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Sergeant quits

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I was quite surprised to see him kept in it on Sunday. This was the week for him to go before it got really silly.  But his resignation is a bigger joke than some of his dancing, the rules have been complied with and the viewers had their say in accordance with the rules.  The BBC knew what what to expect from previous series with other duffers like Kenny Logan and the GMTV presenter lasting far longer than their dancing skills deserved but all the while putting money into the BBC's coffers through viewer's votes, even though this support of the lame ducks resulted in those who had a good chance of winning losing out yet the BBC didn't feel the need to change the rules, until now.

The issue surely now is what about all the thousands of people who voted for Sargeant who have now wasted their money?  There must have been thousands of votes for him to have been kept in week after week whilst finishing bottom of the judges' votes, however, if the BBC don't want the viewers to have a say in who goes and stays then scrap the voting altogether and don't invite no-hopers to take enter in the first place.

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Only saw this once and thought JS most amusing, he's still like Fred Astaire compared to me!  You have to have no-hopers on the show.  What would be the point if they could actually dance?

Don't think I'll be watching the program again but there again I hardly ever watch TV nowadays.

Am I missing something?  What on earth is the incentive for 'The Viewer' to spend good money to vote on who stays in or gets kicked out?  I can't even imagine why I would want to do such a stupid thing.

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Good. He should have gone last weekend at the very latest but the public seemed to enjoy hearing the same joke over and over again.

It was funny the first time he stayed, humerous the second time and ever since it has been getting more and more pathetic. The joke has worn very thin and it is now unfair on the other candidates who stood a chance of winning.

Like his reason for quitting though.


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   Who are the mugs here ?....you pay for a TV licence and then they try to get more cash out of you while you watch the thing Another Sergeant comes to mind ..he wrote a book on brain washing .political indoctrination.and thought control ..he would have loved this show ..how to suck in the masses !

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absolutely Sunday Driver - and also to tell them some of us are sick and tired of these reality shows/competitions - there are just too many of them. to tell them we want good films, series, documentaries, etc - Strictly was great for 2 series - but enough is enough. I won't be watching on Saturday - would even go as far as say, let's boycott the show to make the point.

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So glad he has stepped down. It is a dancing competion and he CANNOT dance. I am totally disinterestd and normally occupy myself by trying out new recipes but I can still hear OH shouting his disapproval in the background so at least that will stop now.
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[quote user="odile"]would even go as far as say, let's boycott the show to make the point.[/quote]Interested to know how one goes about boycotting a UK TV programme from a foreign land, especially on a non commercial channel [8-)]

I am with you BTW, I've never watched any of that rubbish, Strictly a Celebrity Big Brother whatever, but sadly 'er indoors is addicted so I have to suffer some 2nd hand exposure to it.

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It's dull. Dull. Dull. My God it's dull, it's so desperately dull and tedious and stuffy and boring and des-per-ate-ly DULL!


And, especially since they milk it for all they can & put it on EVERY DAY!  

Absolutely spot on Odile!

We always change channels- or  switch off.  More resentment of the enforced tax/licence we pay!!


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[quote user="tegwini"]

It's dull. Dull. Dull. My God it's dull, it's so desperately dull and tedious and stuffy and boring and des-per-ate-ly DULL!


And, especially since they milk it for all they can & put it on EVERY DAY!    We always change channels- or  switch off.  More resentment of the enforced tax/licence we pay!!




How do you know that it is dull, tedious,stuffy, boring .You change channels, or switch off [8-)]

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I liked watching JS, I thought him very funny specially that marching one he did. I watched a bit of the first series and couldn't belive they did a second series and then they went for a third [:@] . I think the British public have stuck a firm two fingers up at the BBC by voting for JS all these weeks. Lets have some proper family comedy to cheer us all up in these dark times. Now JS has gone I won't be watching anymore.
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I certainly agree with many posters on here that there is far too much reality tv. What happened to all those great comedies the Beeb used to bring out? There's none now. Guess good writers cost a lot of money and reality tv is far cheaper to do and brings in more money too. A shame that the sit com is practically dead because of reality.

Strictly isn't too bad, at least it's for charity and a bit of fun. Shows like X Factor are totally pointless as there's already many average singers singing average songs in the charts, why do we need more?

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[quote user="LyndaandRichard"]Strictly isn't too bad, at least it's for charity[/quote]

Not this year, it isn't!

"Correction: We wrongly stated that the money raised from calls to Strictly Come

Dancing goes to Children in Need.

Since January 2008, the BBC no longer gives money raised by

phone votes to charity. The money raised by Strictly Come Dancing phone

votes pays for running the phone vote system itself. No money goes to

Children in Need. Rules were changed after last year's phone votes



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He quit saying that he was in danger of winning. It would be very interesting to know the relative votes cast for each 'celeb'. My guess is that Sergeant was well ahead.

I agree with the posters above that if the Beeb stuffs the show with (what they hope to be) no hope 'celebs' then they deserve what they get.
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Strictly has audience figures each week other programmes can only dream of.  It raises money for Children in Need.  The format of the series has been sold all round the world.  Since it started, large numbers of people have signed up for dancing activities.  The public are encouraged to "....vote for your favourites....." each week by the presenters.  In a democratic vote, the outcome cannot be controlled. 

So what's the problem?

If you don't like it - don't watch! 

If you don't think certain people should be voted in each week, organise your friends and vote, vote, vote.  That's how JS kept being saved.  [:)]

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