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Memories of Corona


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When I was 8-9 years old I used to go around our neighbourhood with my orange box cart on the obligatory pram wheels and collect old newspapers/rags/ jam jars  and if lucky Corona flip top pop bottles. I used to get all my pocket money this way by taking it to the 2 scrap yards in Boscombe,Bournemouth. I did admit recently to pinching the odd bunch of daffodils from the clifftop and offering them to our more affluent neighbours, usually receiving 3d or 6d for my troubles.When really hard up for my chip money,there was a not too bright Off-Licence owner,who stacked his empties crates within easy reach of a climable back wall.They were often returned twice, for a penny a time from memory!!! I trust this is not a hanging offence?

My eldest brother actually cycled from Boscombe to see relatives in Pontardulais ,South Wales, with a bottle of Orange Corona strapped to the back wheel guard,his only refreshment. It exploded!!.


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Oh Gastines.  Your memories did make me smile.

In the late 1940s, my Dad used to cycle regularly from the Portsmouth area to see my Mum, who lived in mid Gloucestershire.  I suspect that he would have his home made dandelion wine strapped on the back.

As for orange boxes, we used them as bedside tables (with gathered covers on them that Mum had made).

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Nah, Sweet.  It isn't.  I knew someone might come along and say something like: 'in my day, we lived in shoe box in middle of road' etc.

I was only waxing lyrical because Gastines triggered some memories in the back of my mind.  I had quite forgotten how stout and strong orange boxes were.

Reusing them wasn't deprived.  It was practical.

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Since you are only a lass, Cathy, I'm sure that's true.

I particularly remember them since, reverting to the Ginger Beer Plant tale, one hot Summer's day I had been playing tennis with my favourite uncle who was always ready for a laugh.

Both being thirsty, I offered Unc some cool Ginger Beer; which he readily welcomed. Retreating to the cellar (which in those days was the capacious cupboard under the stairs!), I grabbed a mature bottle, gave it a really vigorous shaking and slipped the wire clamp right onto the edge of its grip!

Placing it in the middle of the table between us, I reached over and gently, like a champagne cork, eased the wire clamp off!

Whereupon the clamp smashed back, broke the top off the bottle and a shower of ginger beer founrtained up all over the ceiling and us!

Neither he nor my Mum were amused.

Damned adults! NO sense of fun................................


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Ref .Flip top Corona bottles.I'm talking about 1949-1952.

Ref Pink Wellies. While with Foster parents at about age 9, they had 2 older daughters. I used to walk about 1/2 mile to St..John's  Boscombe Junior School. When it was raining and because my shoes were a bit holey[not Holy ] Mrs Newland used to give me a pair of short PINK wellies to wear. I was so embarrassed I used to hide my shoes in a hedge around the corner from the house and change out of the wellies then put them back on when I returned. I did used to get a large spoonful of VIROL every day for some unknown reason.

Plenty more where that came from.


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