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Course it s me in the pic FK ..

I was thinking of " Mon Dieu"    .. what a moving song.. She sang that when she lost her beloved Cerdan.. It means " Oh my god.. give him back to me, even if only for onr day" ...

I cry every time I hear it ..........................;



 Me in a pool of tears.......................

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Actually, I thought dear Wooly was the soul of wit if not of discretion.  He made me laugh on occasion and he had just that little streak of malice that stopped him from being too boring!

As for this so-called "brother" of his, HE'D better have something of his brother about him or I'm off him for ever and ever.

Wooly's brother, does all this mean that you have moved and that you are quite settled into the new place, wherever that may be?  If so, all the best, but don't forget the flowers for your brother's grave, will you?  I think his favourite were cacti!  They come into bloom only very very occasionally but, when they do, they are a sight to behold!

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[quote user="FurryKnickers "]

 It's like that cystitus I had back in Kildare when I was only a young lad. Mrs Murphy told me that there was a fatal operation to have it removed, but you had to wait 2 years to get it done.


Was that a cystitus like this one? They can be the divvil to get rid of.


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[quote user="FurryKnickers "]

Friday night and the lights are low, Looking out for a place to go....



Mais qu'est-ce-que tu peux faire?


Tu nous laiss' tous seuls sur la terre


Si tu voyais not'misère


Mais qu'est-ce-que tu peux faire?
(with apologies to William Sheller)
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Yes...I have a question. 

What is the correct pronounciation of the word BINGO?  Is it BING O or is it BING GO?  Cos if it's the latter I've been spelling it wrong for years!

I do have another, concerning the hairs on gooseberry, but I guess we only get one go[:(]

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I knew my GCE in total irrelevance would come in useful one day Mrs A.  And I've been pondering for days over the uses that Cathy (I think it was) could use her spare can of expanding polystyrene for.  I couldn't get past the notion in my head that she could fill up her neighbours post box with it, but I didn't like to say cos people might think I'm weird[geek]


22:02   SNAP

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[quote user="Weedon"]I knew my GCE in total irrelevance would come in useful one day Mrs A.  And I've been pondering for days over the uses that Cathy (I think it was) could use her spare can of expanding polystyrene for.  I couldn't get past the notion in my head that she could fill up her neighbours post box with it, but I didn't like to say cos people might think I'm weird[geek][/quote]

I've always wanted to do that.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

At work we play filling  other teachers ' pigeon holes in the staff room with the content of the rubbish bin..

 yeah.. Lunch break is long, we need to keep busy !! [:D]


What a lovely quaint French expression.  But doesn't it tend to make them walk funny afterwards?

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