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Misusing bananas!!


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We humans are known to be cruel, but this is the limit! I have just discovered a book on using all sorts of things to do various tasks - but banana skin  for cleaning things!!    Mind you, as a teacher I was almost forced into teaching PSHE and nearly made to really misuse  bananas for something quite unimaginably scary.

  Bad enough that we eat them, and doubtless I will be shot down for this  by those who believe that we humans have a 'right' to do what we want with everything, but,  using their skin !     Wooley & family will be hurt to hear of this,  or will they ?



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You wouldn't allow your pets to be treated in this way, why Bananas. Just imagine if someone used your pussy as a cleaning cloth!

So why Bananas? Do you not love and support them, care for them, slip them gently into your mouth and slowly and sensually bite into their firm but delicious flesh, or crush them slowly into milk with a fork. This we will allow, it is our destiny as laid down by Bobo the Goat.

We are an oppressed minority I fear, abused and battered by human misuse. Why, when I asked a respected member of THIS FORUM for a contribution towards a bit of firewood to keep the babanas alive, he rejected me out of hand as unworthy of his consideration. Now, I ask you, do we really want such people in our midst, do we want them to be members of our little society, people who are prepared to see our babanas die through no fault of ours.

Make them take a test I say to see if they are prejudiced against us and if they are, kick them off. Make them walk up a slope blindfold covered with the skins of their victims.


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Political commentators in France compared the outcome to the disputed result of the US presidential poll in Florida in 2000. A suspicion of banana-republican methods hangs over both elections. At least bananas flourish in Florida. They are harder to grow in Rouen or Lille.

Quoted last week in an article ....

WB - do you live in Rouen or Lille?  Should you consider moving to Florida?


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I don't understand why anyone is getting upset about this.

Surely, the ONLY way to appreciate a banana is to make full use of it!

What other use is there for it?

If you leave it alone, it turns blotchy and black, it shrivels and smells, then you have to throw it away.

Surely it must be best to eat it, cook it or bake it then use the skin to do whatever cleaning is required.

That way, the banana is used to its full capacity and its consumption fully validated.

After all, a banana is NOT a pet!

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But they have souls and can still be abused. They don't mind being eaten but just left to rot hurts them so badly. Black causes pain to a banana.

And then there is legislative abuse too. You probably don't know that the Ovambo Forest banana was almost wiped out because of the EU regulation against curved bananas and as we all know, Ovambos have lovely little curly tails. Why, when they are mating, they wrap their little tails round each other and ... well, there are ladies present, though amongst the Ovambos, females are the greatest tail wrappers of all.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

But they have souls and can still be abused. They don't mind being eaten but just left to rot hurts them so badly. Black causes pain to a banana.

And then there is legislative abuse too. You probably don't know that the Ovambo Forest banana was almost wiped out because of the EU regulation against curved bananas and as we all know, Ovambos have lovely little curly tails. Why, when they are mating, they wrap their little tails round each other and ... well, there are ladies present, though amongst the Ovambos, females are the greatest tail wrappers of all.



I shed a tear here..........

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Ah, Uncle Avabig's farm: such fond memories of playing with lovely cool ladybananas amongst the trees, hands everywhere round us, making little baby banabas. Such a fertile time. Now we are in the cold north lands where we have to cover ourselves with wooly sheaths.

Clair, we are very like pets. Try taking a fully grown banana on your lap and gently stroking it as it tries to snuggle in. So affectionate, so warm, gently purring as lies there. Let it wander where it will. So satisfying, so rewarding.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Is it you or your brother Wooly?



That looks suspiciously like Randy though she never was so coy about showing off her bits. In fact old Mabanana used to say that keeping Randy's knickers on was more difficult that trying to keep a politicians nose out of the trough.


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Hey Wooley

 Also an undignified end :

 At school  the thingies that teachers used to use for demonstration on bananas had to be large for the often enormously fat bananas,  and  some were also a little bent or twisted.  And the kids used to laugh and giggle.

Not a nice end for a banana, as no one wanted to eat them afterwards.



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