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He really can't survive much longer..............


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can he?.

Now two respected female MP's have come forward and spoken out it can only be a matter of time before the muppet disappears.

If anyone thinks this man is still worthy and "did a good job" as chancellor, take a look at how he actually did it. He sold the family silver (gold reserves actually).

The party conference should be interesting.................[:)]



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Are you sure ? You must be too young to remember Smart Alec Douglas-Whom, though he was a member of that other place, who had to find a safe seat, turf out the incumbent, con the public into voting for him etc before becoming an MP. Though he lasted less than a year before Mr Gannex.



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Hi all

I can just cope with him as PM,  Tony not that much better or different.  It's what he did as chancellor (allowed, permitted ... by Tony?) that has caused the UK's problems - and he messed up over 10 years.   Some seem to have forgotten that.    Whoever was PM they would still have Gordon's mess-ups to sort out.

Dave, also a muppet in my opinion, will struggle for years to solve the UK's economic & social problems too.   And,  I certainly never voted for Tony!



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I think we could all make a very long list of who we don't want or who we don't think is capable. How about a list of some intelligent people who we think could get the place back on it's feet?After discussing this for some minutes with my wife Nobody came quickly to mind. If someone suggested having a clear out from the top echelons of the civil service/diplomatic corps etc ,an end to inheritance tax,finish all the hundreds of quangoes, and make  all the Lottery money go to some public fund ,make a maximum salary payable to charity directors. I could go on. I'm amazed at what is dished out by the Government and Local Councils and the fact that the UK public seem to take it all lying down.The dustbin fiasco being a good example,if the councils provided a decent 2 bin service would they need to spend thousands on premises,vehicles and inspectors to police householders? What the devil are all the Council Tax increase going to?


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The really depressing side to all this is that it won't matter WHO gets in at the next election, for two very big reasons:

Firstly, the present economy built on sand, which will take some sorting, especially after Labour's scorched earth policy that they seem to be into at the moment.

And secondly, WHO ELSE IS THERE? It's a fact of life that all politicians these days seem to be in it for what it can do for them, their families, their friends and NOT what THEY can do for us.

Even local councillors are becoming rich men on the back of more and more council tax increases; they have allowances that make the electors' hair curl, and more allowances for so-called "cabinet" posts.

Can someone explain to me when these local guys who we used to elect to SERVE us became our masters?

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