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On my way to Bugarach tomorrow... Info required pls


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In view of the predicted collision with the wayward comet the Mayans have been kind enough to let us know about, I'm planning on making my way to Bugarach tomorrow.

Does anyone need a lift there? I can pick up 3 people on the way, but only if you have 1 backpack and no suitcase.

Does anyone know if there will be iPad-compatible chargers on the spaceships?

Do we need to download a translation app, and if so, which one?

I have read that we will be rejuvenated, so I assume I won't need my blood pressure tablets...? Can anyone confirm, please?

Does anyone know if David Icke will be keeping his website up to date with the latest info?

Sorry it's a lot of questions, but I've been tied up with Patf  + 5-E and various forum login problems and I haven't had a chance to look at the hieroglyphs in detail.

Thanks for any supplementary info you can offer.

If I don't get a chance to see any of you there, I hope we'll get a chance to talk once we're settled in the spaceships!

We should deffo have a forum badge of some sort so we can recognise each other [I]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]The last I heard, the police have CLOSED the whole village to er.....nutters![:P][/quote]

No worries there, Sweet, as I have already booked and paid for entry for a car and 5 people.

I have got a pass valid for the town and GPS coordinates.

I take it you won't need a lift? [8-)]

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I'm coming if we can have::

* a sewing machine with plenty of fabrics and threads - after all a girl can't have too many patchwork projects on the go

* a piano with several musical scores - my aim is that when we come back to Earth, I'll be able earn money as a concert pianist

* a decade's supply of Cadbury Daily Milk chocolate

* a bottle or three of Baileys

* no men on the space ship, other than WB, Renauld, JJ and a few others - apply here and us girls will decide whether to let you in

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Clair, when you get to the pic, you will be échevelés![:-))][/quote]

Not possible, Sweet, as I've been asked to ensure everyone has "la boule à zéro" (shaved/bald head). Apparently the spaceships internals are particularly sensitive to body hair.

I have asked Mr Clair to shave my head tomorrow before we drive off (too cold and windy to do tonight!)

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"][quote user="Clair"]

 Apparently the spaceships internals are particularly sensitive to body hair.


Does that mean that Brazilians will be especially welcome?  [:$]


especially Brazilian cyclists [:D]

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We have been full since yesterday with a Norwegian film crew. Easy money, 100 Euros per night, four people in four rooms for three nights and it seems we are amongst the cheapest. Some B&B's are charging 600 per night but sadly they are empty when you check them on booking.com.

Anyway they (the Norwegian film crew) were up there today and can report it is a total waste of time. There are around 600 Gendarmes and about 250 news teams from all over the world there plus two Gendarme helicopters flying around. Total number of actual visitors is between 50 to 60 and the village is now closed off till the 22nd. The bar and restaurant owners are complaining to the Gendarmes because people are arriving, seeing the Gendarmes and turning back. The bar has an extra 2000 ltrs of beer in stock and the restaurant has enough food to feed 1,500 people which was the limit the Mayor put on the number of people allowed to enter the village. The space ship is going to depart at 12:15 tomorrow and strangely supermarkets round here have reported massive sales of matches. One can only assume that the space ship needs it's blue touchpaper light to take off.

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The reason I know that the world is not going to end today, and I'm sure of it.............. is because I didn't win the euromillions on Tuesday. I reckon my luck is such that if I had won ÂŁ62million on Tuesday, the world would end on today Friday the 21st[:-))]


Anyway, just in case I'm wrong, as I am sometimes, is anyone going to do anything reckless today?

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Where is everyone?

Am I all alone?


Oh! Hi! [:$]

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