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Dangly Father Christmas

Christine Animal

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]

Edit sorry just reread my post, it wasn't meant to be THAT rude


Just as well, you're so near to getting a little light all of you own, I wouldn't want to make you go and sit on the naughty girl's step [Www]


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[quote user="Geordie girl"]Ugh some poor womans got to wake up next to him[/quote]

Deepest sympathy to whoever she is!       How many have noticed that some houses keep their little snowy white window pictures on all year, we've seen the same one's on one house about 4 miles from here for the last 3 years!     Someone lives there because we see different washing on their line in the garden as we pass!   Wonder if they can actually see out of their windows?

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That picture gave me a shock, although he always had clothes on, but my mum used to sleep with a man that looked just like that, my dad! A lovely bloke & I wish he was still here to wear his Christmas hat. [:'(]

As for the window designs being left up, it stops the birds flying into them! [;-)]

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Ah jayjay, isn't it weird how something unexpected can take you back to another time? I was in Leclerc and thought i saw my mam only it was a little french woman who was the spitting dip of  her. My mam died nearly five years ago, but they do say everyones got a double just didn't expect me mams double to be in France
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="Christine Animal"]

They're back ! 

Just seen my first two tonight... and on the same house, one hanging from a window and one hanging from a balcony !   [6]    [:P]



They've gone.  Either the Anti-Dangly Father Christmas Brigade got them or they've blown away in the gale !

A suivre !   [:P]


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Talking of double-takes,  like you Geordie Girl we were wending our way through the country lanes of Normandy when I nearly crashed the car in shock at the sight of an elderly gent on a bike who was the absolute image of my darling old Grandad who died in 1972.   He was the same build and wore exactly the same sort of clothing my Grandad wore, indeed it could have been him the likeness was so strong, but it seems to be a kind of omen because it was a matter of a mile or so down the road and there was the house we were to buy.      Eerie................

My Grandad's family heritage was French from  many generations ago so possibly this old gent was some distant relative, but it certainly put the wind up me!

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]Ugh some poor womans got to wake up next to him[/quote]


When you are desperate[6] ! He don't look too bad really, for his age I think he is well kept.[Www] How many of us are so well kept at possibly a quarter of his age if not an eon of it? Be honest... I would shave his beard though 'coz I don't like beards. I am too ticklish [:-))]



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[quote user="Missy"]


 He don't look too bad really, for his age I think he is well kept.[Www] How many of us are so well kept at possibly a quarter of his age if not an eon of it? Be honest...


Well me for one, and I'm probably older. If I had a stomach like that I would be seriously thinking about lipo-suction....[Www] [:)]

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[quote user="Just Katie"]

[quote user="TWINKLE"]Proof please[:)][/quote]

Havent you seen the photo of Gary holding his chicken Twinks?  He is actually much nicer than Santa.....and Chabal come to think of it.


And David Beckham?  I've never seen that photo of Gary and his chicken, but this chap could hold my chickens any day...


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