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The Annual Living France Awards

Furry Knickers

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"]

The Living France award for kindness to dogs in 2008 goes to........................Christine Animal[kiss]

Christine also recieves the liftime achievement award for being the most lovliest person ever to grace this forum!



Furry, thank you for putting into words what I was thinking!

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And now the award for the most eagerly awaited comeback of 2008!

The nominations are.

Mrs Tresco for her passing herself off as an elderly woman when she is infact only in her 60's and very attractive.

Le Boufant for his attempt at passing himself off as a transexual vegetarian dwarf.

Padraig for the worst Irish accent I have ever read.

I shall now ask Mrs Animal to announce the winner!


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[quote user="Furry Knickers"]

Me original response was deleted by some eejit without me permission, the cheek of some of them! I think I shall lodge an appeal. Do you know, I have never known the plural for penis??? 


Hi Furry,

If you have more than one, you should be writing to Ripley's !

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[quote user="Will"]

I wonder who might be in the running for the brown nose award?[/quote]

I am surprised there have been no nominations!

Do you think the winner of the" brown nose award " will be a man or a woman

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[quote user="LEO"][quote user="Will"]

I wonder who might be in the running for the brown nose award?[/quote]

I am surprised there have been no nominations!

Do you think the winner of the" brown nose award " will be a man or a woman


I think that has been made clear already...

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Mr Smith, It's not very clear to me! Do you know something I don't? You do sound very bitter, so it is obviously not you that got it[:)] What do you think of me spelling and grammar? I think it's hugely better than it was before. Do you mind if I ask what were you doing on a computer at that time of the morning? you're not a necraphiliac are you? It must be terrible not being able to sleep.
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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Now that's a very difficult and delicate decision which needs some contemplation.  I had a soft spot for Mrs. Tresco and Padraig, but maybe it would be good if Mrs. Tresco would come back with her ploughman.  Where is Weedon these days?


Thank you for asking Mrs A, I am still here.

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