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Has Anyone Had A Gay Dog?

Furry Knickers

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I was just thinking there about me lovely dead pug and how camp he was. He had such a cute little walk and the way he held his little head to one side when he smiled at me. I always suspected he was a homosexual because he was so shy and elegant and very particular about his appearance and was very meticulous about the direction of his fur. He was very girly from the outset, but it was only confirmed when I caught him at it with Mrs O'Gill's poodle. God, she was disgusted and tried to blame me pug for turning her poodle quare. I tried to explain to her that you can't turn a poodle gay, they are born that way. She would not accept what I said and she took her poodle to the local priest to have him blessed. I was just wondering if gayness was more common in 4 legged mammals (and I include gerbils in that) and if any of you could share your experience of your gay pet (dogs, hamsters, goldfish and budgies in particular) and what effect it had your lives.
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[quote user="Frenchie"]My man thinks my dog is gay [6][/quote]

What does your dog think about your man? Does it matter if he is gay or not? His private life is his private life and why does it matter to anyone else at all? Why does no one think 'I wonder if me dog is heterosexual' No, they only wonder if they are gay, and that's not right!

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"]

[quote user="Frenchie"]My man thinks my dog is gay [6][/quote]

What does your dog think about your man? Does it matter if he is gay or not? His private life is his private life and why does it matter to anyone else at all? Why does no one think 'I wonder if me dog is heterosexual' No, they only wonder if they are gay, and that's not right!


We really wouldn't give a damn.. only if he could leave our second dog ALONE for 5 mns....................  [:D]

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[quote user="Benjamin"]Could you have brought it on Furry?

Did you knit little woollen coats for him to wear in the cold weather?


Benjamin, I often wondered if I made him gay. I did used to mother him alot and would not let him mingle with the rough dogs  from the council estate. I used to buy him pretty hats and gorgeous platform boots from Jimmy Choo. His underwear always had little daisys and roses embroidered into them and he loved Abba. I ask meself everyday, did I make him gay? Then I realise that I was just indulging him in his own preferences. He was naturaly gay, nature created him, so I concluded that his gayness was completely natural.  I loved him and all his little gay ways and he was so gentle and affectionate. If I could choose a gay or straight dog, I would choose the gay one everytime.

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[quote user="Frenchie"][quote user="Furry Knickers"]

[quote user="Frenchie"]My man thinks my dog is gay [6][/quote]

What does your dog think about your man? Does it matter if he is gay or not? His private life is his private life and why does it matter to anyone else at all? Why does no one think 'I wonder if me dog is heterosexual' No, they only wonder if they are gay, and that's not right!


We really wouldn't give a damn.. only if he could leave our second dog ALONE for 5 mns....................  [:D]


I would really like to know more about your first dog and why your man thinks the way he does about him?? All the women I know have excellent gaydar, but none of the straight men have it. [kiss]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]I was just having coffee at my friends house and she has two gay dwarf rabbits.  They are so cute to watch when they are.....being gay[:)][/quote]

It's funny you say that, because the last time we were in Deauville, we saw 2 gay lads walking along the beach holding hands and kissing each other, and we thought it was cute[:)] Imagine being a gay rabbit? They must get really sore!

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All this talk about gay dogs, furry things, sofas and pugs has me not knowing whether I am coming or going, and at my age I don't need much.  Then there is the thread about gollywogs or doodahs, which had me thinking about what is in a word.  Do you know, I then had this flash of memory kick in, of a quote made by a cricket commentator about a New Zealand fast bowler named Bob Cunis, who sadly died last year.

This is Cunis at the Vauxhall End. Cunis—a funny sort of name. Neither one thing nor the other" - Alan Gibson

Do you know.....Earthworms have both male and female sex organs but no lungs. Funny that.

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"]Creatures with both sex organs are known as herbivores. They won't eat meat either! Have you ever seen earthworms eat meat? Look at seahorses![/quote]

I had 2 pet worms when I was just a lad, one was named Herman and the other one was Aphrodite...or was it the other way round.  I didn't name them, they already had those names when I found them.  That was in the days when I had....no I am not going to say because I was teased something rotten about it and it was in the days before you could sue for the inflamation of character.  Bit late now I suppose. 

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[quote user="Burt"]That was in the days when I had....no I am not going to say because I was teased something rotten about it[/quote]

Burt, you have to tell us now! Was it that mole that you had on your back? I was scared of moles climbing up me back when I went to sleep too, so I know what you went through. It's funny now though, because there are loads of them in me garden in Normandie, and they are so cute (I still think they are crawling up me back though)

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