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Help the Pensioners


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The thing about the VAT cut is that it was a typical 'smoke and mirrors' job whereas the measures suggested in the article cost REAL money.

Quite how you place a value of 12.5bn on a measure which is founded on nothing more than a wild guess based on the nebulous potential loss of revenue from what people might or might not spend beats me. At whatever rate of VAT if people spend nothing they save nothing but neither does the government lose anything.

It was a pathetic, shallow, and ultimately futile move which cost businesses time and money, designed to do nothing more than make Moron and Darling Darling look good but more importantly give them the perfect excuse to raise VAT above 17.5% when their largess expires.

How to turn a (non) loss into a profit whilst fooling the public that they were actually the winners, classic !

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I am not in the Uk and dont know when the VAT reduction will come into play or if it has already.

Given that most things one buys cost £99p, £1.99, £4.99, £9.99 or even £99, if you follow my reasoning, it will be interesting to see what if any goods will have new prices that differ from that model.

If I were a betting man I know where my money would be!

Smoke, mirrors and a 2.5% kickback for all retailers and nothing at all for non VAT registered consumers.

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The VAT reduction came in on the Monday following the PBR the preceding Wednesday giving retailers a frantic weekend to reprice their stock.

Did you know BTW that the reason for the x.99 model is not, as many believe, to fool the shopper into thinking £4.99 is less than £5 but to ensure that a sale was rung up and the till opened for the 1p change thus preventing shop assistants from readily pocketing £5, £10, or £20 notes [;-)]

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]Swings and roundabouts then[:)]


No, it's actually worse for businesses which use fuel for transport etc.  Previously, they could reclaim the VAT but can't reclaim the increase in excise duty - so they have been hit with a double whammy.   And when you think how much of the stuff we buy comes by road - will the costs be passed on?  If not, the firms will have to absorb them, putting further pressure on their businesses - and possibly jobs.

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