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Great British Menus.... aN oxymoron?


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Does anyone else like Banoffee pie ?  Or am I the only one who can eat two portions at a sitting ?  I'm just a little piggy [:$]

I love it!!  And Chocolate Fudge Cake & Carrot Cake & Victoria Sponge & Coffee Cake & Muffins & Fairy Buns & ............. !  I have a rather sweet tooth. [:$]  I'm a big piggy - it took years of eating to get a figure like mine, you know!! [:-))]

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[quote user="jayjay"]

or a good crumble.[:)]


I was reading somewhere (heaven knows where LOL- my brain is at that

certain age) that 'le crumble' is now appearing on the menus of chic

French restaurants and that the word has been informally adopted

(whatever that means).  Can't say I have seen 'le crumble' on any

of  the menu's of local eateries...

But I add my vote to apple crumble, rhubarb crumb and ....banana and

chocolate crumble.  Honestly - its really good - jus slice up

bananas  sprinkle with pieces of chocolate  and cover with

crumble - bake as usual.  Chocolate melts and creates this lovely

gooey chocolately banana..ery mess - heaven!  


Dick - I know banana...ery isn't a proper word [;-)]

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Bananananarery? Terry Pratchett has a character who writes home about a bananananan dakry. Apparently she know how to start spelling banana but never knows when to stop...

Le crumble is all the rage in Manche. Apple, of course, or fruits de la fôret. Pronounced le crum-b-el.

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Sorry to start talking about french food here but I just had the urge to open a HUGE can of confit de canard or something.  It was given to me by one of the frenchies at christmas.  The tin is almost the size of an oil drum.  Now I don't know what to do.  I am home alone and up to my eyeballs in grease and duck legs.  What do I do now?  I mean does the grease stay on the legs or to I scrape it off?  Help there's loads of it.
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Scrape most of the grease off the pieces of meat (otherwise there's too much of it), we usually warm the tin before opening so the grease is runny and the meat easier to get at. We used to put the meat in a frying pan, but once in a restaurant it looked as if they had done it in the oven as the skin was all lovely and crispy, so that's what we do now.  Then keep the grease left in the tin for frying patates, etc.



There are certainly more exotic ways of using confit de canard, but that's just for a simple way of heating it up.  Bon appetit...




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[quote user="missyesbut"]. Will omit the yuk green stuff smelling of mint and vinegar that Brits eat with it... [/quote]



Noooooo mint sauce is one of my most favourite things on the planet I have it on any roast dinner [:D] or a nice big Yorkshire filled with minced beef and onions, mashed potato and peas with lashings of. mint sauce and onion gravy MMmmmmmmmm

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Warm the tin: reserve the duck fat. Unless you are on a low-fat diet like me, swizz.

Cook in a medium hot oven to taste - mine is crispy and almost burned, like the duck you get in pancakes in Chinese restaurants. I cook mine on a wire rack over a baking dish as there will still be a lot of fat rendered out. Delicious.


Some ducks I met this afternoon.

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Katie, it's not raw, so doesn't have to be in the oven for long.  I sometimes add a drop of cointreau or brandy or something and cherry jam to the sauce, heat it through and pour over the meat.

Let us know tomorrow.   [:)]

Edit:  Sorry, I got mixed up, the cherries are more with magret de canard, although you can also do it with confit.  The usual way of doing confit is with potatoes sauteed with garlic.



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ok, you have almost convinced me...

..but then, can enyone tell me why there are no British restaurants outside Britain?

..for example, any of you has moved to abroad and opened a British restaurant? (not counting the fish&chips on the costa brava)

..here is a good challange for Gary Rhodes and co. :  open a typical British restaurant in Milano and convince Berlusconi to eat mint sauce with his agnello (lamb)! That would be A challange, us italian we can be so unopened about different food than what mamma used to cook!

..anyway, thanks to all of you who have taken this post for what it is, just a way to talk about food, and have not taken any offence.

...But.. if i was the King of Italy, i would like to eat what i bloody choose to eat on my 80th birthday, and not what other decide for me! [:P]

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Having watched a few chefs (Floyd, Jamie Oliver etc.) tour around Italy & try to get Italians to eat anything different to what "mama, used to make" - I think any self-respecting chef would know that they would be out of business in weeks!!  I couldn't believe how unreceptive, the Italians featured, could be & would not even entertain the thought of adding one extra ingredient to a dish - even just to see what it would be like!!

If I'm cooking & it's in the fridge - I chuck it in!!  Usually works, as well.  Usually. [Www]

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The last time I went to Milan, the food (in the not cheap) hotel was dreadful. Both dinner and breakfast. Lucky they had lots of good Barolo....................

When the same mob of Italians came to London, I took them to the new carvery at the old Great Eastern Hotel, just after it was revamped.

Amazing! One guy went back for thirds and they all went back for seconds. You'de have thought they were starving! Piled into the roastbeef like rescued seaman after ten weeks on a raft.

And one of the hungriest, was a very wealthy man. Strange. He didn't eat like that in Milan.



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>>>Tell you what Missyesbut. You omit the mint. I will omit all that yuk stuff with ducks legs in <<<

There KKK!... sorry it's late but just got back from the Land of Nod!... Moi at the rescue to your duck problems...

Open tin, put content in oven proof dish. Put some spuds peeled or not (jersey royal or other small salad potatoes size spuds) around the duck in that same dish. Cook in hot oven until the spuds are ready.

Don't discard the yuk stuff!.. That's the duck's own fat that it got cooked in, and is used for roasting spuds in and the spuds are HEAVEN!! cooked that way.

Nothing should be lost in French countryhousewife cooking.

With a nice green salad, some goat cheese, crusty bread and a bottle of red... Yummmm.... Have a nice lunch!

I propose to do the washing up if I'm invited...
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[quote user="beryl"]

I remember that sketch by Caroline Ahern when she was working on a check out and on scanning a packet of rissoles, she said something akin to 'you don't want to eat them full of eye holes, ear holes and a**  holes'.


I stopped eating boerevors(farmers sausage) in South Africa when some consumer organisation complained that a particular brand contained "more than the permitted quantity of anal tissue"

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[quote user="Chauffour"]

... anal tissue

..as in 'Toilet Paper'???  [:-))]


I think I would rather eat the toilet tissue than the actual minced anus' (what's the plural of anus), so long as it was unused!!!!!

Sorry, now I am both off thread and disgusting.

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I have a lasting memory  from my days in practice - being at a

clients premises (the client manufactured meat pies etc).  While I

was waiting to speak to him I overheard the conversation he was having

with his supplier.  It went something along the lines of:

'that last load of meat ye sent us...twas all lung'.

'send it back??  I conna send it back na mate - its all in the pies...'

Never eaten meat pies since...


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