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She is Shadow Home Secretary ...


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so why is she doing an interview on LBC and spouting figures as though she is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, especially as it appears that she hasn't a clue what she is talking about.

Is this for real ?


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No it isn't for real ... apparently she just got confused.


Delighted to see that Jeremy has given the correct figures and said that he is relaxed about the 'misspeaking' Ms Abbott.
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Total 'car-crash' material: Here

A masterclass in ineptitude. Labour is being led by their D team, and it shows at almost every turn.

The Tories do appear to have worked out  that their

optimum strategy is to say absolutely nothing, and just allow Corbyn's

Labour to destroy itself.

Apparently Conservative central office have complained to TV companies

about the amount of air time Corbyn is receiving... they don't think

it's enough...!

 Abbott will just dismiss critics of her performance as racist, her standard fall-back position.

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Ahhhh blesss!

The poor lady is just a former of her shadow self [kiss]

If people keep picking on her just because she's not too sure which way is up she'll go into the garden and eat worms, just like in the childerns verse [:-))]

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Well that takes me back to when I was about 7 when in the Brownies, Jon, many, many years ago:

Nobody likes me,

Everybody hates me,

I'm going in the garden to dig worms.

Long thin slimy ones,

Short fat fuzzy ones,

Gooey, gooey, gooey, gooey worms.

Now the long thin slimy ones slip down easily,

The short fat fuzzy ones stick,

The short fat fuzzy ones stick to your teeth

And the juice goes slth slth slth slth slth.

Bite their heads off,

Suck their juice out,

Throw their skins away -

You'll be surprised how well I thrive

On worms three times a day!

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