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Mr G Glitter


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So, is he destined to spend the rest of his life travelling from airport to airport, with perhaps a night in a hotel or immigration lounge between flights? As long as countries are given the tip off as he is deprted from one place, I can't see anyone letting him in.


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Unfortunately money does not seem to be one of his problems as he allegedly sold the rights to his 'music' for some £5m a few years ago.

Access to it might be a bit fraught although buying air tickets on the spot as he is doing is not a cheap business so presumably he's got that reasonably under control.

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Yes they can be revoked but Mr G has broken no UK laws so on what grounds would it be revoked?  Also a passport is just a convienient means of indicating identity and nationality. You can travel without one but it's a bit of a drag,  I know as I once picked up my son's passport by mistake and it wasn't spotted until I was wayyyy out of the UK.  Anyway, a country can refuse you entry on grounds of 'moral corruption' or similar just as Hong Kong did so it seems that Mr G has few options other than to get a direct flight back to the UK.  Would you want to be sitting next to him?

You have to have a bit of sympathy for someone who's name is now rhyming slang - or maybe not [6]

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I'm sure a passport can be revoked but I think it could only realistically be done whilst a person is in UK which may be one of the major reasons he's so reticent about going there. I doubt that there is any coherent system for cancelling his passport and flagging it up globally.

On what justification could his be revoked though. Like it or not, despite being the sordid little creep that he is, at this moment in time he hasn't commited any crime in UK so isn't wanted there (in any sense of the term) and is just as entitled to his passport as you or I.

I think the government arbitarily revoking someones passport because of their reputation, past crimes for which they have served their sentence, or what they might do would be a highly dangerous road to embark on.

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I think his " fame " has spread so much now that he would find it very difficult for any country to willing accept him with all the media hype connected to him. He is at present having talks with the British Embassy so it is a strong possibilty that he will go to Britain eventually. I know he is not welcome in numerous countries and a lot of folk are saying Britain does not want him but at least he would be stringently monitored unlike some other country who could just say that he is welcome and do what you want.
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Just been watching the Olympic Womens Beach Volleyball (what a great sport!) on the same morning that Gary Glitter had just been expelled from Hong Kong by the Chinese authorities.  During a brief interval while the lovely bikinied sportswomen take a break or change ends or something, the arena public address system was pumping out the Glitter hit "My Gang" at top volume.

Are they trying to tell us genuine sports fans that we're really just dirty old men?


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