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Nominations for the most annoying Christmas TV ads


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On UK TV, it has to be the Amazon ad.  I want to shout NO, I CANNOT FEEL IT, whatever IT is[6]

Close second is the one with some woman smirking and up to her neck in a pool which I hope is of sewer sludge.  Then she gets up, together with her companions, and start walking towards you, the viewer, whispering "j'adore Dior".  Vacuous and mega irritating and I expect Betty to protest to ASA, if you are there, Betty?  Betty?

On French TV, same Amazon ad and all those where a couple eat a piece of cheese and act like copulating rabbits on speed[6]

That's my grump for the rest of the year, I promise.  I wish you all a Happy Christmas and for it to stop raining so that we can all go outdoors and not be annoyed by TV ads[:)]

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It's your own fault for watching ITV. ???

My personal beef has nothing to do with adverts, but today is Christmas Eve, and it appears that 99% of all mainstream TV programming for the entire day and night is aimed at the under-fives. Who have their own channels already.

Luckily, I STILL haven't watched The Bodyguard, and the new Coen Bros film has been released on Netflix (I think) so if I'm going to watch TV at all, happy days.
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So little do I watch independent channels that I never see adverts.  If I do, I use them to go do something more interesting - amazing what you can get done in those breaks!

Happy Christmas everyone - no rain scheduled Mint, so hope you get your wish!

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For me, its not so much any specific ad, but all of them (which is just about every one of them) which say “THIS Christmas”. Don’t ask me why - it just grates with me somehow.

It was a pity that ‘Watership Down’ wasn’t on ITV, because I spent nearly two hours on the last two evenings glued to my chair. By the end, I badly needed a widdle (too much info I know) and my wine glass was licked dry! Anybody else enjoy the programme?

Digressing slightly, I haven’t seen ‘Zulu’ in the TV schedule yet - that’s a must-watch. ‘Where Eagles Dare’ is on, but don’t think I’ll be allowed to watch that!

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In spite of the terrible 1960's hairdo's I love Where Eagles Dare and do watch it from time to time and will watch it again, if there is nothing else on.

I really used to enjoy Alastair Maclean books in my youth.

And if it is on, I will watch The Great Escape too.

Christmas ads, well, what a load of tosh they generally are and do get on my nerves. We usually turn the sound off when they are on.

In fact adverts get on my nerves, but I do realise that they pay for programs, and that is just how it is.

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Nah, not Zulu or Bridge on the River Kwai (though I WAS interested to see the location for the latter when we were in Sri Lanka on holiday) but I see they have Anna and the King of Siam this afternoon.

"Whistle a Happy Tune", anyone?[:D]

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You are lucky.


Basically, every night on french telly there are countless adverts on french tv where people tell the world how they lost 50 kilos in a month by signing up to commejaime.

One minute they are on the large side and the next minute they are a perfect 10. It is a miracle thanks to commejaime.

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Well, I just treated myself to a bit of Mary Poppins, before I turned over for Carols from Kings, but that was because it was aperitif time, and I needed to sit down.  Only films I saw on that I fancied, I already have on DVD / video (yes .... I still have those odd things!), so hoping for a treat of old films which I really like ... somehow, I hate the Christmas programmes of today. Not funny, and not worth turning on for ... IMHO. 

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But, Judith, there were scrumptious programmes on offer all yesterday though I admit they are few and far between.

On Arte, there was the Sistine Chapel Choir and I had never seen the ceiling in such close-ups.  It overlapped a bit with the King's Chapel lot but only partly.  Then later, there was a behind the scenes presentation of how they prepare for Christmas with a full advent programme at St Paul's Cathedral and the choristers were delightful and were such little old men![:)]  Then Victoria Wood who still seemed fresh even though the prog was made years ago.

If you wanted to find out more about the GJs, there was a discussion on C dans l'air on France 5 and I had more new words to learn[:P]

So, I can't agree that there are no good programmes.  Nowt wrong with the programmes, it's the adverts that are rubbish[I]

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Indeed, Mint, I did see 2 of the 4 you mention, but on the mainstreams well, it is always pick and choose.  Yesterday, well but the evening, having cooked lunch which finished at 4.30 - so French - after the quizzes on 2, I treated myself to a bit of It's a Wonderful life on video ... I was far too weary to do anything else.

Today, however, there are so many all at the same time that I will be spoilt for choice.  But I still watch very few with adverts .. and of course, for us, there is now Christmas University Challenge series, plus for hubby, the RI Lectures, which of course conflicts with the newly found Morecombe and Wise tapes.  'Twas ever thus, feast or famine!!

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Always remember a number of years ago they were going to show 'Oh What A Lovely War' but then the channel deemed it inappropriate at Xmas so showed 'True Grit'!!!!

Try a bit of the Reverend I M Jolly:

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Definitely worth a watch are the ‘Porridge’ repeats on the Drama channel (Freeview ch 143, nightly at 19.00 UK time). BBC never seem to show them, but they’re priceless IMO.

Ronnie Barker was of course a superb comedy actor, but Fulton Mackay as the Chief Warder, was a masterclass in creating a character.

Still waiting for ‘Zulu’, but they’ll either not bother, or put it on at 02.00 !

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[quote user="Gardian"]

Still waiting for ‘Zulu’, but they’ll either not bother, or put it on at 02.00 ![/quote]

Gardian, you are putting ideas in their heads; if you are not careful, they will show The Sound of Music.....you have been warned...!!

OTOH, I don't mind watching Dinner for One again[:D]

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[quote user="mint"]
[quote user="Gardian"]

Still waiting for ‘Zulu’, but they’ll either not bother, or put it on at 02.00 ![/quote]

Gardian, you are putting ideas in their heads; if you are not careful, they will show The Sound of Music.....you have been warned...!!

OTOH, I don't mind watching Dinner for One again[:D]


The Sound of Music was on France 3 over Christmas.
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[quote user="Gardian"]Definitely worth a watch are the ‘Porridge’ repeats on the Drama channel (Freeview ch 143, nightly at 19.00 UK time). [/quote]

Hi Gardian,
Just being inquisitive here.

How do you manage to have Freeview in the Gard? I always thought it could only be received, via an aerial + set top box or with a tv with it installed, in the UK and with a bit of a push at coastal points of northern France and the Netherlands.

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