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The Bickering Thread


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What, you still there looking for a fight, Erns?  How's the horse-wagon coming along and have you finished that tow-bar yet?

Go on, then, have you no work to do or are you downing tools in a sulk just because of something I said on another thread? (incredulous look on my face and an expression of "well, what do you expect, he's a man).  Why don't they provide more emoticons, couldn't find the precise one to use!

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Only to Renaud's, Twinks.  Then, when he fished those bikini bottoms out of his swimming pool and no one would admit to owning them, poor Renaud had to go around trying to match them up to the female (at least I assume it was a woman) who had discarded them, I thought it was time to go home! 
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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


You seem to have an awful lot of knowledge about certain male forum members - how many picnics have you been to lately?[6]

[/quote]Ohh, you are awful twinks [:$]

Don't worry sweets our secret is safe [;-)]


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


You seem to have an awful lot of knowledge about certain male forum members - how many picnics have you been to lately?[6]


Oik, Twinks, not so much of male members if you don't mind!  You'd give me a bad reputation, you will!

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  • 1 month later...

Alas, not many to bicker with now.

Gluestick has gone off forum in a huff, Powerdesal is now all happy and looking forward to moving to France full time, ErnieY is unusually mellow and talking about retirement!

How boring are all these people?

Moi? I'm still ready to bicker with anyone but, where is everybody?

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Tony, Gluey was upset because people were unsympathetic about his grouse re his tenants.

He'd installed a "period" bathroom suite complete with shell edges and people were distinctily unimpressed with it and started making fun of his taste.

Result, he swore he'd never darken this forum again and....well, that's it really.

A storm in a teacup if there ever is one.

As for you, are you holding up your own on the IB thread?

I won't even go there in case I got hit by "friendly fire"!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

As for you, are you holding up your own on the IB thread?

I won't even go there in case I got hit by "friendly fire"!


Abandoned that one and left it to the opinionated and those struggling with their health problems - my life is officially too short to get into those sort of silly arguments any more especially as my generaliste told me yesterday that my spleen is so enlarged it could rupture any time if I have even the slightest of accidents and that it would be immediately fatal because of the size of it, I'd never make it to hospital alive!!  Sort of concentrates the mind a bit.

Sometimes there seems to be a total inability to live and let live, especially when many of the people involved either aren't effected by bad health and it's consequences or don't want to understand what other people are writing - I mean, when people say they're against fraud and fiddling even tho they claim IB, that seems to be the end of the discussion and even if they claim IB in France, that's up to them if they are too ill to work, not for the opinionated to even suggest (as non medical people with no knowledge of the people, nor their medical condition/status) that they shouldn't be claiming.  Tho of course everybody is entitled to voice their opinion.

Sorry, feeling a bit touchy at the moment, it's all too close to home.

Now the DLA, that's another matter ............


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Not sure whether this counts as a bicker, rant or a hard done by post.  I am trying to think of ways of boosting my income, so I tried the "Winter fuel allowance" route but apparently I moved here a year too early so that rules me out of that one.  This IB business looks like it could be a goer for me as I read the long list and I am sure I qualify under the Speech...Descriptor Points C and D (strangers cannot understand me) which add up to 25 points. How much can I expect to receive?  I don't mind being called a "feckless waster."
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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I'm so sorry to hear about your poor health Tony[:(] 

As you say - life is too short for bickering, I don't know you sweetheart but I really hope the rest of your days are happy ones[kiss]


Thanks Twinkle - I was originally given 5 years in 1983 so I'm seriously ahead on points now and the general idea is to remain as healthy as possible until the current problem gets sorted, but as you say, bickering is just silly and to me it's easy on an internet forum where you probably can be as rude and ignorant as you want to be without having to look somebody in the face whilst you're insulting them which in other circumstances may earn you a real mouthful and where, of course, giving somebody a real mouthful would get you banned.

Usually people with either nothing to occupy their mind or a wicked streak dressed up as irony (whatever) trying to impress others with what they think is wit. 

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