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Moving back to the UK


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With the credit crunch taking a firm bite on us, myself and the Mrs have decided after six years to call it quits and move back to Wales as the new year opens it's doors.

Being self employed work has really dried up. We've been aware of a business downturn for well over a year but being optimistic by nature had hoped it would get better. We've paid into the Frnch system of course and  for some time so we can in theory claim unemployment benefit - but the immense amount of paperwork involved added to a language barrier above and beyond our basic French has proved insurmountable.

On the plus side we've had a wonderful time here and have not give up easily. Leaving is going to be a real wrench but hey, we are going back to three daughters, one grandchild.... and one more on the way!

Goodbuy beautiful France, keep it warm guys, and bonne chance to you all.


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well good luck to you - always go forwards, never look back and enjoy the grandchildren. I am so happy for you that you had a fantastic few years in France - just remember the good bits. And Wales IS very beautiful. Be Happy - Joyeux Noel.

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Bannon, I remember your post asking whether it's possible to live in France on a UK pension.

So, now, you've obviously done your sums and have decided that "back" is where you need to go.  And, really, you were the only person who was in a position to make that decision.

I wish you all the very best.  You can always come back for holidays.

It's all only a plane- or ferry-ride away.

Good Luck!

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We sign for our house sale on Wednesday and travel back to UK on Thursday, having had 8 great years here. We are pensioners, in our 70s, who have decided that it is time for a new adventure while we are still young enough to have one. So it is a smaller house in UK, convenient for our families when we finally decide to grow up, and a larger camping car and back on the road next year. We managed quite comfortably on our pensions - fortunately not just state pension - by trying to live within our means. So, as far as we are concerned it is a bit more growing old disgracefully and a hope that that the exchange rate doesn't change too much in the next few days.    
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[quote user="Chas"]We sign for our house sale on Wednesday    [/quote]

So houses ARE selling, in spite of what all the pundits say?  That's good to know.  Enjoy the new lifestyle, as is said, the older your get the younger you become.  There are always more places to explore than you can ever do in one lifetime!  Bon chance.

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can someone answer a few questions for me please, we would like to know something about the cost of living in the uk, mainly the west country, i.e Devon, what would two people have to pay for gas, elecricity, council tax, water, and food. Thanks alot.
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[quote user="Belle"]can someone answer a few questions for me please, we would like to know something about the cost of living in the uk, mainly the west country, i.e Devon, what would two people have to pay for gas, elecricity, council tax, water, and food. Thanks alot.[/quote]

This is a very useful site; just input a town and then choose which elements you want to find out about locally.


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