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How often do you wash your duvet then?


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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="Dotty "]

I never wash them as they are too bigto put in the machine.  Its cheaper to buy a new one rather than take them to the dry cleaners or the launderette.

My cat peed on mine whilst OH was still in bed.  Taking it to the Launderette was goingto cost 8.00euros, plus drying, it was the middle of winter.  A new one cost 11.00euros, ok so it was on a special offer.


You got a new bloke for €11?  Cool.

Oh no Dick blokes are much cheaper.

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I love sliding over peoples leather sofas at parties!  I throw myself over the top and do a sort of roly poly on the seat part and giggle like a 6 year old. 

There - I've said it!


Do you get invited to many parties????

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[quote user="Tresco"]

[quote user="oglefakes"]

But the pharting noise is embarassing when you move sideways.


That's only a problem on leather sofas.




Reminds me of the time last year when my daughter and I went to a show and a shopping spree in London, one weekend. Just before the show we went to a very posh restaurant as a treat.

The restaurant room was a sort of long corridor type room and tables on either side along the wall, with long leather benches and leather chairs on the passage way side. Easylistening-ish musac playing away....

My daughter sat on the long leather bench, me opposite on the chair. We ordered our drinks and food and talked about anything and nothing etc... as girlies would [:$]... Few minutes later, two city-type men came to sit at the table next to us, one sat on the bench, the other opposite on the chair.... Small polite conversation ensued between us all and later each group returned to their little worldly bubble....

Between two mouthful, I caught sight of my daughter's alarmed look... 'Drat she doesn't like what she is being served!' I thought... but not to make a fuss, just went to the end of the meal (despite several more same alarmed looks) as innocently as possible. When we were out of the restaurant I asked her 'What was the matter!?' ... 'Mum! That man was phfarting!'... 'Really! have you taken leave of your senses! my girl' ... 'No Mum! He was! I could feel the vibrations!'......  [:-))]

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Very astute , your daughter.

I always liked the story I heard about the Queen ( probably an urban legend but it tickled me!)

The Queen was in her carriage with another Head of State and one of the horses broke wind rather loudly.

The Queen turns to the HoS and said words to the effect of 'Oh I am terribly sorry'. The HoS replies 'That's quite alright, I had thought it was the horse'.   [:P]




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While we're getting personal, cats may be a problem occasionally, but what about human sweat? Not me,of course! Husband sweats a lot around his neck and this stains pillows and the top of the duvet. I do change the covers quite often (?) but there are still stains. The light duvets and pillows go in the washer and the heavies to the cleaners, but this is expensive. Pat.
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