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Immobilisers Habits

Furry Knickers

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I was at the Vet a few weeks ago with poor Andy (me Tibetan Orange Hamster)  who has suddenly developed a permanent terrible stiffness in his naughty area. While waiting to see a Doctor me eyes were drawn to this incredibly beautiful womans cat that was in front of me. I just could not avert me gaze of wonderment from this gorgeous sight, and then our eyes made contact and I just blurted out "you have a lovely cat there missus"  Her name is Eleanor Fondlepiece, and We got into a conversation about cats and cat problems. Her cat is suffering from depression after it was attacked by a neighbour.  Well it turns out that she was off to Normandie to look at houses! "Bejaney I am off there too" I said to her! Well we had a great owl time looking at houses in France, but poor Eleanor was getting a bit disturbed by all the men in the Immobiliser offices. Everytime we walked into an agents office, they were gesticulating (sometimes with both of their gesticles) and then they would shake our hands!  everyone of them we visited were at it! Well they have some quare habits out in France, have any of you's noticed this when you were visiting the estate agents out there?


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I was only thinking yesterday that I hadn't seen Furryknickers for a while . . . eh voilà.

(Did we ever raise enough money to buy Bryan?)

Your "friend"[;-)] wants to think herself lucky she isn't being snogged on her peach like cheek.

Or is she looking forward to it?

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Well we have raised £4.85 so far, so we are still a good bit off paying for Bryan!

I was thinking that when we do get our own ferry, would it be alright if we painted it duck egg blue? I do love that colour on a boat! I even love the name "duck egg blue" it is so lovely. We could have Pugs tail fawn seats too, or do you think that would clash with blue?



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Sounds very sophisticated and elegant to me.  Loads better than Speedferries. We could charge more for the voyage.

We could even have some real ducks...a petting area just off the bar...like on dry land really or do I mean back of the bike sheds?

I am very fond of ducks.  Highly intelligent birds with pretty faces.


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That would be great to have a petting area on the ferry! What a grand way to pass the time on the long owl voyage, cuddling a lovely duck or stroking a mini pig.

Ducks do have cute little faces, they look really happy and as if they are smiling at you.

Me cousin Tilly from Kildare, She was born with her toes joined together, and all the kids called her duck girl. No one would talk to her or play with her because they thought she was part duck and part human, so she befriended the local Teal (Marmaduke) He was her best friend all through her childhood. The day came when poor Marmaduke went to Heaven and poor Tilly was devastated! She spent 2 months in farmer Dooley's field looking for another duck or a Leprechaun that would grant her a new duck.

No duck was ever found again in Kildare! Tilly found a stray hen with one leg on the side of the ditch by the village boot pile on a cold july afternoon in 1971, she picked up the hen and took it home with her and they were unseperable after that. She called the hen 'Eartha' and begun a long friendship that was to last for many months.

Tilly had been feeding the hen on cabbage and discovered that Eartha could produce a flammable gas and her mother (me aunty Alice) began using the hen to fry the eggs that she laid. Me uncle Mick had made a device to place the chicken in upside down with a grill over the top of the chickens bum. They saved a fortune on turf and bricketts that they would have been burning in the owl range! Tilly decided that maybe Eartha's babies could also produce the gas and it would be better to hatch the eggs out and use the grown up chicks and then their own grown up chicks, to produce an endless supply of the gas. Everyone in Kildare were now producing their own gas and saving on the owl turf. It all went great untill the terrible Kildare cabbage shortage of 1972. That was the end of  chicken gas in Ireland. Some conspiracy theories are still going around Kildare even now! They say the Irish government deliberately imported a load of caterpillars from Peru to destroy the cabbage crops for fear of putting the state owned bottled gas company Eire Gas out of business. 



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Every now and again, and none of us know why (perhaps it's because we've been very good , or whatever) but this forum gets a visit from FK.

Think of it as being like a Papal visit but without the dodgy speeches.

We don't ask too many questions but we do enjoy these visits.


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Well, it makes complete sense to a lot of us.  Which might say a lot about us!

What a tragic story.  Your family have really, really suffered.

Talking about chickens, did you hear on the wireles that scientists in some outlandish place have discovered that chicken feathers make wonderfull fabric for men's suits...and, apparantly, as light as a feather to wear.

They said that the barbs on the feathers trap the air and make the outfit always suitable to wear, hot or cold weather.

I can barely wait to buy one for OH. 

I'm glad you like the idea of a petting area.  I will see you there.

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I do think that's a great idea, and getting back to the original question, do you think it might be a good idea for immobilisers to have animals that people could stroke in their offices? Being at the immobiliers can get very stressful and a friendly puss, or even a sheep, could help. My little bichon belongs to an immobiliser so perhaps he could start it.
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My immobiliser had 4 dogs in his office 3 large and 1 very small, they where all so excited to see us that the little one was getting trampled , so i picked it up and put it on my lap and while washing my face it decided to wash my trousers aswell, so much for the under dog hey!!!  
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Your husband does look very handsome and proud in his feather suit, Mrs Animal! Back in Kildare we had suits made from dried leaves.

I love the little red bird drinking from the bird bath! They have a lovely little onion shaped green bird with a red head in the garden centre in Normandie. I shall have to buy him! Did you see the Chinese lad with all the little baby pandas? He looks after them every day, I would love to do that! I think if I saw a dog like Mr Wills in the estate agents shop, I would surely be arrested for robbing a dog.

Me and the one have been having a few drops of the Brouilly and a few cuts of brack this evening, and have just finished jigging about to the Scissors Sister song, I remember that little curly headed lad (Leos Hair) singing it a few years back too! Well she has now put on that song by George McDougal (Rock Your Baby) on the tape recorder,  Now she knows that makes me go all quare! Mrs Tresco goes like that too when she hears Lets Get It On by Marvin Gay. 



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