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Re: I promise I am NOT joking!


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I couldn't really decide whether to put this in Food and Wine or here and I thought that here might be more appropriate.

Anyone ever had "gratte cul" (keeping a VERY straight face)?

This appears to be a delicacy of some sort, sweet, and for "tartiner"; presumably on bread or dry biscuits.

The name of the make is "Miguel GORRY" [:D]

Now I couldn't say whether it's a gory business, sounds it to me.

How does it appeal then for breakfast tomorrow morning, gratte cul and toast?

PS  I see it's on offer at Auchan du mercredi 8 au mardi 14 octobre (don't say I don't try my best to be helpful!)

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mint, I have never had it in France, but isn't it 'delrosa' or just about?

[:)]slightly surprised that you have not encountered the expression leche-cul before Chancer.

My vocabularly has some 'raw' words and expressions in it.  Usually I am lady enough to not use them. [blink]

Wooly, I knew I had seen cul d'ange somewhere or other, and couldn't remember where or what it was, so had to google it, a specialist make of jam..... very odd!

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[quote user="idun"][:)]slightly surprised that you have not encountered the expression leche-cul before Chancer.


I probably have, the people around here dont mince their words, perhaps it has been the filtering mechanism that has ignored it before or understood the general sense and just followed the conversation, sometimes there is a declic when you finally get the meaning of something that you have often heard and thought you have understood.

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It wouldn't bother me, I know it is rosehip, and that is nice and a wonderful source of vitamin C.

Look at andouillettes, they have not got a disgusting name, and yet, I imagine that if I ever had the misfortune to be offered hot turd wrapped in sausage skin, there would be little difference in flavour or texture to that of an andouillette, and my body would react in exactly the same way.

Incidentally my husband likes andouillettes, I know a lot of people who do. They make me physically heave, not just feel sick, my whole body 'heaves'.

I was wondering if this was too much information, but, I think on reflection, that people need warning about andouillette, if they have not encountered them, it could be a truly terrible encounter, or you could love them.

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The joys of cultural differences:

On m'a même raconté l'histoire d'une sage-femme du Val-d'Oise qui demandait à une patiente comment elle voulait appeler son garçon. Celle-ci a alors répondu : Clitis, comme Clitis Woud (NDLR : référence à l'acteur et réalisateur américain Clint Eastwood)

Still makes me laugh!
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