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Letter to Santa!


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


I've sent you a PM but you'll have to wait for the goats to get there - they can't walk very fast and I have to teach them to swim first!



Thanks gorgeous! Maybe the goats will arrive by Christmas, who knows?

I am a half horse too! november 27th. Bejaney, there are a good few of us here! I bet Mrs T is a fish?

I put on me Avalon LP to induce the one on me settee, I think it's working! I hope all you isomaniacs that can't sleep, have a good owl night!


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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]


I am a half horse too! november 27th. Bejaney, there are a good few of us here! I bet Mrs T is a fish?



I understand what you mean but I seem to remember that her birthday is 10 days before All Hallows Eve which makes her a Libra which isn't surprising really as she's so just and fair.

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I remember when I first came to Living France, It was like a vast ocean full of sharks waiting to eat me! Then a beautiful mermaid came along and saved me. The name of that mermaid was Mrs Tresco!  She held me hand as I swam through the ocean, eventually taking me to meet a magnificent Angel Fish by the name of Mrs Animal. Together they tought me so much about life in the ocean, and made me feel at home with them and their friends. Now there are hardly any sharks left, but many lovely dolphins have made this there home, and it is a real pleasure to be swimming with them in this wonderfull sea.


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Seems like a lot of us have birthdays this month.   Mine is next week too - Scorpio.  I did get my 15 euros discount (birthday present) from 3 Brasseurs Restaurant and my reduction coupon from La Redoute.

It is funny how the "husband" things shop.  Year before last, husband bought me a PJ.  When I opened it, me and "daughter" thing had a really good laugh.  Looked like something my great great gramma would wear.  Not sure what that says about what he thinks of me.....  However, he did agree not to purchase any clothing item without the help of "daughter."

When asked what I want for Xmas this year, answer was a pair of boots and a new purse (to replace the one husband gave me 3 years ago that I hate, but kept as it was expensive).  Figure 3 years is good enough.  As to the boots, he was instructed to take daughter shopping with him.



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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

I remember when I first came to Living France, It was like a vast ocean full of sharks waiting to eat me! Then a beautiful mermaid came along and saved me. The name of that mermaid was Mrs Tresco!  She held me hand as I swam through the ocean, eventually taking me to meet a magnificent Angel Fish by the name of Mrs Animal. [/quote]

In fairness to the sharks, Mr Nix did somehow manage to give nearly everyone (including me) the impression that he had sired a string of illegitimate children with different women; he was unable to support the ones he had, and was about to have another, whose mother he would not marry, as he had never bothered to marry the mothers of all the other children [:-))]

Of course it was some sort of wild menagerie he was talking about, but some of us took it all oh so seriously[:$][:P]

Since then most of us have been the best of friends.







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Many Thanks Twinkle. Went out for a lovely meal at the Station Hotel in St Aigulin Nr La Roche Chalais. Just returned and checking my emails.

Have tennis game tomorrow ( sorry in 9 hours) to try and loose a few pounds. Haven't played for three weeks and am in the team for a club match on Saturday. My first appearance for the club so hope I don't let them down. We are playing away so will have a few excuses if  I give a poor performance. When you're on your own, the spotlight is focused and there are no hiding places if you make mistakes.

Will post result after return.  Not expecting a crowd.

Better get some sleep before practise later.



David J

21 again & again



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[quote user="TWINKLE"]   Dear Santa,  Please .....  tickets to see Michel Polnareff in concert.  [/quote]


Don't tell me that POLNAREFF is still around!!! ...... My bedroom at home, very much to the annoyance of my sister and my mother had the largest poster of Michel!! stuck above my bed!  You english girls had David Essex, moi j'avais Polnareff [:D]

Where and when is he in concert?..... Please Father Xmas make it that it's in February/March when I go home on holiday!....

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]Please feel free to write your own Chrismas letter on this thread.[/quote]

Petit Papa Noël, quand tu descendras du ciel, avec des jouets par milliers, n'oublie pas mon petit soulier..... Je voudrais ma maison galloise finie enfin!!... avec une grande table au milieu de la cuisine pour que tous mes amis viennent faire la fête avec moi! Aussi je voudrais une maison en France et mes diplômes sans avoir à étudier tous les soirs.........   [:D]  

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Sorry about the dishwasher Twinks.  One of your lovely sisters gave me one last week as mine had broken.  She never uses it because doing the dishes by hand reminds her to do her pelvic floor exercises.[blink].

Don't ask folks.  I think being slightly off the path (if you know what I mean) is a genetic trait.

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I don't believe that! 

There is a window above her kitchen sink - I bet she's oggling some young bloke who lives opposite her. 

Now THAT'S  a genetic trait we share, but I haven't got a window above MY sink so I desperately need a dishwasher Father Christmas!

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I really don't need a window in my kitchen do I Katie?

I don't need to do pelvic floor excersises either!  After I had my daughter I had to go for a check-up with the mid-wife and she was fiddling about 'down below' and she asked me to 'squeeze' to see if my perenial (sp!) muscle was okay.  I obliged and she screamed "Merci, c'est trés bien!"

She told me she thought I was going to chop her fingers off!

Imagine what I could do with a ping pong ball?   Look out Sticky Vicky -  here I come Benidiorm[:-))]

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Katie - just called you in work and was told "She's out of the office" Where are you? Your mobile's off again!  Are you in the library? 

Sorry folks this is the only way I can get in touch with my friend[:)]

Please Father Christmas bring Katie a bit for her computer.


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