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>>>God, why do you girlies like ponsy blokes?


Because you may be spoken for, and we have nothing else to replace you, so we make do....

Anyway earlier on (on some other thread) I saw you as a Chippendale! Nice legs! I must say....

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Oh Cassis, you really need to change your taste, I bet he never saw a day of sweat and sawdust?

I might be spoken for but it doesn;t mean to say I can't read the menu, I'm not too sure tasting would be allowed though!

Get real girl, dump the ponses



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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Oh Cassis, you really need to change your taste, I bet he never saw a day of sweat and sawdust?

I might be spoken for but it doesn;t mean to say I can't read the menu, I'm not too sure tasting would be allowed though!

Get real girl, dump the ponses



Er, I'm not actually gay.  I only posted the picture for the general pleasure of the distaff members of the forum.  I spend most of my own days covered in sweat, sawdust and cement dust.  I know the moniker (Cassis) can be a bit of a curve ball if you haven't seen me sign off as Phil.  But I'm not going to explain that aspect now!


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Thanks for the thought, Chris, and you too Cassis [:)]

It's not really a problem now. It used to be, when I had to get up and go to work.

The thing that works best for me is hard physical labour, but my rubbish back restricts me. Even if I do get a few hours work in, I still wake up at some unearthly hour.

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I bought some to send home to my mother.  I translated the instructions for her.  Here's the gist:


Active ingredient doxylamine 15mg (an antihistamine)

To be used

for occasional insomnia


10 tablets


dosage ½ to 1 tablet taken 15-30 minutes before bed.

In the

case of older people, and those with kidney or liver disorders, the lowest

dosage is recommended.

Period of

treatment 2 to 5 days – do not take for longer periods without consulting a



side-effects :  sleepiness during

the day ; constipation ; dry mouth ; blurred vision (not to be

taken by those suffering from glaucoma) ; palpitations.

Not to be

taken in conjunction with any other antihistamine drug or sleeping medicament.


that the user avoids alcohol during the period of treatment.

The last one rules you out of ever using it, Chris.

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How else would you wash them down? I'd been thinking that seeing a phoenix emerging from a burning tree and a  Spitfire crossed with an eagle with a bomb in its talons and propellers made from feathers was pretty normal stuff? Perhaps I should wash them down with red instead of white?


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I want to confess to being a Dornomyl user too - I've been using 1/2 comprimé with red wine (occasionally) with no side effects or sleepless nights for the last 4 years. My parents discovered it and everytime they come over take a supply back for about half their village in the UK. It is the only thing I've found to help sleep that gives obvious side effects (to date, anyway). Although it is anti-histhamine it can't be that strong as it isn't helping my hay fever at all.
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What's wrong with a good old fashion night cap of whisky!

It works for me anyhow. 1/4 small tumbler of it, a little top up of water to about 1/2 the glass.

Down the gullet. Head on pillow.

Sleep like an angel. Wake up fine as a daisy.

Organic, no side effect and much cheaper to the NHS/Secu.... Works every time... About once a week....

Another medecine for another common(ish)ailment given to me by my Grandfather, the remedy that is not the ailment :

Pastis/Ricard for diarrhoea. In a tall glass 1/4 of the glass of Pastis/Ricard, top up with water to about 2/3 glass full. To drink before or after a meal.

Worked a treat when travelling in India/Thailand/Laos some 18 months ago. Not a sign of Dehli-belly for the whole length of the holidays. Always travel with my own supplies.

If you add a dash of mint syrup/cordial, the drink is known as perroquet. Mint acts as a digestive.... Find it easier to manage on the stomach than the Immodium stuff.

You would think I am a drongo. Well, on my way home from work last night, the blood transfusion service was in my community hall so I walked in to do a good deed and give an arm's worth. I was OKed by the nurse as fit to give... so...

Came home to a chilled glass of Chablis to replenish.

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