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Happy Birthday to....


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Frederick is here with me!  We are having a drink while waiting for my hubby to finish cooking my birthday meal.  We're both sozzled!!!

I can't wait to hear the song. 

No....really Furry I CAN'T wait.  It's my birthday and I want it by 1am please[:)]

Oh and  you're very sweet - but I've had enough Goblin to last me a lifetime thank you very much [:-))]

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My dearest gorgeous and most beautiful creature,

Of course I shall send you something too! I have parcelled up me last 3 jelly snakes, and I shall post them first class in the morning! (I shall also put in the phone number for Trixy)



My dear angelic and most stunning little Twinkle,

I have to go across the sea on the 10pm ferry tonight! I am so very sorry that I can't possibly finish your song before I leave, it is to be among me finest composures (if not the finest) and it will take time to finish, what could possibly be the pinnercall of me songwriting career! I am on a mercy mission to the Isle Of Wight with 5 goats that arrived from Kildare this morning. As you maybe aware, there is a shortage of goats on the Isle of Wight, and as I am a founder member of The Irish Goat Club Of Ireland, I am charged with  delivering the creatures safely to the secretary of The Isle Of Wight Goat Club Of The Isle Of Wight. I hope you understand me plight, and do you really think I would want to go near that awful island unless I really had to? A year aint that long to wait for a masterpiece anyway, look how long it took that Leonardo DeVinci lad to paint the ceiling in the cistine chapel!

You have the lovely Frederick with you now, so I hope you enjoy him for many happy hours, and wish me God speed on me perilous journey this stormy night! If I aint back by saturday, call the coastguard!


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Huitres gratinées au Parmesan with a Riesling Wolfberger 2005

Torsades de Crevettes caramelisés au gingembre with a Champagne rosé Veuve Emile

Meringue & Praliné birthday cake and candles


I forgot to take a photo of the food but when I get the logicel sorted I will send a temporary photo of me blowing out my candles for one night only.

He didn't do a Dame Edna this year[:(]

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Hi Twinkle,

Happy birthday, I know it's late but you still have 33 minutes left in UK time of your birthday. just got in from working like a slave and now having a Chinese Chicken hot & Spicey Yum Yum!!

Best Wishes Have a good year.


David J

In the Windy N Yorks


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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

Ever since you came into this forum, you have brightened up the darkest corners of the place, even the fosse septique section is now a joy to visit when you are in it!


I've done wonders for the Sky Dish section too -I know I have[:)]

Have a safe trip and look after those little goaty fellows.  I shall wait with baited breath 'til I'm blue in the face for my lovely song.


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