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I was also having trouble sleeping due to hip and leg pain - op. due soon. Doctor wouldn't prescribe anything. I found a product called melatonin which you can buy on the net, not yet approved in UK. Normally I wouldn't take medication but this is v. good. It's labelled as a dietary supplement, side effect is sleeping better. Pat.

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[quote user="Patf"]I was also having trouble sleeping due to hip and leg pain - op. due soon. Doctor wouldn't prescribe anything. I found a product called melatonin which you can buy on the net, not yet approved in UK. Normally I wouldn't take medication but this is v. good. It's labelled as a dietary supplement, side effect is sleeping better. Pat.

Also very good for this is Piriton or other anti-histamine tablets. Available over the counter and pharmacy own brands.

Change doctor!

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Try a couple of these - round cut


Two or three should do it !

(worked for me ! [;-)])


I did & that didn't work either![:(] I even tried a very large drink & it just meant I had double the pieces.[:$] Still couldn't sleep though! Maybe tonight, I'll do a search for boring blogs or sheep counting!

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[quote user="jayjay"][quote user="Russethouse"]

Try a couple of these - round cut


Two or three should do it !

(worked for me ! [;-)])


I did & that didn't work either![:(] I even tried a very large drink & it just meant I had double the pieces.[:$] Still couldn't sleep though! Maybe tonight, I'll do a search for boring blogs or sheep counting!


OK then, method two - picture yourself in a place you like and know well, then 'go for a walk' imagine each step, what you would see, how it would feel etc - concentrate on that and nothing else..........

I have mentally set out from my favorite camp site many times, but can never quite remember making it to the village or beach !

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Sleep whats that?[blink] I work nights 3 times a week and then sleep(ha) at night for the other four. My body clock hasnt a clue where its at, since getting back this morning i have had 4 and half hours and will have to wait now untill to morrow afternoon as im working tonight and have to go into town tomorrow, so it will be 26hours before i go to sleep again and you would think i would sleep for hours then but no, it will only be a few hours before im awake again. I have given up looking for cures, and just live with the bags..................and the sun glasses[8-|]
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When you think about it, it's funny that we consider we have to sleep all night just because it's dark and everything is organised around that.  Other animals (Chriis pp can maybe confirm if this is correct) seem to sleep in bouts at any time, just watch your dogs and cats.  If it was possible, especially with the hot weather, it might be just as well to sleep say four hours in the night then four hours in the afternoon.  Siesta, what a lovely word !



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Funny you should say that Christine. Earlier I gave up the will to live, as the TV was set to anything with BB in the title![+o(] So I pottered off & had a lie down. I managed to get 20 mins shut eye.[:D]

Pads, when I was working, I did 4 straight waking nights & 3 off. I got no sleep until my 1st night off, (then I went clubbing & didn't go to bed until 3 or 4!) as I always felt worse if I tried to sleep. That was 15+ years ago. Surviving on a couple of hours, if lucky, a night is not much fun if you're not getting paid for it![;-)] Mine is pain & brain related now though! [:(]

BTW the effects of working nights, will always come back occasionally & bite you on the bum!

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[quote user="Patf"]I found a product called melatonin which you can buy on the net, not yet approved in UK. Normally I wouldn't take medication but this is v. good. It's labelled as a dietary supplement, side effect is sleeping better. Pat.


Here's more info on it.


I particularly like the bit where it says to consult your doctor if it causes you to feel drowsy! [:D]

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[quote user="Patf"]I found a product called melatonin which you can buy on the net, not yet approved in UK. Normally I wouldn't take medication but this is v. good. It's labelled as a dietary supplement, side effect is sleeping better. Pat.


Here's more info on it.


I particularly like the bit where it says to consult your doctor if it causes you to feel drowsy! [:D]

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[quote user="KathyC"]

[quote user="Patf"]I was also having trouble sleeping due to hip and leg pain - op. due soon. Doctor wouldn't prescribe anything. I found a product called melatonin which you can buy on the net, not yet approved in UK. Normally I wouldn't take medication but this is v. good. It's labelled as a dietary supplement, side effect is sleeping better. Pat.

Also very good for this is Piriton or other anti-histamine tablets. Available over the counter and pharmacy own brands.

Change doctor!


I use Dornomyl (which has been mentioned before on this Forum) which is an over the counter anti-histhamine available in all Pharmacie's, no horrible side effects but relaxing and it works.

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Donormyl is widely used here but do make sure you're not in one of the 'risk' groups (like dodgy kidneys, liver).

The directions in the pack say (in French):


dosage ½ to 1 tablet taken 15-30 minutes before bed.

In the

case of older people, and those with kidney or liver disorders, the lowest

dosage is recommended.

Period of

treatment 2 to 5 days – do not take for longer periods without consulting a



side-effects :  sleepiness during

the day ; constipation ; dry mouth ; blurred vision (not to be

taken by those suffering from glaucoma) ; palpitations.

Worst of all, it says not to be taken with alcohol!!!!!! [B]

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I use Dornomyl too but often it doesn't work too well. My way of coping when I'm awake at 2, 3, 4 is first of all to recognise the pattern and say to myself 'Ok I'm not going to sleep right now, let's use the time positively'. I fluff the pillows up, lie on my back with my hands behind my head and start thinking, 90% of the time I dissect and dissect again a project or an idea. it could be an eagles head or the aesthetics of a peice of furniture, for me it always works. Those waking moments during the night save me alot of time during the day. By the time I come to apply myself to the project it's already memorised and I'm comfortable with what I'm doing.

For example I've spent perhaps the last five or six nights with the head and the plummage of this chap.........

 (click on him and he'll get bigger)

so by the time I come to do the subject I'll be completely happy with what I'm doing. There can be upsides to insommnia if you think positively! I hope y'all sleep well! I'm off to bed.


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No no Christine, it's just a model, about 6cm tall. What I'm saying is that I've looked at this model for several days now and I know him inside out. When I'm awake during the night I'll work my way through each and every detail of him and that will send me back to sleep. The two benefits are that when I come to carve him I've already done my research and in helping my research he  helped me get back to sleep!


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Every 3 months I get this week long chant in my head, just before the deadline for submitting! : 'Must do the VAT return, must do the VAT return....' to the point that I don't sleep!

I loathe sitting at the desk, shouting to OH in next room reading his Sunday paper : 'Where is the receipt for this?... for that?... did you pay this bill in cash/cheque/credcard?... '

Farmers!! their barns, stables and fields are in pristine ship-shape order but their offices!! I find half of the paperwork by the tractor or in the Land-rover most of the time!... well I suppose it is his office...

In this case the dead line is tomorrow midnight!! I have just finished after slogging at it for the last 5 hours, I am quite exhausted, can't think that I have a clean laundered and ironed blouse and skirt for work tomorrow ...

but eh!... I sure will sleep soundly now, I won't even open my book!...

Where is my night cap... bottle's empty! drat!.... Niteynite everyone! ....

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[quote user="Cathy"]

It's 2.30 am on a Saturday night/Sunday morning and I can't sleep, hence this post.

Anyone have any cures?


I can recommend a bottle (or so) of CdR Rouge.  The 2004 vintage is 13.5%+ and tends to blur the senses after a little while, especially if preceded by a stiff Pastis.  Maybe some food along the line too.

Forget all that dodgy medication - bad for the health.

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[quote user="Croixblanches"]

....though given your track record for sleep, I expect you got to the beach, swam the Channel and are halfway up the M1 by now..............[;-)]


Cheers Croixblanches 

Ok Pads, get the coffee on, mine's strong & black![;-)]
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