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Re: Summer Gala Concert in the Park


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I seem to remember that we always have a Summer Event for Forum Members at this time of year.  The first year I joined, there was the Summer Ball but, being a newbie then, I did not get an invite![:(]

The following year, Cathy organised the Summer Picnic at Renaud's place and that was such a lively event that neither Renaud's garden nor Mrs Renaud has recovered.

Last year, I had the Summer BBQ at my place but, unfortunately, the small bbq that I acquired secondhand for the occasion proved insufficient for the hordes that arrived.  In the end, everybody went home hungry....sorry folks!

This year, I thought we'd have a bit of culture, so...........how about a Summer Concert and we can have a French Glyndebourne?

Frenchie, I am certain, can persuade the great MACA to come.

Sid, who was looking for people for his brass band, could perhaps get a band together for the occasion

Swissie can bring her OH and I'll let her explain about his turn

Norman can bring his own Roumanian choir so that people who don't know anything about Roumanians and are prejudiced against them can meet a few in the flesh.

Can anyone please make some more suggestions for acts or music for this fantastic event?

Would someone please design the invitation cards/posters, flyers, etc?  And post them here for members' comments and we'll vote for the best.

Should it be evening dress and wicker hampers only?  Or shall we just have the regular knees- and p*** up?

BTW, Just John has offered his Manoir in Montignac for this year's event; thank you, JJ.

Have I forgotten anything/anyone else?[:D] (that was supposed to be a smile of encouragement!)  

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[quote user="sweet 17"] Have I forgotten anything [blink] The first year I joined, there was the Summer Ball but, being a newbie then, I did not get an invite![:(] [/quote] It was a raffle, sweet, not a dance[:)]

Please bring (and take with you) your own bottle, picnic, barbeque, shorts, wellingtons, picnic chairs, tables, candelabras, sick bag, toilet tent, and spade.

In no event shall I be liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential or otherwise loss, damage or aspersions; All characters, events and reflections are fictive imaginings bearing no malice or offence, and are crafted with convenience to evoke love and elicit goodwill through empathy, introspection and mental callisthenics. In the event inordinate grammar is found (or etymology founded) or, perchance bathos is construed, do not spurn the thought; rather, empathise the deed.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Last year, I had the Summer BBQ at my place but, unfortunately, the small bbq that I acquired secondhand for the occasion proved insufficient for the hordes that arrived.  In the end, everybody went home hungry....sorry folks!


duh... I missed that one [:(]

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Well, Rose, aren't you glad you didn't come to eat the food that wasn't there?[:P]

But, can you and Greyman put together some entertainment for the concert?  I mean can you do a duet like "Baby it's Cold Outside" or something similar?

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Oh dear - very best half says he will only play his accordeon if there are less than 10 people around! Bless him - his French café style is really coming along, and he is working so hard (thank goodness for our double doors and thick walls) - only been learning for 10 months and he is actually quite good now. How he learnt that quickly- not being a musician and well over 60, I do not know.

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So, two more acts for the concert, good!

Swissie, as I can't bank on even 10 coming, your very best half is perfectly safe to play.

Now we await a response from Norman....come on! Norman!

And, where is Frenchie?  She and Macca are, you know, quite close, say no more.

JJ, perhaps you could look at getting in some Portaloos if you don't want the riff-raff to er.....use the facilities, I mean the trees and bushes?

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Incidently Mrs Tiverton and Joyce have kindly offered to lead us in Old time dancing. I have just ordered some latrine tents from an ex goverment store, they had some great offers on camouflage nets which have completely covered the main towers so that the place looks just like a little cottage now; just to boost the numbers I've invited the chasse, they say they're looking for some live practice after a few drinks and of course we can spit roast anything they bag[:D] 

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Oh, JJ, what a lovely, lovely, talented lady she was!  Alas, we won't see the likes of her again as I can't think of any contemporary to match her.  Thank you for that link.

Whilst you're at it, how about some fireworks to end off the evening when we are singing Land of Hope and Glory?

And could everyone attending please bring their national flag?  Just to remind the French that the tricolor is not the only drapeau to be seen in France....

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I can sing - but Morris Dancing is one of the two things I was advised never to do....

I do have a fighting kite I made in the shape of the maple leaf from my national flag - it is black to show my anarchistic tendencies.

I was accompanying some Germans playing their jews harps with some mongolian throat singing at the weekend.

It was a most bizarre weekend and they had an on the spot wedding for a German couple and they were singing religious songs in English which was rather strange.

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I have tried to get hold of Weedon to organise the team grasstrack mower race, but apparently he couldn't hear the phone above the sound of his mower while out on the lawn last night after midnight mowing when I called; he's probably aware he should be setting off anytime soon in order to get here on his ride-on; and on that note could I just remind everyone that field gates open at 12 noon but please arrange to remove all mowers after last cut at midnight, before the fireworks start! 
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JJ I don't think you have your enterprising head on. For a small 'consideration' you have stalls selling food.[I]

I happen to know that the bloke what runs my local chippy has a mate who has a second cousin twice removed  what does a very tasty andouillette fritter. He must be good 'cos he's at Heston services and has a cookery prog on the tele at the moment.

Failing that I have a hand  written edition of Mrs Cropleys famous recipes and I'm sure I could make a sarnie or two.[+o(]

As far as entertainment is concerned I'm afraid I have no skills what-so-ever. [:(]

I take it this is arranged for the 31st June, when there will be a blue moon.[Www]

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So, Dog is now in charge of getting in some international artistes.  BTW, only kisses on cheeks, please and definitely NO handshaking.

I won't have Dog upset with people giving him one of their funny handshakes....[6]

Actually, JJ, I don't think we'll do the lawnmower racing competition.  I think I'd rather watch the grass grow [:P]

We possess a Husqvana in Ferari Red and, according to the OH, it's either too wet, too dry or the French neighbour (who works nights) cannot be disturbed and the grass in our garden is now long enough to turn into bales.

Not a competitive bone in his body, you see, so he won't be taking part in the lawnmower race!


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Just seen a video of Marti Feldman singing a song à la Jacques Brel, dressed with neckerchief and beret - all about HP sauce, in non-sensical but totally plausible French. Absolutely hilarious - so OH will try to learn it as his party piece. Brilliant. Will it be 2 or 3 bises on the cheeks?

he has just ordered his Honda snow-blower, can he bring that for the race?

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[quote user="britgirl"]

I take it this is arranged for the 31st June, when there will be a blue moon.[Www]


So, just for you, britgirl, we will include this item:



As for JJ, don't you realise he is letting us use the Manoir de Montignac out of the generosity of his heart and commercial enterprise doesn't get a look in?

He doesn't mean it about bringing your lawn mowers etc.  All he wants is for us all to enjoy ourselves.  At least, that's what he's told me [:P] 

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Of course not, Swissie, but do you think your husband can be trusted to look after the Dog, stop him barking, weeing against the guests' legs, and generally being a bit of a nuisance?

But No One, you do understand, must be allowed to ask Dog for his paw,OK?  He'd know a funny handshake if anyone tries one on him!  And then, he might snap and I can't answer for the consequences.

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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="britgirl"]

I take it this is arranged for the 31st June, when there will be a blue moon.[Www]


So, just for you, britgirl, we will include this item:





Thanks sweet 17, but when there is a blue moon I'm cuddling my duvet and enjoying a cup of cocoa.


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