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Re: "Sods Law "


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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]OK Dog we get the point.  No need to say it twice!

Carnivores dare not ever complain to veggies about the appaling muck they serve up in the name of food  because all they ever get as a result is a lecture, not an improvement in the cuisine.

You are so brave admitting how difficult it is to get good food in carnovore circles.

I think you should be applauded for having the bravery to admit the muck carnivores eat.

It is so sad that carnivores serve appalling slop and dare not admit it to veggies. We wouldn't give you a lecture just some pointers towards flavoursome fresh exciting food.


I think one thing this thread proves is that being a veggie hampers your ability to read other peoples comments correctly. Also dog, in respect to your comment about me "not being your friend" thank goodness for that, as I would hate to have to turn down your invitation to lunch. Must go as I have to make myself a late night snack, a lovely  sausage sandwich.


I think it is you that cannot read English correctly. I too enjoy sausages occasionaly and they do not have to contain meat. Most meat eaters sausages they buy contain less than 40% meat - bangers even less sometimes 10%, it is a con on those addicted to flesh products.

Wake up smell the death and eat pure foods - you are what you eat!

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[quote user="Dog"] you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]



I have to say that I consider the statement above to be arrogant in the extreme. Do you really really believe that your diet is so very superior to that of those that do not follow your ideas.

The comment is insulting to those of us who are either omnivorous or carnivorous and, quite frankly, you should apologise, but I doubt you will.[:(]

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[quote user="Frederick"]Is there some kind of vegetarian Taliban crusade at work here ? [/quote]

The vegiterrorists.

Serious question for you Dog.

Did you ever eat meat? Are you a convert to vegeterianism?

I do respect those that have the courage of their convictions but evangelicalism whatever the form is such a turn off baby.

Most ex-drinkers I have met tell me that they really miss it but are determined to abstain, only one vegetarian, a 30 something girl, has admitted to me that she really misses the taste and texture of meet which made me really admire her determination.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]

[quote user="Dog"] you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]



I have to say that I consider the statement above to be arrogant in the extreme. Do you really really believe that your diet is so very superior to that of those that do not follow your ideas.

The comment is insulting to those of us who are either omnivorous or carnivorous and, quite frankly, you should apologise, but I doubt you will.[:(]


How I dislike false indignation - I have nothing to apologise for.

Meat eaters tend to have very boring uninaginative meals - just like the cow and potatoes mentioned on this thread. Hardly a balanced meal or flavoursome and certainly boring.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

[quote user="Frederick"]Is there some kind of vegetarian Taliban crusade at work here ? [/quote]

The vegiterrorists.

Serious question for you Dog.

Did you ever eat meat? Are you a convert to vegeterianism?

I do respect those that have the courage of their convictions but evangelicalism whatever the form is such a turn off baby.

Most ex-drinkers I have met tell me that they really miss it but are determined to abstain, only one vegetarian, a 30 something girl, has admitted to me that she really misses the taste and texture of meet which made me really admire her determination.


How stupid and completely ridiculous to suggest vegetarians have anything in common with the Taliban.

I will refrain from drawing parallels when it comes to the deaths of millions of animals every day to feed the carniverous appetite.

You are confused with the evangelical simily too it would make sense to say prolatising.

Confusing vegetarians with alchoholics is also a strange idea.

I did eat meat when I was young - strange isn't it how you tend to eat what your mother gives you and are soon into the whole system. But I along with many others stood back and saw it for what it really is and made a choice.

I have never met an ex-meat eater that misses the slimy texture and taste of death that comes with eating rotting flesh.

Meat is expensive and environmentally unsound you can eat cheaper, better and more excitingly by giving it a miss.

You carry on - it's your body and cholesterol level.

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="powerdesal"]

[quote user="Dog"] you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]



I have to say that I consider the statement above to be arrogant in the extreme. Do you really really believe that your diet is so very superior to that of those that do not follow your ideas.

The comment is insulting to those of us who are either omnivorous or carnivorous and, quite frankly, you should apologise, but I doubt you will.[:(]


How I dislike false indignation - I have nothing to apologise for.

Meat eaters tend to have very boring uninaginative meals - just like the cow and potatoes mentioned on this thread. Hardly a balanced meal or flavoursome and certainly boring.


Nothing false about my indignation Dog.

"You are confused with the evangelical simily too it would make sense to say prolatising.

"I believe you really meant "proselytising' ie "it is also used to refer to other religions' attempts to convert people to their beliefs or even any attempt to convert people to another point of view, religious or not."

Give it a rest please, veggie-terrorism is so boring and is almost guaranteed to polarise opinion, insulting those you wish to convert is counter-productive.  Each to his own

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Coops, I hate disagreeing with you but I have had some very tasty vegetarian meals on many, many occasions, in private houses as well as in restaurants.

Also, I have a sneaky admiration of Dog, speaking out so consistently and adamantly about what he believes in and, in a way, I don't really care if he's factually correct sometimes.  I think he has earned the right to be heard![:P]

You know, it's like when the Jehovah's Witnesses call here and try to talk about their brand of Christianity and I so admire them for their sheer guts that I forget every argument I possess to refute what they claim!

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]OK Dog we get the point.  No need to say it twice!

Carnivores dare not ever complain to veggies about the appaling muck they serve up in the name of food  because all they ever get as a result is a lecture, not an improvement in the cuisine.


You are so brave admitting how difficult it is to get good food in carnovore circles.

I think you should be applauded for having the bravery to admit the muck carnivores eat.

It is so sad that carnivores serve appalling slop and dare not admit it to veggies. We wouldn't give you a lecture just some pointers towards flavoursome fresh exciting food.

[/quote]I admit that I re-read that sentence a couple of times as it is somewhat syntactically suspect.  However, as I am sure you know, Dog, it is veggie food which I cannot, in general, abide.  But then I don't like many vegetables and cannot even swallow pulses as they seem to me to have the texture of the average bag of Blue Circle.  But sorry, veggies cannot comment upon their dietary choices without providing we poor, ignorant, misinformed, unable to cook food, carnivores with a lecture on how appalingly imoral we are - and you are a prime example. 

To my palate at least - I have no idea about yours, it probably is doesn't resemble mine (now there's a thought) - there is nothing like a properly cooked (or should I say un-cooked as blue is best) piece of steak.  Oh, sorry, yes of course there is - pate de fois gras.  Now that's food. 

EDIT ; Sweets, you have  been lucky.  I have eaten in veggie households (both Bs i L and numerous friends) and at top notch vegetarian restaurants.  But the meals are still full of ...... vegetables.  Something I don't like much, I'm afraid and never have.  I don't know how people survive without the flavour and texture of dead animals.  When I am forced to eat veggie, I just have to pop round the corner afterwards and buy a box of KFC!

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]


EDIT ; Sweets, you have  been lucky.  I have eaten in veggie households (both Bs i L and numerous friends) and at top notch vegetarian restaurants.  But the meals are still full of ...... vegetables.  [/quote]

Priceless [:D] I know exactly what you mean though!

The best ever Indian meal that I have eaten was a vegetarian thali at a veggie restaurant in Thailand in the late 80's

As for the many other vegetarian meals that I have tried since, - well they were just full of vegetables [6]

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Dog"][quote user="powerdesal"]

[quote user="Dog"] you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]



I have to say that I consider the statement above to be arrogant in the extreme. Do you really really believe that your diet is so very superior to that of those that do not follow your ideas.

The comment is insulting to those of us who are either omnivorous or carnivorous and, quite frankly, you should apologise, but I doubt you will.[:(]


How I dislike false indignation - I have nothing to apologise for.

Meat eaters tend to have very boring uninaginative meals - just like the cow and potatoes mentioned on this thread. Hardly a balanced meal or flavoursome and certainly boring.


Nothing false about my indignation Dog.

"You are confused with the evangelical simily too it would make sense to say prolatising.

"I believe you really meant "proselytising' ie "it is also used to refer to other religions' attempts to convert people to their beliefs or even any attempt to convert people to another point of view, religious or not."

Give it a rest please, veggie-terrorism is so boring and is almost guaranteed to polarise opinion, insulting those you wish to convert is counter-productive.  Each to his own


You are correct please accept my apologies I was in a rush I had meant proselytising.

Suggesting that vegetarians are terrorists is outrageous they are in fact as a group the least likely to act in a violent way.

I find meat eating unimaginative and so boring.

'Each to his own' is a bit Aleister Crowley for my liking - 'Live and let live' is a little more inclusive.


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Something Veggies forget is that meat eaters are doing the environment a favour by eating cows, as every cow that gets killed  means less damage to the environment by methane. By the way Coops I'm going to the Family Village  near  Le Mans tomorrow for a  jazz evening, are there any burger bars there?  [:D]  [:D]
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[quote user="Dog"]I don't hate you - I am amazed you can rob at will and abuse the system. I  think the only agenda you are interested in is your own - you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]

Without knowing anything about me other than the fact that I am a meat eating banker, I think your statement that "only agenda you are interested in is your own" undermines any coherent argument you make about anything in these threads. Quite an ignorant assumption, as is

the satement "I am amazed you can rob at will and abuse the system" is based on what exactly?

Your attacks seem very personal which again is a shame.

You would eat well at my table because I am the mug that would go out of my way to cook vegetarian faire for you, with non meat infected plates forks chopping boards and cooking pans if neccessary. I dare say if I asked for meat in your home, I wouldn't get within a mile.

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Baypond, don't mind him:  Dog is just dog.  His bark is worse than his bite.

But, hey, you're some sort of fab cook?  Wow, now I AM full of admiration......... a banker who can also cook; hm intriguing..

Don't get me wrong, I don't hold it against you, your job, that is.  Someone's got to be a banker and I hear that that Fred Goodwin has landed himself another nifty job.

So, banking is no bar to progress, even if you do mess up the previous job!

No attacks from me, Baypond, we're friends, remember?

Just give us some sort of explanation on this rise and rise of the pound?  I find it scary.

Sorry, Dog, is this thread about NOT eating meat and am I off topic, again?[:D]

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Dear Sweet,

I love cooking. Meat, Vegetables, trading books, and tax returns (only joking Dog)

I just placed something on the other thread, but there has been a combination of EUR negative news, GBP positive news, and a sense that a lot of bad news is already priced in.

There is also a sense (after the SOCGEN results) that maybe the US and to a lesser extent UK banks, have taken a lot of their medicine whereas European banks have yet to really divulge the full extent of their problems.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Blimey, Baypond, we do live in interesting times, then?[/quote]

Always interesting, always changing.

Don't you think it is interesting that in the old days, a profession was something to aspire too. These days there are only a few that have any respect left. No one likes/respects bankers, politicians, accountants, estate agents, police, councillors, plumbers, chippies, etc etc

We now only respect excrutiatingly difficult jobs that combine pay that in no way compensates them for the large part of their lives they give. Armed forces, doctors, nurses etc

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What I DO remember, baypond, was that nobody actually had the disposable millions that many seem to be able to command nowadays.

I knew old landed gentry, headmasters, bishops, accountants, people in the "city", etc (only because of my work and my OH's work, I hasten to add) and there was always a sort of "genteel" poverty and carefulness of resources evident in faded furniture, perhaps having an "amenity bed" instead of going "fully private" in hospital, one's children possibly going to a minor public school because of the cost of fees, running around in an old Bentley and only modest drinking and eating in the house.  OK, there might be the club in "town" but one only went there a few times a year, taking the train (second class) and so on.

Sure, there were people with money but I didn't see the sort of "if you've got it, flaunt it" mentality that nowadays seems to prevail.  Looking back now, I realise I'm not talking about some really bygone era either, I'm talking perhaps the 1970s.

I do find the present-day obsession with money, what it will buy, what one can do with it, where one should invest it, how one can best show it off, completely alien and off-putting.

There again, I guess I'm just [:D]showing my age and my own lack of such riches.......


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You are so right. The one thing I love about the area we have a house in is that they don't like overt shows of wealth.

Why is it that we buy new tea mugs not because they are broken or chipped, but because we just fancy a new set. When I went for a coffee at the farmhouse next door, their cups must have been 30 years old. It is funny how those cups held coffee just as well as any new cup. I don't think the coffee tastes any different either!

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[quote user="baypond"][quote user="Dog"]I don't hate you - I am amazed you can rob at will and abuse the system. I  think the only agenda you are interested in is your own - you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]

Without knowing anything about me other than the fact that I am a meat eating banker, I think your statement that "only agenda you are interested in is your own" undermines any coherent argument you make about anything in these threads. Quite an ignorant assumption, as is
the satement "I am amazed you can rob at will and abuse the system" is based on what exactly?
Your attacks seem very personal which again is a shame.
You would eat well at my table because I am the mug that would go out of my way to cook vegetarian faire for you, with non meat infected plates forks chopping boards and cooking pans if neccessary. I dare say if I asked for meat in your home, I wouldn't get within a mile.

Baypond you have previously refused to accept that you skim markets and thus causing inflation. Bankers add very little to the economy meanwhile thinking you are like a greengrocer which is nonsense.

My words are not a personal attack they are the same for all others involved in robbery on a large scale.

People are not 100% bad you do what you feel is necessary for your pocket.

You are obviously itelligent and it's a shame it's misused in banking.

You certainly unfortunately would be within a kilometre of meat in my house you could eat with the hunting dogs down the lane.

You are welcome to come to eat - I will invite a mathematician friend who was in banking but left when he realised how it was just a great gambling  and skimming game without foundation in commerce.

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