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how long would you still silent?


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Well as someone who will freely admit to having much sympathy for the plight of Israel at the start of this conflict I have now all but changed my mind completely.

What the Israeli military are currently doing is just obscene and completely out of proportion to that required to deal with the situation. Have they really got so much clout that the rest of the world simply refuses to step in and stop the madness that this has become.

The whole thing is just crazy.............................


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[quote user="woolybanana"]The lack of response to this thread gives the impression that either noone cares or they only care about Israel. I hope I am wrong.[/quote]

You are very wrong.  What can one say in front of such horror, nothing can warrant that.  I know I am naive, but I shall never understand.

There is research in finding ways to cure people from different illnesses, anything to prolong or save their lives and then there is this.


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Christine - like you i just feel totally helpless confronted by all this violence. I didn't watch the pictures as I would feel like a 'voyeur' (-euse).

I have read all the threads on the subject to try and understand the issues better- but it is still very hard to truly understand the issues. it is desperately sad.

Pachapap, I really don't see the purpose of your reply re ragondins - apart that most people on this forum seem to want to shoot or poison them all into oblivion- not funny, honestly.

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[quote user="odile"]Christine - like you i just feel totally helpless confronted by all this violence. I didn't watch the pictures as I would feel like a 'voyeur' (-euse).
I have read all the threads on the subject to try and understand the issues better- but it is still very hard to truly understand the issues. it is desperately sad.

Pachapap, I really don't see the purpose of your reply re ragondins - apart that most people on this forum seem to want to shoot or poison them all into oblivion- not funny, honestly.

True, perhaps not the most loved of animals but they dont use white phosporus on civilian populations to cause horrendous burns and injuries.

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[quote user="Bugbear"]Well as someone who will freely admit to having much sympathy for the plight of Israel at the start of this conflict I have now all but changed my mind completely.

What the Israeli military are currently doing is just obscene and completely out of proportion to that required to deal with the situation. Have they really got so much clout that the rest of the world simply refuses to step in and stop the madness that this has become.

The whole thing is just crazy.............................


Gary I totally  agree with you.  Its obvious to me and many others that the Jews are using the gap between their lame duck pal Bush departing and Obama taking power to carry out this offensive and to do as much damage to the Palestinian state as they possibly can. What people seem to forget is that Hammas like it or not is the party of government of Gazza and this is an invasion of a foreign country aided and abetted by the US.

I have never heard such bullshit or contradictory statements from a national spokesperson since Rumsfeld left office as have emerged from the Israeli army in the last few days, if they want the truth to be shown why ban the world's press? The truth is they don't care what suffering they inflict on the people of Gaza as long as it stops a few rockets being fired into Southern Israel.  The hatred of the US and the Jewish community now being built up amongst the Arab states and many others appalled by the total disregard for human life of the Israeli commanders will be with us for many years and the repurcussions may well come back to bite Israel and the US when they are least expecting it.  The only hope is that on day one Obama picks up the phone to Jerusalem and says stop it right now or we cut off your arms supplies.  If Obama backs Israel's actions there is no chance for peace in the Middle East.

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I didn't and won't watch the photos but no one is looking at it from the Israeli side. If anyone knows me here I am one that literally doesn't like killing a fly and will protect any creature from harm. I deplore cruelty in any form particularly against innocents. But I also believe in  a right to defend yourself. I for one even without seeing the photos believe there must be good reasons for this in fighting against terrorists that are known to use woman and children and even stage events to get public sympathy.  Blinkered is the one word that keeps coming to mind.

I feel sick for the poor Palestinians that don't want to be used as puppets by the terrorists that use woman and children in their campaign to get rid of Israel. I think Gabrel on TF posted a very interesting two posts that I will cut and paste. I know this will set it off but I think he is a very clever man and at least is a voice that sees there are two sides to this sickening conflict.

Post edited by a moderator.  The posts that WJT refers can be found here TotalFranceForum    

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

[quote user="Bugbear"]Well as someone who will freely admit to having much sympathy for the plight of Israel at the start of this conflict I have now all but changed my mind completely.

What the Israeli military are currently doing is just obscene and completely out of proportion to that required to deal with the situation. Have they really got so much clout that the rest of the world simply refuses to step in and stop the madness that this has become.

The whole thing is just crazy.............................


Its obvious to me and many others that the Jews are using the gap between their lame duck pal Bush departing and Obama taking power to carry out this offensive and to do as much damage to the Palestinian state as they possibly can. What people seem to forget is that Hammas like it or not is the party of government of Gazza and this is an invasion of a foreign country aided and abetted by the US.


Also notice the Israelis attacked in the christmas season. Knowing full well that all the politicians were skiing or on russian billionaires yatchs and would be too lazy to address the problem.

Our middle east expert his Tonyness finally reappeared well into January.

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Well said WJT. I suspect that the reason why many don't post viewpoints,  at least sympathetic to Israel, if not neccessarily agreeing with all their actions, is that too many have pre-conceived positions and no amount of discussion will change that.  Unfortunately a common 'liberal' failing is to let moral outrage blind you to the faults on both sides.

Gabrel's posts add some much needed perspective.

Mr Cat

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[quote user="ali-cat"]

Well said WJT. I suspect that the reason why many don't post viewpoints,  at least sympathetic to Israel, if not neccessarily agreeing with all their actions, is that too many have pre-conceived positions and no amount of discussion will change that.  Unfortunately a common 'liberal' failing is to let moral outrage blind you to the faults on both sides.

Gabrel's posts add some much needed perspective.

Mr Cat


Sadly because of the edit you have to wade through 54 pages! Perhaps there was a reason for this edit, I don't know. I have never seen this before. Perhaps I will just cut and paste without the reference. By the way it is on page 54.

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[quote user="WJT"]Some here have framed Israel from their own racial bias with no regard to what Israel has brought to the table in the form of concessions. [/quote]

And many have not. There is wrong on both sides and anyone who thinks that Israels current actions will bring peace to the region is living in cloud-cuckoo land.

[quote user="ali-cat"]

Well said WJT. I suspect that the reason why

many don't post viewpoints,  at least sympathetic to Israel, if not

neccessarily agreeing with all their actions, is that too many have

pre-conceived positions and no amount of discussion will change that. 

Unfortunately a common 'liberal' failing is to let moral outrage

blind you to the faults on both sides.

Gabrel's posts add some much needed perspective.

Mr Cat


So if someone has a different viewpoint to you they are in someway inferior, and worthy of 'name-calling', what twaddle.


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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="WJT"]Some here have framed Israel from their own racial bias with no regard to what Israel has brought to the table in the form of concessions. [/quote]

And many have not. There is wrong on both sides and anyone who thinks that Israels current actions will bring peace to the region is living in cloud-cuckoo land.

[quote user="ali-cat"]

Well said WJT. I suspect that the reason why many don't post viewpoints,  at least sympathetic to Israel, if not neccessarily agreeing with all their actions, is that too many have pre-conceived positions and no amount of discussion will change that.  Unfortunately a common 'liberal' failing is to let moral outrage blind you to the faults on both sides.

Gabrel's posts add some much needed perspective.

Mr Cat


So if someone has a different viewpoint to you they are in someway inferior, and worthy of 'name-calling', what twaddle.


Ummm - name calling?

Mr Cat

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[quote user="WJT"]

Post edited by a moderator.  The post referred to by WJT can be found here TotalFranceForum

WJT, please check your PMs.


The added perspective given by using the active TF hyperlink serves only to vaunt the perverted opinions of a stateside neocon jew pasting selected excerpts from the Jerusalem Post and a well known Zionist Web Site, renowned for it's balanced views.[:D][:D][:D]

Indeed I prefer talking to my ragondins on the banks of the Thouet; far more objective.

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="WJT"]

Post edited by a moderator.  The post referred to by WJT can be found here TotalFranceForum

WJT, please check your PMs.


The added perspective given by using the active TF hyperlink serves only to vaunt the perverted opinions of a stateside neocon jew pasting selected excerpts from the Jerusalem Post and a well known Zionist Web Site, renowned for it's balanced views.[:D][:D][:D]

Indeed I prefer talking to my ragondins on the banks of the Thouet; far more objective.


Now thats name calling

Mr Cat

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As said before, if intelligent, reasonable people on the forum are unable to talk about the situation in Gaza without it turning into a bunfight, what hope is there for settling the conflict out in the real world?

If anyone would like to do something a little more constructive, there are two groups on Facebook that are campaigning...

Pro Palestine

Pro Israel

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[quote user="WJT"]


I think Gabrel on TF posted a very interesting two posts that I will cut and paste. I know this will set it off but I think he is a very clever man and at least is a voice that sees there are two sides to this sickening conflict.

Post edited by a moderator.  The posts that WJT refers can be found here TotalFranceForum    


You do not have to very clever to cut and paste . Your hero Gabrel got found out.

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