. Being the home of Airbus and the European Space Program is of course another reason for fast turnover.

I guess I just don't like lazy people especially when the have to do very little to find an answer and expect others to do their work for them.

You could of course rent a room for 15 nights which would guarantee a parking space.
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" I guess I just don't like lazy people especially when they have to do very little to find an answer and expect others to do their work for them."

Dear oh dear, little wonder that Anglo-French forums are losing subscribers. Incredible as it may seem to some a new member might just ask a question to ease themselves into forum life.
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[quote user="NickP"]" I guess I just don't like lazy people especially when they have to do very little to find an answer and expect others to do their work for them."

Dear oh dear, little wonder that Anglo-French forums are losing subscribers. Incredible as it may seem to some a new member might just ask a question to ease themselves into forum life.[/quote]

+1 Nick

He's much too clever for this forum, never asked any daft questions himself, of course [:)]

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A very sensible question that deserves a sensible answer from people with the experience that you ask for.

I too am having to fly from Toulouse to return to the UK to vote in December as all other airports near me have finished for the winter their flights to Bristol.

I have booked a long stay car park on line at the airport which I thought very reasonable, however I too would like advice on an overnight stay on the way back close to the airport, and what better way than to ask the good members of this Forum (except some of course)
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Often it's better to learn from others rather than experience, which is what Mr Huge is probably seeking to do. There are good hotels, bad hotels etc. which are not always obvious from internet searches. Most of us have probably stayed in an hotel we would rather not have stayed at following searches. (not necessarily in Wales, before someone bites!)

Un Autre Gallois

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Indeed what better way that to look on Google or Booking (.com), the latter gives reviews of people who have actually stayed in the hotels. I have never had a problem using the latter, they do as they say on the tin, bit like Ryanair. Personally as it is for one night the cheapest would do whatever chain that is in France. I am sure you can both manage that?

I would think that last thing anyone would do is give a recommendation of a hotel on a forum like this. What one person likes another will hate or it will be too cheap or too expensive and the fact that have not received an actual reply to you question(s) sort of proves my point. Either that or nobody knows.

In my opinion only those that need to stay in Toulouse for business would stay there, the place is a tip and I certainly wouldn't wander the streets at night. I hope the parking is secure and it says so for any possible insurance claim.

Oh and age and intelligence do not go hand in hand, some young people are pretty stupid as are many old people. The difference is young people have the opportunity to better themselves whilst old people, well they simply die in ignorance.
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We've used the longterm carpark at Toulouse many times, I don't think it's expensive. Especially compared with same in UK.
As for where to stay overnight, there's a chain of basic hotels which give good  cheap overnight accommodation and decent food - I've forgotten the name, will look it up later.
Something like the Holiday Inns in UK.

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Thank you for the courteous replies to my post. If it of use to other forum members, Holiday Inn at Toulouse airport will accommodate me for one night, allow me to park for fifteen nights, and shuttle me to and from the airport for 160 euros. I am happy to share this with everybody.
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Mr Huge I am sorry but Holiday Inn will not let you stay there for 15 days because Cathay Tours has said they will not!

What a horrible experience you have had from one member of the forum. Most of us are friendly so do not be put off by the odd one or two.
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If you start asking how safe Blagnac and Mirail are you might find that mugging, street gangs and crime in general if rife in the are. There is quite a bit on the Internet about it if you go looking.

Any city it is worth putting you car in longer term Airport parking. The reason is pretty obvious yet it benefits you i.e. terrorism and more recently drone issues. The parking is very well patrolled, there is excellent CCTV and of course they need the parking car to get the car out.

You might get lucky and the parking may not be at the hotel but at the airport. The hotels often buy block parking which they sell on to guests which I suspect will be the case.

PS. Bit of a childish attempt at insult with the name there PaulT. Some people are stupid and others are born stupid.
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'PS. Bit of a childish attempt at insult with the name there PaulT. Some people are stupid and others are born stupid.'

Er no, that was a typing mistake - an insult would be far more than something of that nature.

Perhaps, you should think about not insulting the OP in the manner in which you did!
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[quote user="PaulT"]'PS. Bit of a childish attempt at insult with the name there PaulT. Some people are stupid and others are born stupid.'

Er no, that was a typing mistake - an insult would be far more than something of that nature.

Perhaps, you should think about not insulting the OP in the manner in which you did![/quote]

It's not his fault. CPCF.

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