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Re: The songs we are singing


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hi all

Just feeling very sorry for my self been back at school 4 weeks and have a wonderful cold with open evening on wednesday and double year 10 tomorrow I have to remind my self some times [url=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=c5IIXeR5OUI&feature=related]What a wonderful world[/url] we live in.[:D]

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[quote user="krusty"]

Just back from the weekly shop , enjoying the sunshine with the top down and this tune playing [:D]



Couldn't agree more Krust, went for a spin yesterday just to feel the wind in my hair and the sun on my face.  I reckon if I take the basket off the front and unbolt the stabilisers I could maybe get the Sturmey Archer into top gear.


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Hellllo !!

It s very sunny, I'm in a dancing mood..!

Someone amazing in my opinion, a French singer, Christophe Willem, in a song that inevitably gets me dancing in the lounge !! [:D]

At first when I heard him on the radio in the car, I thought the song was sung by a girl ..

What a voice :!

Double " je"

( And a funny video !!)


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