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Accueil des Villes Françaises. http://www.avf.asso.fr/Website/site/eng_welcome_welcome1.php

It was set up 40 years ago to help French who moved to pastures new and found it very difficult to intergrate. Today it welcomes any newcommers and has something like 350 branches throughout France. Ours here in Carcassonne is brilliant and we go to the Frence classes, various lunches, visits and whatever we can.

Yesterday they organised a wander around Basse Carcassonne and into several places that are not normally open to the public. It was fascinating and included a 200 step climb up the tower of the church of St Vincent, 54 metric things high. What a view! And they even organised a nice sunny day too! I took some video of the view and on the way down, about 1/2 way, we went into a small side room with a bloke sat at an organ like thing (?) playin g the bells! I have never seen anything like it before and it was fantastic. I have no idea how many bells there are but the sound was something very new! To hear La Marseillaise played on those bells was something else! When I have edited the video I will see if I can post some of it on youtube?

All in all a very interesting day and if you have a look at the link you can find outif there is an AVF branch near you. It is worth 25€ a year cotisation!

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We joined our local group about a year ago. We enjoy a number of activities, including conversation classes, walks, visits locally and more widely, meals, meetings with breakfast as well as a speaker provided, plus there are several craft and game groups. In November there were many extra activities provided especially for new members, as I think happened around the country; ours finished with a very sociable evening with food provided by long-term members plus plenty of wine.We are very happy to have joined the group, which we find has mostly French and Dutch members.
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Last Sunday afternoon was occupied looking at a very large organ! Very interesting too and before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion the bloke wot played it was nothing short of fantastic!


We had a look at the innards too. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect what was there [:-))]. The organist speaks very good English and afterwards told us a lot of the history of both the organ and the church St Vincent, Carcassonne.

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