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Chris Head

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Been working in the barn today with my tame Welsh sidekick, well he's alot more civilised having lived with an English family for 6 years now!

He announced in advance that "I'm not listening to your c r a p music all day, have you got any Abba?" in his deep Gog drawl. 

Well I'm really stuffed for time at the moment and needed his help so I kept quiet and out came the Abba, two tracks really got to me, Turn to Stone and Eagle, they were great!

I just feel the need to kill a Swede now after a WHOLE day of Abba, at least we don't have any Tom Jones!

Wot's yer favourite Abba track and dare you admit to it?


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Oh terribly quilty.... I love them ALL.  I'm sure I'll be cursed, but i just love ABBA.  I can listen to any of their songs over and over again.  Somewhat like Queen.  Just love them.  Guess that gives away my age.  Then also the BeeGee's. ... oh I am so old !!!


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[quote user="Lori"]

Oh terribly quilty.... I love them ALL.  I'm sure I'll be cursed, but i just love ABBA.  I can listen to any of their songs over and over again.  Somewhat like Queen.  Just love them.  Guess that gives away my age.  Then also the BeeGee's. ... oh I am so old !!![/quote]

Snap, I could have typed that Lori![:-))] I'm terribly quilty too![;-)]

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Lori, My sister recently went to see 'We will rock you' on what would have been Freddie Mercury's 60th birthday. They were near the back and relised that the surviving members of Queen were stood behind them, later they all appeared on stage, my sister (normally a sane, sensible girl )said she was in 'heaven'!!!![:D]
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Well it really was my era, blue eyeshadow,blonde hair,my favourites are , thankyou for the music and eagle, my era spanned quite a few years, started with Bread and The Carpenters.Oh great days,bought the single by Charlie Rich, Hey , did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world,bought the single and put it on repeat whilst I took three hours to get ready to go out,You have started something now Chris,funny how important music is to us all.
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I could not agree more,even now when I go and buy a C.D. I still get that same thrill when I play it for the first time, we had about six record s when I was a kid, a few more singles, I would play them over and over I can remember them to this day, Nat King Cole,A frank Sinatra,the sound track of south pacific, Tony Bennett, Andy Williams and Englebert Humperdink, all my parents but they were worn out, by the time I was ten, and I would stack the singles on the record player, our kids would laugh at the sight.
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>>>Lori, My sister recently went to see 'We will rock you' on what would have been Freddie Mercury's 60th birthday. <<<

I went to see it a couple of years ago with Darling Daughter. We had a whale of a time! Loved every minute that went by. I was even encouraged to danse and sing away by said daughter who in 'normal' circumstances thinks I am an utter embarrassement to her when I get to the dance floor or grab the microphone at the kari-oke! Can never win....
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My favourite Abba is Waterloo!

I heard it the very next morning it had won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974. I was at boarding school then in Clermont-Ferrand.

The whole dormitory went into a chorus repeating the words as the song was broadcasted on the airwaves for weeks on end. We didn't even understand any of the words! but it was just SO cooool to sing away in our hairbrushes and mimic ABBA!...

I also like 'Thank you for the music'

It's a dull day without some kind of music.
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BoneyM! Daddy Cool, Rasputin! Great music. Rolp Harris has some grrreat stuff too,Two Little Boys is really sad, I was hooked on him from the day we did a gang show in the cub scouts and me and David Gillett were tasked with miming to Two Little Boys, only years later did I understand the song. But there's nothing like Nirvana and 250 watts of Celestion in a high 80m2 barn to get the adrenaline going....unless it's Kelly Le Brock walking over that air grate in Women in Red...mmmm
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I think Dancing Queen is one of the best ever written pop songs.

  I remember in the late seventies 'Super Trooper' and that it used to make me very happy when I was a young 'un.

  Funnily enough it's about a woman singing on stage and looking for her loved one in the crowd.  Now, I'm all grown up and that's what I do myself [:)].

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[quote user="verviale"].Oh great days,bought the single by Charlie Rich, Hey , did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world,bought the single and put it on repeat whilst I took three hours to get ready to go out,You have started something now Chris,funny how important music is to us all.[/quote]

Oh my God, just remembered that song (Hey, did you happen to see) - my older sister used to listen to it all the time and it is one of the reasons that I wanted to learn English (which I did in the end, as you can see!).  Recording Abba songs on my brand new reel-to-reel tape recorder... I still love music, moving on with the times thanks to my teenage childrend now, dancing to Slipknot, Linkin Park or whatever - ca m'est egal!

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[quote user="Russethouse"].... the first record I bought was Frankie Vaughan - Tower of Strength.......[/quote]

The first record that ever entered my home - the record player came subsequently!- was by Sheila (French singer of the 60's) She had a song that went 'Donnes moi ta main et prends la mienne, mais oui, mais oui, ....(woops! slight amnesia).... l'école est finie!'     She was the coolest thing then for French tiniboppers! apart from the Beatles and the Bay City Rollers...aaahhh the Bay City Rollers!! I don't know whether to cringe for this last lot...when I think of all the clothes I asked my Mother to make me that had tartan fabric insets! pocket patches etc.... just to make sure I was keeping up with the gang!

By the 70's, Sheila just wasn't cutting the mustard with us any more and she sort of went off the airwaves...

Abba came along and The Doors, Bob Dylan, Crosby Still Nash & Young, Led Zep etc... etc....

When I arrived in UK in the late 70's, watching Top of the Pops! (sad that it's gone now. At least TOTP2 is still on and some real good stuff on at times!) ... anyhow, watching TOTP one day and who reappears?! Sheila! now known as Sheila Devotion.... 'Pam's people' did a better job at dancing around the stage than she did and her english must have been dubbed for her appearance.... Poor thing she should have stayed off air and seen to her retirement some other way... I felt sad that she had this urge of a last 'comeback' in a foreign country.... she didn't stay for long...

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[quote user="Russethouse"]Pads you must be young - the first record I bought was Frankie Vaughan - Tower of Strength.......but I had better keep quiet about that[;-)][;-)][/quote]

After the gold rush came out about 1970 when i was about 10ish that makes me Mmmmmmmish, Am I still young oh goodie, wish some one would tell my back that[;-)] It just took me a long time to buy my second record. 

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