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[quote user="pads"]not quite its the 3.30 walk about again for me, did you find that link? I use to love jigsaws when i was a kid, but I had 5 other brothers and sisters who where always nicking bits and hiding them[:(][/quote]

I did Pads thanks, they made me so bored, I tootled off & read my book instead. I only have one sister who's a few years older, so never had that problem. I used to get bossed around & beaten up a lot though![;-)]

Well done Renaud, hope you feel refreshed[:D]

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Hussshhh!.... Tout le monde dort!....


because the fl****ng dog, at the house just across the river from me, is fl****ng BARKING to the fl****ng MOON!!!!!

Wait till I get to my neighbours and tell them a piece of my mind!... later on this morning... once I've caught up with my beauty sleep......

....Ohh.... Daughter still not back from whatever party she went to..... her bedroom door is wide open and bedside light is still on.....

Ah well! let's make a cup of tea and walk around the field, see if that will induce me to go back to sleep!...

mmm... on the other hand.... NO walk as that will really wake me up and make me attack my list of chores! wash the car, sort some stuff for the carboot sale next weekend, do the farm accounts, ironing......

YAAAWNNNNN!!! I'll stick to a cuppa, my book and possibly... if not too much hardwork.... have a channelzapping moment at whatever is on TV at this time of the night .................. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz......
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>>> Isn't it incredible that the people who own the barking dogs, ALWAYS sleep through the noise!<<<

I know!... just like OH next door... how can he sleep with the snoring he produces... beats me....

This insomnia business is contagious.... Usually I am a fairly sound sleeper...

Nowt on the square box... book finished and library not open until Monday!...

Yesterday's papers then... or the radio... let's put the kettle on for the nth cuppa...

I can hear the birds in the barn tuning in for their dawn chorus.....

Oh... rattle of keys in the frontdoor, clang, bump on the hall desk... clop clop upstairs... Must be daughter back from her party. I think I'll make her a cuppa too!...
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[quote user="jayjay"]


Hope you get some sleep soon. Apparently, hot chocolate & a peanut Kitkat works[;-)]


Funny you should say that: Im testing that theory right now I will let you know if it works in about half and hour,


I can sleep through dogs barking, the only thing that wakes me up if im asleep is some one at the door, I have to know who!!!! im so nosy.........    

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>>>Missyesbut, I hope you settled soon after your daughter got home & that you had sharpened elbows at the ready for your OH<<<

Hello JayJay!...

I think daughter hasn't died as the duvet goes up and down at nearly every breath. There is from time to time, this sort of plaintive cry 'My head is spinning! Bring a bucket!'

Just breathe deep and plenty of water Dear!!... When will these kids learn anything!...

Got OH going at cleaning some of the barn.

He wanted a party next weekend to celebrate that we've been hooked for 28years! (I actually would like to forget that day sometime but still.... there it is...) and as his sister is over from Africa with her family, staying with Mother across the lane from us, it is the rendezvous point for the entire family on his side (6 siblings! each with a spouse and 2 kids!) ... Just as well the campsite is fairly big to accommodate the whole tribe!...

Thanks for small mercies, it only happens once a year!...

So for all his snoring! I got him to shove over his bikes (5 of them! how many can you ride at any one time??), his tractor, his land-rover, get rid of the mountain of odds and ends of metal, tools and whatsits these barnmechanics seem to be fond of! You know the kind of rubbish they keep, that the world wouldn't go round without in their opinion!...

Now I have a nice clean space to feed everyone, big half drum to roast a pig, loads of jam jar with candles in for lighting, armchair for the old girl (Mother) tresle tables and benches, the old fridge plugged in for the blokes lagers! Son&Heir (temporarily living in Cornwall) said he would bring his ghettoblaster for 'ambience' music....

Bad day for OH as I have disrupted his little kingdom. He can find nowt! Tough! He wanted the party! ....

Good day's work as far as I am concerned!... Just need to iron a blouse and a skirt for work tomorrow, cook some supper, phone my old folks, my sister and my brothers, see that daughter is not going to keep me awake ALL night with her 'my head is sore' walling, make a shopping list for THAT do's catering arrangements ...

Ah! forgot the neighbour's dog... If that mutt just so much winces! I'll fl***ng knock on his owner's door to knock his bells off the rafters!!....

Phheewww!....Time to go to bed after all that I think!.... I won't keep any of you awake tonight! Promise!...

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Hi Missyesbut,

Glad to hear your daughter survived the day.  Now, how long did it take us to learn?[Www]

Mmm, so your OH has been clearing some of the barn. It was a whip I heard crack earlier then![;-)] Great punishment for the snoring too! Apart from all the work & build up, it sounds like it should be a good celebration. Come on, you have to celebrate 28yrs! Congratulations!

Hubby will be cussing long after it's all over, as he can't find his stuff, but at least you can say well it was your idea darling![;-)]

After your lack of sleep lastnight, you should sleep through everything. I hope so.

Sweet dreams

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Just waiting for the milk to boil, for my coco, trusty kitkat at my side and im ready for a bit more threapy if you are?

how strange is this it was a dream about coming down to turn my computer on that woke me up, then i couldnt remenber if id already been down or not[blink]

think id better take more milk with my coco[;-)] 

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I use to organise his diary, book his interviews, plan his travelling arrangements, pre brief hotels/ conference centres of his needs, Take his phone calls, draft his letters, drive him everywhere, plus his wife and kids, bye his wifes presents (but dont tell her that) pick up dry cleaning and anything else he needed in his life....................[;-)]

I did use to be able to type but he had a typist so i never needed to do this, but that was years ago and I have spent many years since as a chef/ many other jobs where typing was not needed so now im very rusty and slow. 

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I have no problem going to sleep but trouble is after a couple of hours I am awake again and have spent the rest of the night wandering round the house trying to get comfortable and dozing. Yesterday, I had a physio who actually sorting out my shoulder - wonderful. Lots of 'no pain, no gain' excercises but in the long run, worth it.

So after 6 weeks of very broken nights, I asked a doctor to give me a sleeping pill that will last past the first few hours, he did and Wow! it works. I have had two nights of nine hours sleep and feel that the cycle of sleeplessness has been broken.

Slight problem in that I am now sleepy through the day, at the moment I am putting this down to 'catching-up'. I hope that it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you asleep Jay?

  I'm just in from 2 days playing at the same town and I can't sleep!  Husband out partying, daughter at in-laws.  I'm on my second rather large vodka & caramel,and  fancied 'girly' (that's for Chris!) a chat.  Are you out night-clubbing or collecting the rubish again? 

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>>>"TWINKLE"...Are you asleep Jay?...  I'm just in from 2 days playing at the same town and I can't sleep! ........ and  fancied 'girly' (that's for Chris!) a chat.  Are you out night-clubbing or collecting the rubish again? <<<

Oh! Twinks if I'd known I would have kept you company!...

Took Daughter to work and had arranged with her to give me a ring that I'll fetch her when she finishes WHATEVER the TIME!! ...

SO no drinkies for me 'coz of the driving later.

OH, being a pillar of society at our local, was duly on duty propping up the bar!...

So just have to sit comfy on front of TV to watch.... 4 hours of 'Gone with the wind', 2 1/2 hours of 'The new world' (supposed to be the story of Pocahontas... c r a p if you ask me!) then went on tint'ternet! and crash bang! massive thunder and lightning outside so switch off everything, short power cut... had to fumble around for the candles...

In between all that OH rolled in, full as a barrel. The floor boards were trembling to the sound of his snoring!! Just as well I emigrated long ago to the far end of the house to have quiet nights!...

and still NO drinkies for me!! Gosh I WAS THIRSTY!!

Storm passed, lights back on... so TV back on too with DVD. 'Shooting dogs' about the genocide in Rwanda.... well... DVD rental is shut at 2 in morning! that's all I could find on the shelves, seen all the others 10 times over...

...and Daughter waltzes in 1/2 hour later, fresh as a daisy! :

'Sorry Mum!... I forgot to ring you to say that so and so would bring me back!... you're not cross are you... just came back to change because so and so is having a 'mini-rave' at their place up in the hills... oh Mum... so sorry... you should not wait up for me like that, go back to bed. I'll be OK... toodle pip, see you tomorrow!...

Kisses and hugs and off she goes!...

GO BACK TO BED!!!... I haven't got in it YET!! AND I AM DEHYDRATED !!....
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Oh Twinks, sorry![:(] No, nothing as exciting as doing the bin rounds or clubbing. I was up but didn't spot your post. Everyone one sleeps now it seems, so I haven't been looking in.

MissYesBut, Shocked  You're a softy![;-)] I can't believe you stayed awake through GWTW?

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