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Re: Victoria brighter than David.


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[quote user="idun"]But how can he tell what she likes, the misery never smiles.[/quote]

If you had cameras and paps in your face every time you went out, recording all your moves and dissecting your life for fake stories and to line their pockets on your back, you'd be all smiles too, wouldn't you...?

You do realise the photos you see are specifically chosen from thousands of pics by the editors to illustrate whatever story they want their readers to believe...

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Even when she is out with her new baby she is never shown smiling. Or with her kids for that matter. She is a very very plain jane who could do with a smile to cheer her face up a bit.

Charity work, well, that is what people with money should do. 'I' do charity work and I don't crow about it, it is what everyone should do, help others.

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[quote user="idun"]

Even when she is out with her new baby she is never shown smiling. Or with her kids for that matter. She is a very very plain jane who could do with a smile to cheer her face up a bit.


Oh no! How dare she not smile on demand for people who read about her?

What a vile woman! What a vile mother!

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You can bet she'll be smiling if and when, dear David receives a knighthood for all his excellent work(?) promoting the forthcoming olympic fiasco! Her present pouting unsmiling style is obviously essential practice at the thought of her becoming a 'Lady'.

As for that baby, all the shots I've seen it appears Ms Beckham 'wears' baby like some kind of fashion accessory![:@]

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Yes, if you say so Clair, vile? maybe a bit OTT, but it'll do.


voila, found one. Must be some time ago though. Strikes me that one way or another the public make her rich and being a mardy sow no matter how much your photo is being taken is inexcusable.

by Idun with a face lined with smile lines.


ps my mother was a miserable sow, I know one when I see one.

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[quote user="idun"]

Yes, if you say so Clair, vile? maybe a bit OTT, but it'll do.


voila, found one. Must be some time ago though. Strikes me that one way or another the public make her rich and being a mardy sow no matter how much your photo is being taken is inexcusable.

by Idun with a face lined with smile lines.


ps my mother was a miserable sow, I know one when I see one.


if you say so, idun, if you say so, then surely it must be true.

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Rather like asking if a glow worm is brighter than a firefly?

I have no idea what either of them is like.  I care rather less (he plays an inane team game, she was in some sort of group I've never even heard).  However, I think it's very difficult to judge a public figure by the way the red top media portrays them, especially given that the agenda of the kinds of rags which cover their antics is to pander to the baser instincts of their readership - that's how they sell these "news"papers, isn't it? 

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Would that I never had to see either of them, but they inescapable via magazine covers, the internet, even tv and the news.

Clair I just gave my opinion as to how I see her, someone else's 'truth' may be quite quite different to mine. And must be, as I have read that she is beautiful, and funny. My imagination can be a little wild, but those comments are quite beyond me.

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[quote user="idun"]

Would that I never had to see either of them, but they inescapable via magazine covers, [/quote]I don't see them in the Statesman, the New Yorker or Motorsport![:D]  I confess I rarely watch the news (and then only on Ch4) but get most of my stuff from two or three newspapers which I read regularly - The Grauniad, The Observer, Le Monde and sometimes the Telegraph and the FT.  I don't even look at the stuff on team-sports stars or "celebrities".  Even with the sport I'm interested in, it's the sport itself which I like to read about and/or watch, not rubbish about the people who participate in it and what they do when they're not working! Unless you google them, how do you find them on the internet outside fora like this one, Idun? 

These things are avoidable.  For instance, I only saw Kate Windsor's wedding dress for the first time on the Big Fat Quiz of the Year a couple of days ago!  (And I thought it was horrible.)

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Rather like asking if a glow worm is brighter than a firefly?

I have no idea what either of them is like.  I care rather less (he plays an inane team game, she was in some sort of group I've never even heard).  However, I think it's very difficult to judge a public figure by the way the red top media portrays them, especially given that the agenda of the kinds of rags which cover their antics is to pander to the baser instincts of their readership - that's how they sell these "news"papers, isn't it? 


Agreed. I'm not honestly interested in either of them but it appears that they don't make bad role models for those who need them and if they do lots for charity that can't be a bad thing. Newspapers use 'celebrities' for their own purposes (remember Princess Diana!) and will slant stories and use flattering or unflattering photos as they decide.

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I am aware of the Beckhams...let's face it, you really would have to be living in a cave not to be.. and I agree that newspapers use celebrities (however we define the term "celebrity") for their own purposes.

However, I have to say that, as I probably only see pictures of the Beckhams on TV or if I forget to take my own reading matter to the doctor's, I haven't been particularly influenced by the media into believing that Mrs B is attractive. I don't find her in the least attractive. On the contrary. He seems a nice enough bloke. Why there is (apparently) such enormous media interest in either of them escapes me, though.

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Some of you would have been burnt at the stake in the Middle Ages [6]

How many times are there cases in the paper where someone has killed his family, mutilated someone etc and those who knew them say 'but he was a lovely person'.

Same with the Beckhams how can anyone really know how they are?

How many people dicorce and their close freinds say 'we thought they were the ideal couple'.

He does come across as a little bit dense but there again it is only an impression. What I do know is that they have a couple of pounds more than I do so they are shrewd enough either to negotiate well directly or to get someone to do it on their behalf.

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