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Angry, you'd better believe it.


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There isn't much that makes me truly angry but those 'peers' in the House of lords have managed it.

Yet to be proved, of course, but if the allegations are found to be true, just how much corruption do we have to put up with before action is taken.

They seem to be above the law and able to just stick two fingers up to the rest of the population.

In my book, if the allegations are proved, they should, at the very least,  be removed from office and stripped of their ill-gotten gains.

Fat chance when the likes of Archer and other criminals are allowed to sit there with stupid smiles on their faces, having truly stuffed us and the system.


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And how long before this scandal is labeled  'something' - Gate ?

Like Lordsgate or Peergate

I'm not usually a huge fan of the press but they earn there corn when they bring stuff like this to light (assuming for the moment the Peers involved are actually guilty as accused) If it weren't for investigative journalism there would be precious few effective checks and balances

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Nothing new Bugsy

They've been at it for ages, and I include BOTH houses of parliament - crookery in all its disguises-   from gold-plated pensions- and more secure than any others, to  inflated claims for allowances and so on ...

Much worse under this useless socialist government.   They all have their snouts in the trough.  The UK (and Scottish MPs should stay in Scotland) parliament has far too many- the number could be reduced by at least half.  

 Most claim to work really hard in the interests of the country,  but find the time to run businesses, become directors of numerous companies and  quangos and yet somehow still feel the need for more money when they are very well paid- more than they deserve, or earn.   And this applies to both sides of the house.  

The most frustrating aspect of all this,   is that ALL we can do is write on forums like this, or to the newspapers!   They certainly don't give a damn for the opinions of the taxpayers.


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Yes, it is quite shocking that the Lords were part of what was once an idealistic party that desperately wanted change and a better life for all. What it meant was that they wanted it for themselves; I notice that they all seem to have been minor MPs who never achieved anything in terms of public office who were kicked upstairs in an attempt to bolster the Lords and get rid of dead wood in the Commons.

It would be interesting to know if this happened as much under the hereditary principle.

Personally I think all MPs should work because that keeps them in contact with the real world, rather than only knowing Westminster, and, all potential MPs should have worked in both the public and private sectors for at least ten years before being eligible to become MPs.

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Has anybody ever thought any differently about M.P's and the Aristo's. Makes a change from them being caught with their trousers down I suppose. As they make the rules I doubt if anything will change,another enquiry, more money for a few of them for a year or so and then what?


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It is gobsmackingly arrogant of these people if the allegations are true.

It now seems 145 of the peers are on various lobbying payrolls.

I do not want to raise your blood pressure higher amd I realise I am regarded here as a conspiracist but check this out:


On the right you can find many examples of sleaze.

Including the police out right lying about using unmanned spy drones.

The lady journalist who runs the site should be applauded for her work - I am concerned for her safety in the Stalinist police state UK has become.

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This is not intended as a pop because I am always interested in what things you sniff out but I cant help but notice barely a day goes by without you posting something critical of the UK government or systems, nothing wrong with that of course and I usually agree with your point of view.

My question is do you watch or read any French media or take an interest in French current affairs as well?

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[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]


This is not intended as a pop because I am always interested in what things you sniff out but I cant help but notice barely a day goes by without you posting something critical of the UK government or systems, nothing wrong with that of course and I usually agree with your point of view.

My question is do you watch or read any French media or take an interest in French current affairs as well?


Well, I hate corruption at any level but watching that old peer pathetically apologising in the Lords last night just burst my bubble.

As to attacking the UK government well, how can I put this................it wasn't me that has brought about the current situation in the UK. It wasn't the Americans either. Point a finger at the Banks, of course, but they only did what they did because of de-regulation by, you've guessed it.

We are, unfortunately living in a era where huge mistakes are made and then conveniently forgotten. Gorgons sale of a large percentage of the UKs gold reserves, totally forgotten, but unforgiveable in my book. Bliars war on terror, etc, etc, etc...............

Yes, I do watch french TV every day.

I'll try to be more, err,  European tomorrow, watch this space..................................[:D][:D]

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This is not intended as a pop because I am always interested in what things you sniff out but I cant help but notice barely a day goes by without you posting something critical of the UK government or systems, nothing wrong with that of course and I usually agree with your point of view.

My question is do you watch or read any French media or take an interest in French current affairs as well?



I can answer that question from my perspective.

I left the UK as it was obvious everythoing was going down hill fast and the next recession was easy to see five years ago.

The more stones you turn in the UK the more slimebergers come out.

I enjoy living in France and it helps my blood pressure to ignore French sleaze as it does not immediately affect me.

I  think that having endured living in UK for more than forty years I still show an interest in the corruption because it affects my friends and relatives that are marooned there.

Plus when I complained and ferreted out sleaze, injustice and obscure tax avoidance methods in the UK it was made clear life could become very difficult should I proceeded to voice an opinion or take matters further. They have little leverage on me now.

I have never been arrested or have any criminal convictions but I would love to know whats on the PNC in UK about me. I asked a friend that could check but he said it was recorded if he went in past a certain level.

Perhaps its better the devil you don't know...

PS I did get a caution once in a Kafkaesque episode. When it came to signing it I realised what it was and crossed it out and signed it Mickey Mouse this kept the police happy somehow and they let me go.


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I didnt watch the video Gary, I hope to have time tomorrow and also to follow what you have sniffed out in the French media!

I see lots of things on the news and current affairs programmes,( not hard when every channel screens nothing else until 20.50) which I think should be of interest to forum users but I have a sixth sense that those that are interested would be aware and those that are not aware......................

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[quote user="Weedon"]To be fair to Lord Taylor, in the recorded undercover interview he did say that he was able to modify legislation for a knockdown fee of £100,000.  His exact words were "And that is cheap"[/quote]


LOL - I cannot wait for my peerage to arrive,

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Perhaps some investigative journalist should work through Taylor's record and see just what legislation he has changed or attempted to change. Then run the bast ard into the nearest nick or slough where he might rot very slowly.[/quote]


Wooley you may have missed the site this spunky young investigative journalist runs..



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