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Some good news - Shannon found !


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My daughter wouldn't want to be away from me and her dad for all the kittens at Chateau Maiou's place! [:)]

 Whether you're an only child or one of four I think there's no place like home if all is well there.  I had some bad times at home as a kid but would never have wanted to be seperated from my 3 younger sisters.  So for her to not want to go home surely is an indication of how miserable her life there was. 

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Dunno....... was it a ginger kitten?......... enough to make me leave home [:$] when you have never been spoilt or treated to any any of good treatment , when it happens its a real head turner............. you dont want it to end
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Do you really think that at nine years of age she would choose a - ginger - kitten over her mum unless she really didn't want to go back?  

It is being reported  that the mother was having an affair with the man who abducted her.  Maybe the mother was planning to get away from the step-father and this was part of the great escape, but God Almighty what a way to go about things if that is so.


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Personally I think they saw the type of money the mc canns made and wanted a slice , but where caught before they let her go. Yes..... any child who has been treated in a crtain way will grasp at any straw to get away. As a child I use to ask any one who was nice to me if I could go and live with them , when I realised this was not going to happen , I started to run away from the age of 12 , but the police kept finding me on the motorway to london hitch hiking, but I finally made it at 15 and have been happy ever since [:D] 
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I watch the programme 'Shameless' and that's what it is!!! It maybe fiction but it is very true to life for some people and the mentality of those types will never cease to amaze!

Just watch Jeremy Kyle and you will see what I mean, most of them could be characters from 'Shameless'

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For goodness sake BaF, even if the child colluded I doubt she thought of it herself, remember she is a child, she was possibly acting (if that should be true) at the behest of adults.

What 'we' as a society need to do is get a grip and tackle these families where poverty,  lack of self esteem, and  lack of ambition result in so many falling into this sort of life style, where 'a can't be bothered attitude' cascades from one generation to the next.

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Reading the press, Shannon seems to have told the whole lot to buster off because the child has the sense to realise that the foster family and a kitten which sleeps in her bed are a better bet than the disfunctional slapheads who were failing to bring her up, and that if she gets out and stays out she might have a chance in life.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

For goodness sake BaF, even if the child colluded I doubt she thought of it herself, remember she is a child, she was possibly acting (if that should be true) at the behest of adults.

What 'we' as a society need to do is get a grip and tackle these families where poverty,  lack of self esteem, and  lack of ambition result in so many falling into this sort of life style, where 'a can't be bothered attitude' cascades from one generation to the next.



What a load of b### oks

That is why these people get away with this kind of thing

These people do not give a s###t they and their ancestors have been taking off the taxpayer for generations.

Perhaps you need to live in the real world see these people in action and not live in a liberal pseudos world

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BaF, are you seriously suggesting that a nine-year-old brought up in this kind of family can be in any way responsible for what has happened ?

I'm always uneasy when anyone starts talking about the 'real world' because it's always used to devalue someone else's argument. In what way is Shannon Matthew's world more real than that inhabited by anyone else ?

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Noone is blaming the child at all Hoddy. I suspect that the term 'real world' means a place where money is earned, goods are acquired honestly, debts are paid, children are by one or two fathers (who remain around somewhat) not half the village, porn is not studied avidly, children have a good idea who the man at their home with their mother is likely to be etc. These are not particularly outrageous values one feels. One could go on.
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There is another France forum, known for the right-wing leanings of its main users, where somebody has actually managed to blame immigration for this whole business (via the availability of benefits etc).

The problem is, Shameless is a fictional comedy drama (and a very good one too); the Jeremy Kyle show purports to represent real life (though it stretches credibility rather a long way) and this is actualy real life, albeit not representative of the more general picture of the 'real world' as described by WBB above.


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WBB, in this case it was not really a matter of being influenced by TV, or not in the same way that some claim violence etc is encouraged by watching TV and playing games. This was a programme (which, relevantly or not, is centred round a large, poorly-off dysfunctional family headed by an alcoholic drug addict on a sink estate) in which a child 'kidnap' was staged as a money-making scam. I think perhaps the McCann story - and the funding given to them - was a more significant factor if indeed it does turn out to have been a scam. Whether or not they watched the Shameless episode isn't known, but there is a strong coincidence there.
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