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The Office

Just Katie

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Todays highlight.

Dialogue between the two on the next desk.

"Oh my god, you never guess what happened in my house last night?"


"My daughter, she's mad!!!..... But she does make me laugh though".  (Silence waiting for more promting, which she had no chance of getting from me).


"Well, when I went shopping the other night and I had two boxes of biscuits of chrismas because they were two for the price of one you see."  (Awaiting more prompting)


"Anyway................ she asked me for a biscuit and I said yes.  I mean I though she was going to get a Jaffa Cake.  Then she came back into the room with a chocolate digestive and I said WHERE DID EWE GET AHT FROM??????  And you never guess.....................She had only gone and opened one of the boxes of christmas biscuits.  Well.... I couldnt believe it".

"Ahhhhh" (Both look down and get on with their work)

"I am going to a fair trade meeting in the local church tonight"



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I have negotiated (blackmailed) with your husband via the telephone and I can promise you that you will be back on the forum from the comfort of your upstairs landing as from this evening!

Hope that thought gets you through the day sweetheart.

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Group discussing christmas party:  (The two on the next desk and a 'cool dude')

"Hey what are you wearing to the christmas party?"

Cool dude: "Jumper and jeans"

"OMG how mad are you..... What are YOU like?  You can't wear those to a christmas party!!!!" (in perfect timing)

Cool dude: (feeling a bit dapper from the attention)  "Well, you go out in London and they don't wear shirts and all that....  The younger set will turn up in say.... urm a jumper and a pair of white combats"  (he then gives a little wink and makes a clicking noise)

The pair on the next desk look in disbelief.

"Wass Eeee Like?"

Cool dude:  "I know let's hire a double decker to get us all down there.

Cool girl (who sits at the same desk as cool dude) "Nah too much to organise"

Cool dude:  "We could get the fares off 'em when they get on the bus"

Cool dude:  Picks up his stapler and starts acting like a conducter punching bits of paper from everyones desk.  "Look, we could do this"!!!!

everyone screams in hysterics.

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Me: "What happened in last years christmas party" (With  a grin on my face)

Cool girl: "What"?

Me: "What was it like"?

Cool girl: "Oh it was alright...... I mean, you wont believe how quick the day goes"

Me: "Day?????"[blink]

Cool girl: "Yeah, it flies?" (turns to mumsy secretary) "I mean what time did you leave last year?"

Mumsy: "Ooooh about 4.30"

Me: "what in the afternoon???"


Mumsy: "Of Course"

Cool Girl: "Yeah and I left about an hour later"


Cool Dude: "Where does everybody dance?"

Me: [blink]

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