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I only discovered last week that I have a heap of Giraffes (me favourite creatures in the whole wild world) living only 5 miles from me little wooden house!

It is Cerza Zoo in Hermival Les Vaux, near Lisieux. It  is really wonderful to see the the creatures being in such comfortable spacious surroundings, not cages but large enclosures like big fields. The Giraffes and Rhino and Zebras all living together in harmony was so heart warming, if only humans could be like that!  I saw a Rhino in a big pool with bubbles coming from his rear area, he was very contented.

It is a very large Zoo and well worth a visit as they really look after all the inhabitants so well, and there is so much to see, even a petting area full of little pigamy goats and Chinese pigs and Chickens, you can stroke them too if you like! I had to be removed from the pigamy goats by force! they are so cute, I want to fill me garden with them!

I shall visit them all again on me next trip, and every trip after that too!


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It must be good for you to pop in here and recommend it, Mr Nix!

Are you not going to give us your take on Zizou-Gate?.

I'm not suggusting you highjack your own thread, naturally. You could try one of the other threads, where Italians have been expressing their views - in Italian!

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A cousin of  Jean-Pierre's who lives in a tiny village near Lizyeux told us about Cerza and also said it is very good      http://www.cerza.com/

What happened to you FK, did you fall off your settee and have to have your leg up in one of those things you suspend broken legs on in hospital, or have you just changed for new underwear ?  Maybe something from your Paris neighbour...  I like the hat.


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Well I think that lad that headbutted your Italian fella was just acting the goat.

I tried to rob one of the goats too, but I was caught! They released me after I told them that I thought it was a pick your own goat field, and that I intended to have him weighed and pay for him at the exit.

That is a real life sculpture of me woman, Josephine O'Hara from County Clare. I wanted to capture her in a natural pose and not a pre-meditated position like that Venus O'Malley one.

I just can't get them little goats out of me head, I am longing to have one of me own. A little black and white lad, I shall call him Maynard.


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Little Twinkle,

Thank you for the lovely goat, he is exactly how I imagine Maynard to look! Old Mrs Tresco never got me the knitted Lemur yet!

Can you imagine having a mini goat of your own? Why would you only love yours every 3 1/2 weeks though? I would love him and hug him all the time! If I ever get a girl pigamy goat, I shall call her Little Twinkle after  you.

Do you remember a song back in the 60's about goats? I think it was the Moody Tunes that sang it,  It went ........since you got a goat, you better go now....



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I can't believe it, a pigamy goat and a plush Lemur (would have preferred a knitted one though) all in the same night! Thank you Mrs Tresco too! I shall call him Malcom after the lad in the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. I shall give him a good hoovering in the morning!

I don't think there were ever any songs wrote about Lemurs, were there?



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Hi FurryKnickers, there is one lemur song, but I don't think you'll like it that much! It goes with the tune to Fever. It is about lemurs though!

This is a sad, sad, sad, sad tale.....[:(]


Never knew how much it cost me
But a refund's what I want
Ordered finest Scottish salmon
For my uptown 5-star restaurant

They sent me lemurs…..in a big cage
Lemurs with their sad, sad eyes
Lemurs!....from the jungle
Lemurs had me quite surprised

Phoned a new wholesaler
"Truffles; twenty pounds"
The van turned up in the morning
And you can guess what they sent around

More freakin' lemurs…forty seven
Lemurs eating twigs and grass
Lemurs!....can't believe it
Lemurs comin' out my ass!

What to do with all these lemurs?
So I phoned a zoo upstate
They said they don't want no lemurs
All they do is procreate
Romeo loved Juliet,
Michael Jackson loves small boys
Seems nobody's lovin' lemurs
All they do is eat, s***w and make noise

A hundred lemurs…in the kitchen
Lemurs getting on my nerves
Lemurs!....makin' whoopee
On the steaks and the hors doeuvres..

Customers are all complainin'
Finding fur in their desserts
When I tried to move a lemur
B*****d bit me where it hurts!

Bloody lemurs!....can't release 'em
Cannot sell them on ebay
Lemurs!...Cannot train them
I can't even give them away

Now you've listened to my story
Betcha wondrin' what I've done
With over one hundred lemurs
I'll tell you; but don't tell no one…

There's no more lemurs...I don't miss 'em
Lemurs have all gone away
Would you…like to try some
Cajun lemur fricassee
Cajun lemur fricassee
Cajun lemur fricassee….
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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

Little Twinkle,

Thank you for the lovely goat, he is exactly how I imagine Maynard to look! Old Mrs Tresco never got me the knitted Lemur yet!

Can you imagine having a mini goat of your own? Why would you only love yours every 3 1/2 weeks though? I would love him and hug him all the time! If I ever get a girl pigamy goat, I shall call her Little Twinkle after  you.

Do you remember a song back in the 60's about goats? I think it was the Moody Tunes that sang it,  It went ........since you got a goat, you better go now....




Read the beginning of  this thread and all will be revealed about the 31/2 week thing!

So happy you love Maynard!

I gotta go now!

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FK - the image of you being prised off a pygmy goat is just too much for me.

There's another zoo in Normandy, at Champrepus, between Granville and Villedie-les-Poeles, where they have both giraffes and lemurs, I think you would really enjoy a visit there. You can walk among the lemurs and tickle their little bellies.

I love the lemur song. Who was it by? It sounds like one of Les Barker's but most of his were about dogs.

I found another one here: http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-songs-lisa-lemur.htm and some more here http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/savethelemurs/from/rockandrollmark

I like this site: www.rathergood.com - there is some good giraffe stuff but surprisingly I can't find anything about lemurs.

There was an old sea shanty that I learned at school, that went -

Oh, I thought I heard the Captain say,
Lemur, Johnny, Lemur!
Tomorrow you will get your pay,
And it's time for us to lemur!




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As an animal lover. I thought this was a nice story.

There is a movie clip out there too but I'm not sure how to get at it at the moment.


Tried to post another link but it's too long for the page. Yes, I know I can shorten it but I've forgotten how.

Quite a cute animal.

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Mrs Animal, that is such a lovely picture of a load of Lemurs together! I see all your little dogs wear hats now, I got a trilby for John (me Pug) but it just made him look too fat. Is Jean- Pierre's friend called Bernard?  I met the lovely Isabelle (the local mole) on me last trip to Normandie, she is very lovely, and I can't understand why me neighbour wants to kill her.

I love that rathergood site Mr Will, but I never saw a Giraffe in the film. I shall take a day out in Champetre zoo in august too!

I am still bewildered by the 3 1/2 weeks Twinkle! I know that it takes a snail 3 weeks to make to love, after which it passes away, is it anything to do with that?

I was very upset at that song Mrs JayJay, Lemurs coming out of your bum and being fried! Did you write it yourself? I am a song writer too! I am working  on a song about a big Irish lad called Mick Sullivan from Carlow. He has a row with his wife and drives off in his Mitsubishi Pajero like a mad yoke, and runs over the local swan. It is a bit sad too!  Is that a leopard print mini dress? I hope it's not real and is only artificial printed leopard!

I hoovered Malcom this morning, and have been enjoying him since then, but it is annoying that I have to curl his tail meself!

Morning Mr Fulcrum, I can't get the video clip to play, it goes for a few seconds showing a woman with strawberries!


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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

Morning Mr Fulcrum, I can't get the video clip to play, it goes for a few seconds showing a woman with strawberries!


If you let it run. The strawberries will disappear and the next item will be the one you want. The strawberries is just a filler from ABC.

I've just tried it and it works.

Thank you to Christine for finding the clip.

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Why aren't you in bed you lunatic?  Are you in a Rock 'n' Roll band like me? XXX[/quote]

Hi Twinks, ask me another!  I'm not in a band though. X

[quote user="Will "]I love the lemur song. Who was it by? It sounds like one of Les Barker's but most of his were about dogs.[/quote]

Will, the words to the the lemur song are by Kristof Robertson.[;-)]

[quote user="FurryKnickers"] I was very upset at that song Mrs JayJay, Lemurs coming out of your bum and being fried! Did you write it yourself? I am a song writer too! I am working on a song about a big Irish lad called Mick Sullivan from Carlow. He has a row with his wife and drives off in his Mitsubishi Pajero like a mad yoke, and runs over the local swan. It is a bit sad too! Is that a leopard print mini dress? I hope it's not real and is only artificial printed leopard! [/quote]

FurryKnickers, I would never write anything so sad about such lovely creatures. I'm so sorry it upset you. Can you not change the end of your song to make it happy & are you going to get Twinkle to sing it?

BTW, My hotpant suit, is most definitely artificial leopard print![:D]

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Sorry FK I forgot to mention the thread you have to read it's title is Ladies only.  Now please don't get embarrassed and run away 'cos' we like it when you're around the forum.


Jay, I am bewildered as to what you are doing up at 4.30am - please reveal all.  You're not in a band so - are you a dustman (woman)?


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 Twinks, I must admit, I'm bewildered too! Don't even hold down the worthy position of a dustwoman! Pleased to hear you used to have such good taste in clothes[;-)]

KKK, the Wag club? Not even at our local California club!

Here you go FurryKnickers, to make up for the sad song words.





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Oooh Twinkle! you don't mean that thing that makes women go all quare and moody and violent and aggressive? That happens to Josephine every week! She is very moody and stubborn and very demanding towards me. I have a good mind to find another woman, but I suppose she would have to be past the age of pre-menstrewdal tendancies to be any different to Josephine. We went to Deauville last week, and she demanded I buy her a cat suit in Hermes, she aint even got a cat, but I got it for her anyway.

Mrs JayJay, if you are not a rock singer or a dustwoman, are you one of them protestants? they are up till all hours of the night doing terrible immortal things, and they wear very similar outfits to your hotpants suit! I do like that suit though, do they do them in mens sizes?  Thanks for the Giraffe and Lemur, I love all the creatures that have been given to me by all you lovely people.

Me song about the swan that got run over has a happy ending anyway! The last line is ....I saw him fly away, across the silent waves into an eternal blue sky......

No animal ever gets hurt in any of me composures.



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