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Re: Been here since 2006


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When we brought our house , I have wanted to move out since day one ... In the days when Ali cat was talking about moving out ...where is she now ??

But ever cauious hubby has made me wait and wait and wait ..... Now I have his go ahead in 7 weeks time Im driving down with a truck driver my dog cat and worldly goods ....Hubby coming later cos he is working as ever ....... 

God Im so excited ....wooooo weeeeeee

So looking for advice been there and done some of it .... but will now need to know the silly things like which is the best flour to buy for yourshire puddings ??? although im sure the boss will bring his own home if the french version dost match up to his idea of a good pud .... spent the 6 years having lessons but still only a basic french talker.

So here I come what do you think is the best avice you can give me ?????  

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Welcome to the full-time ! [:)]

I hope that you will have as wonderful time as I do.

Just keep trying and trying on the French, and don't be afraid to put your foot in it.

You will find things cheaper if you adopt some French ways as well as keeping your Yorkshire puddings

Enjoy [B]

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Thankyou Norman .... Im amazed that my french learning tapes books dvd's ect actually take up 3 of the big cardboard boxes that I have packed . I really enjoy learning so yes will keep it up , I have a lady in my village who makes it her job to teach me  she dosnt know yet we are coming out full time , so she is going to be busy this summer.

I still have to pich my self ....hubby says yes .....



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Pads, what lovely news! I knew you'd been wanting to move out full-time for a long time; you know what they say about everything coming to he (or she!) who waits!  [:D]

I can't think of anything at all to advise you - you've been coming and going for so long! Maybe just stock up on your Lakeland liners and anything else you value from them!

Lots of luck in your full-time life in France!

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Lake land liners ...oh my god wot are they ? do i need them at passport control ??? ;)

Only thing I need to stock up on are peanut butter kitkats and bake beans ;) Thankfully I prefer french food to english so should be ok ......phew

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As they have just won the kitkat vote they should be on the shelves soon i hope ...will bring loads ..luckerly hubby will still be working here and bringing supplies home with him.... mean while i do need to lose some weight
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[quote user="Pads"]When we brought our house , I have wanted to move out since day one ...

But ever cauious hubby has made me wait and wait and wait ..... Now I have his go ahead in 7 weeks time I'm driving down with a truck driver my dog and worldly goods ....

God I'm so excited ....wooooo weeeeeee [/quote]

Superb news Pads ... I am so very pleased for you, I can't put it into words but I know you and the animals will be fine ...

The long wait is over ... let the adventure begin !!

Sue [:D]

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Hey Pads, fantastic news and congratulations. What an exciting time for you! I can't offer any advice about flour, etc., as I'm a frightful cook but the best advice I was given was ..... pack all your boxes and then chuck away half, you won't need them. Four years over here and I still have over 40 boxes, unopened, in the loft. No idea what's in them, haven't needed it, haven't got the space and, frankly, haven't got the inclination to open them!

But good luck with your journey down, and welcome to full-time France!
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Thanks Frecossais I think it will be .... ;)

Nectarine ... Im doing a carboot sale tomorrow , chucked out 25 black bags full of clothes and other guff from the attic we have carried for 30 years over the last 2 weeks , All Im taking is a large transit van load of stuff mostley my books clothes and a few bits of furniture , we will leave the good stuff here untill we finish the wall knocking down painting stage then chuck out some of the bits in France and bring down the rest at a later stage.

We will rent this house until we have had a few years under our belts to make sure we are both happy

As long as I have my books dog and cat Im happy anywhere ........

Ooooo Weee I just cant hide it ..... ;)) 

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Pads, very sensible in renting your UK property for a couple of years, as although I have no doubt from your enthusiasm you will settle in well, the bigger challenge from what you say might be your other half, as is often the way. To this end, I read recently that in international recruitment the number one reason for expatriate workers returning home early, is their partner not settling in and I have a feeling it is one of the main reasons a lot of expat retired couples return home as well.
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My husband is happy if im happy , I run all the house hold stuff , as he works abroad anyhow and is seldom home , he worries more about me struggling than him. He has a big fishing lac near by , A big garden to keep him going for years , also enough house jobs to do to keeep him going for many years , a woman who adores and does everything for him... I think he will be happy ;) He has worried over the years about moving from rented to buying , from London to Lanc's and then Lanc's to Cornwall he is just a worrier , as long as me and his dog are there trust me he will settle in ....bless his little cotton socks ....
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[quote user="Pads"]My husband is happy if im happy , I run all the house hold stuff , as he works abroad anyhow and is seldom home , he worries more about me struggling than him. He has a big fishing lac near by , A big garden to keep him going for years , also enough house jobs to do to keeep him going for many years , a woman who adores and does everything for him... I think he will be happy ;) He has worried over the years about moving from rented to buying , from London to Lanc's and then Lanc's to Cornwall he is just a worrier , as long as me and his dog are there trust me he will settle in ....bless his little cotton socks ....[/quote]

That's just so lovely!

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Aww thanks Christine .... I thought to celebrate new home ...new cat , so being trying to find out if jasper cat is still looking for a home but chat quercy dosnt seem to be online ....he looks like he could be a member of our family. As long as he likes our  cat dog and 2 nutty humans ...


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He does look like yous dosnt he , I will have him if he is still there when I move out in 4 weeks , I want him to meet my old dog first as she is so soft and I dont want a cat that might go for her or bully her , the lady I spoke to couldnt give me any informationabout him as to weather he has ever seen a dog before or has mixed with other cats , Im very good at getting new animals to settle in with each other so it should be ok , as long as he is only scared to start with and not mean.... Our neighbour has a ginger cat who is so mean never seen any thing lie it , my poor tigger comes home all the time with chunks out of him, and it will charge me and boo when we walk past. My animals must come first , but he has caught my eye for a few months now so think I will have to have him. Trouble is I wont have the car as hubby will be following me down later and he has it , Im being delivered by lorry !!!! The loverly Chateau Miow has said she will drive me if needs bebut she is a busy lady and its a long way for her to go and back in one day. But I will let you know with pictures as soon as he has his feet up on the sofa ..... ;) 


Ps ...dont tell that JJ cos he will tell my hubby ;) and i want it to be a surprise ;)..... exits whistling..... [Www]

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3weeks to go 3 weeks to go woooopy woopy wooooo ....

Im already packed ,all walls repainted , house cleaned ,stove re zebo-ed ,shed clean and empty,  trouble is now I have to keep popping into boxes to find things I need .... maybe I was a little to eager to pack!!

2nd carboot tomorrow hope i get rid of as much stuff as I did last week.

Last trip to doctor , vet , hairdresser, leg waxer, super market next week ... Lots of lunches with friends the week after ....oh it will go so fast ...

Sat here twiddling thumbs now ;)

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hey Pads, I'm really enjoying reading this thread. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Keep giving us updates on what you're doing and the lead-up to the big move ... meanwhile as always, good luck with it all. Sounds like you have everythng under control!
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